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Crobidoll T-Line Discussion thread

Mar 5, 2012

    1. good to know that middie blythe stuff fit too, and that's a really cute outfit on her
    2. I have a question.
      Do you guys think of Shasha as a cat or a fox?

      I keep looking at her and can't help noticing just how bigger her ears are compared to the previous cat releases (Coco and Pepe).
      Her huge ears make me think of a fox.. and how awesome she would look with a bit of black over her ears and a bit of added white to her face-up...

      Anybody knows if she comes with a tail too?
      Did the previous cats, Coco and Pepe, come with a cat tail?

      (As you can tell I am really smitten with these little critters lol!)
    3. thanks auntbear! (I think some Middie dresses or pants might be too long for the Crobis, Middie legs are 6cm long vs 5.5cm of these ones. I don't have a Middie so don't know for sure).
    4. i don't have any of the anthros so can't answer your question about the tail, but i agree that sasha looks very foxy, more foxy than catly and would be adorable with an enhanced face up to show that off. if she does doen't come with a tail you could always make a fur or fimo one or commission one for her.
    5. liquoricefairy, I think maybe Shasha and fox and sly cat ..:)
    6. liquoricefairy, Tell please, what size of eyes your Rudy has?
      The site says 18-20mm. Is it true?
    7. 18-20? that sounds huge! as big or bigger than some sd's!
    8. I am very surprised.
      But the site says:
      Head size : 6~7 inch
      Eye Size : 18~20 mm
      Shasha really has a head more than Douri?
      And whether or not such big eyes?
    9. that's a big head size too, bigger than my duri for sure, since she is a 5-6
    10. I recently saw a Rudy in person and she had a 6-7 head too. I don't know if all the anthros do or just some of them, but I'd say to trust what it says on the site. I usually go for the smaller eyes though.
    11. oh Rudy eyes are fairly big yes, as is her head. You can see the huge head next to my lati here.
      I'll have to measure the eyes and report back! :)
      [​IMG][/URL]Untitled by liquiriziadolly, on Flickr[/IMG]
    12. she looks taller than your lati too is her body bigger or is that all because of her head?
    13. Oh my goodness. These anthro tinies are absolutely adorable! I might have to snatch one up for Arra in the future!
    14. Ohhh ... It's unbelievable .. Rudy really above Lati ..
      liquoricefairy, Thank you very much for comparative picture.:daisy
      I am very very surprised ..:o
      Is this difference only because of the head?
    15. Thanks for all your comments!! I took a better picture today of my LatiY next to Rudy, I tried to align them properly on a grid paper.
      Rudy is 17cm compared to 16cm Lati.
      Their legs seems to be the same lenght, but Crobi/Rudy has a slightly longer torso than the Lati and his big head makes up most of the 1cm difference between the two. Rudy's legs are just a tiny bit thinner than the Lati's but it makes them feel a good bit "skinnier" when held in the hands, maybe because of the big heads lol! :)
      [​IMG][/URL]comparison by liquiriziadolly, on Flickr[/IMG]
    16. liquoricefairy,
      Ohhh .. Thank you very much for such a clear picture. And thank you for the detailed description. Now all became clear.
      Rudy is very charming with a big head and thin hands, legs.:aheartbea
    17. thanks liquorice fairy, that was a great comparison. it looks like they are close enough to share everything but hats then ;)
    18. Oh I'm glad it's been of help! Actually some Lati Yellow hats which I have here DO fit Rudy too. If they are knitted and have a bit of stretch they still fit Rudy perfectly, like in this photo for example. Otherwise I think YOSD size hats for Rudy should fit. I tried some Blythe Middie's I had here but they were too big :(
      Now I'm trying to save my pennies to order Lulu too before the pre-order ends in April... :)
      And sorry to hijack this topic with yet another pic of my Rudy... I am just so enamoured with her!! :)
      [​IMG][/URL]The forest is calling by liquiriziadolly, on Flickr[/IMG]
    19. Your rudy is too cute in that outfit...
    20. Thank you very much pinkgate, I'm happy you like it! :)