1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Curious, how many impulse dolls?

May 28, 2017

    1. Oh gosh so many of my dolls were impulse buys. I got a sugarble naga and a resinsoul ni earlier this year. My girlfriend bought a volks yosd on impulse a few weeks ago.
    2. Two out of my four have been impulse buys--sort of. They were both dolls already on my wishlist and both miraculously up for sale in the Marketplace when I happened to be looking. So of course I bought them right away! Luckily I had the money, but I keep reminding myself lately that I need to stop shopping for a while and save. I know there are more dolls on my wishlist that I could buy today, but now is not the time. :eusa_naug Now is discipline time. . .
    3. Hey! Quick question for you: the tan resin at fairyland has always confused me...so it looks like it's not currently available right now. Do they only offer tan resin at certain times? I'm assuming so...sorry if this is a silly question!
    4. Not a silly question! I believe tan is only offered at certain times, though limited dolls seem to have tan as an option. Some a la carte options have tan, but it really just depends on I think how Fairyland is feeling that day hahaaaa.
    5. @NaomiMegan No problem! I haven't ordered from them directly, so I'm not entirely sure what I told you is accurate. I just based it off of browsing through the a la carte options. >w>;
    6. I have two impulse bought dolls! After finding April Story dolls and discovering that they were discontinuing their dolls within that month (which was later extended to yesterday :blush) I decided I NEEDED a Diana! I ended up deciding that she was way too big for me and traded her within two weeks of receiving her, but that's besides the point! My second impulse buy doll was a sandy brown Yeon-Bee I found on the marketplace here a couple of weeks ago, currently waiting for her to arrive! So far, it's worked out okay for me!
    7. I've already bought three impulse heads and one doll this year. In the space of about three to four months.

      One head was because I want to get into face-ups, so I got the DF-A 1/4 practice head. One was because Alice's Collections had an Akagidoll Ban head at an incredible price, in-stock, and so I thought 'why not'. And the other was because I fell in love with the Impldoll Martin head in tan, so I bought him too.

      Back in April, I placed an order with a dealer for a Mystic Kids Cris. I didn't need him, but I bought him because I fell in love with that freckled face. And, I had kind of wanted a Yo-SD since starting in the hobby about three years ago. About a month and a half, and I'm still waiting.
    8. I just started 6 months ago other than my 1st and 2nd, the rest are impulse buy! lol
    9. I've been collecting a little over a year now and I've had several impulse buys. Most of them have since been sold again because we didn't quite connect, but two of them are now firmly rooted in my collection and will probably never leave (Minifee Chloe and Resinsoul Ming). That being said, I've also planned dolls for months, finally bought them, only to realize they're not as great as I thought they would be and I've sold them too. Seems to be pretty random to me. I either bond with a doll or I don't, and if I don't then I have no problem moving on and selling them again. I guess I'm rather fickle that way? I'm working on only going after specific dolls now that I know will shell a character or need in my collection, mostly because it's becoming vital for me to save money for Big Adult Purchases instead. Like a house. :P
    10. I guess some of us are fund limited person .we (I) extremely careful about our purchase most of the time . Maybe once in a long long while we will have the crazy moment to buy one item .
      We all wish we win lottery ticket and buy many many dolls.
      I did an impulse buy three four times. Unfortunately I have regret twice !!!!
    11. I'm going to say that all my dolls have been nothing but impulse. :aheartbea

      I love nothing more than buying a doll I like and finding ways to incorporate them into a narrative or create a new story for them. :whee:
    12. I admit, so many of my dolls are impulse buys (probably all of them) lol... But I adore them so much.
    13. My second doll was a impulse buy. :sweat I will probably end up with a lot more impulse buys because companies keep having events and new release dolls Haha
    14. I impulsively bought a bunch of DIM heads when they were discontinuing everything, and I bought an old Volks MSD F29 after a split-second decision. Thankfully, no regrets.
    15. I would say two...meaning I saw them on the marketplace and KNEW they were mine, even though I didn't plan to own them. I regret nothing.
    16. Eeyup. I only have two dolls thus far, granted, but the first was well-planned and just fine, and the second was entirely impulse, and also unfortunately huge and expensive. I go back and forth on the regret thing and he hasn't even come yet! The head had more thought behind it but I didn't have as much time as I might have liked to think about it, but the body was 100% impulse. Worse comes to worse I can sell the body, but the head was discontinued and is going to have a custom face-up, so he's not going anywhere! I was looking for a male sculpt with a more masculine face and a bigger nose and those can be kind of hard to find, and then there he was.
    17. Well, to be sincere the number is two.
      - The first one was a new model from a company I was going to buy anyway. In the last minute they offered this new sculpt and I instantly forgot about the one I was going to buy and felt that the new sculpt filled the character much better so I bought it without thinking... and I don't regret it at all! She is one of my favourites so far.
      - The second one was a limited. When I first saw it announced I felt and instantly connection and my sister (who isn't into BJDs nor she is too much interested in the hobby) told me: "You have to buy it!". In that time I had part of the money and she helped me to quickly gather the rest before the release date. And he is awesome!
    18. In actuality only one of my dolls was an impulse. That was my Bobobie Isabella. I was thinking of buying a new doll after the holidays just kind of hemming and hawing over which one. (I specifically wanted a new Yo-SD it was just a matter of what RS/BBB doll I wanted (my favorite company is RS)) Christmas day comes and I get ye old Christmas money... And it hits me like a freight train. I had enough to buy one of the dolls I saw on Junkyspot. And to pay for shipping and buy her a wig. And she was in stock in the skin color I wanted.

      I went home, waited until I could put my money in the bank and then bought her. I got her New Years Day along with her wig. Avery's been mine for a few years now and I love her still. I'd wanted an Isabella since I got into the hobby but always chickened out due to me worrying I wouldn't like her sculpt once I got her in person. She's not perfect, I need to restring her and get some s-hooks for her hands and feet but I'm happy with her still.

      Then I got a surprise dolly a month later for my birthday thanks to my dad. (I didn't tell him I bought my Yo-SD. ;) So he wouldn't change his mind.)
    19. All of them. Oops.