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Crobidoll - Lance, Thor, Marcel

May 21, 2008

    1. Does the Thor mold have teeth?? I don't see any on the Crobi pics... I bought my head second-hand and I am wondering if it's modded XD
    2. Yes, Thor has little teeth :D
    3. Stratolity, thanks a lot :D I half thought that my boy is modded-- not that I would mind, the teeth is so cute!
    4. *pops in* Hello! I don't have a Crobidoll yet, but I am in the process of saving up for one. I first saw Lance and was floored. To the Crobidoll owners out there, how do you like their bodies? I've head some people liking it, some not. What don't people like about the body, to be exact?

      The Lance mold just grabbed at my heart and hasn't let go. Eventually, my best friend told me I needed to save up for him next,versus the other doll we had planned to save for together. (We have plans to each get a Yder and make them into twin brothers... like an odd BFF charm.) Lance just took my doll plans and chucked them out the window.
    5. Hi guys!:) Does anyone know if Crobidoll heads match Senior Delf Real Skin bodies? Am planning on getting a Yeon-Ho!
    6. I've heard they match, although LUTS tend to have slightly differing resin batches so not all matches are perfect.

      Mine will be on a DG body though.
    7. Yes, they do. InvisibleWings has two Lance boys. One is on an older type 1 SDF body, the other is on a relatively new type 2 SDF. Both match. I believe Luts may be a little more consistent than the delfs are.

      My Yeon-ho boy is on an older Iplehouse body and the match is almost exact.
    8. The match is very good between SDF and Crobidoll.

      Plz to be ignoring the Bernard in a schoolgirl uniform in the pic. :sweat

    9. to Faerie_Speak> I received a Lance a few months ago and the body took me by surprise... badly. The neck and the hands. Neck is just too thick for me and seems not fitting with the head ! And the hands seem to me too flat... It took me some time to quit looking for another body (that I could not afford!) but now I'm about ok (though if I were offered another body ;p )
    10. I fell in love with Lance!! And I am already the owner of a Thor head =D
      I did not even know they were made by the same artist and I am quite surprised I like them all xD

      I just cannot wait to have enough for the Lance > 3<
      I first though of looking for another body since just by looking at the photos I am not too fond of it...
      I might keep it to not make it too complicated xP
      And I want those jointed hands for him too!

      *cannot wait to have the money*
    11. Well now I have both Thor AND Lance!!!
      Found one on the MP and jumped on it xD

      They are so~ pretty together xD
      Lance as a way bigger head though * 3*
      I found a SD10 body and will see if I can fit the Lance head on it =B

      Next I think I'm going to go with Sevy from Yuna.... These sculpts are too awesome * A*
    12. I am so glad that I found this thread. I am thinking of getting a Lance, but I heard that the body is not so great. Does anyone have the new version 2 body? What are your opinions? And is it true that the Senior Delf body is a good resin match? ant other recommended matches? Thanks!
    13. The SDF is a suitable match, at least in my opinion. ^^
    14. Thank you, kiradyn_rhiode .

      I still may want to go with the CB Version 2 boy body. I am still curious about opinions in regards to this body. Anyone have it? Love it? Hate it? Thanks!