1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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D.Cradle + EgoProject head sculpt Keath

Mar 4, 2008

    1. Hehehe, thank you Aves.... My attempt at doing the faceup turned out pretty good except I got bits of pastels all over his face so he looks kinda dirty >_<!
    2. <__<...>__>
      Just ordered a white skin 2nd edition Keath head....
    3. I've updated some more photos to show how he looks in his Default Wigs :)


      The photos with Beige wig is on the website^^

      Thank you acanthiel for such a quick order!
      I hope I could update photos with a white skin too, but unfortunately I'm unalbe to provide a white skin body >_<;
      Maybe I'll be able to get a white skin body for him in the future, as I've been wanting to get one for some while.
    4. Ooh, the new photos look fabulous!
      ...I'm glad I chose the beige wig, I like it the best out of the two. :whee:

      ...and you're welcome, pookie! :blush I guess I was kinda stalking the site waiting for it to update with the new release...I checked a few times each night once it was close to the end of March. :sweat
      ...and I am just the opposite--all I have are white bodies, so the few normal skin heads I have are a bit left out. :XD:
    5. I ordered mine! :lol:

      can't wait to see him in person :]
    6. Is the DZ body he's on the pink or yellow tone one???
    7. Buying one right now!

      I thought he was perfect from the moment I saw him, but I had to wait a long while for my economy to agree with me. :sweat

    8. Has anyone receive their Keath head?
    9. Just got my tracking number!
      The package has already cleared customs in Japan so it should be here within a couple days! =D
    10. Eh lucky ~ I haven't receive any news ...
    11. My Keath head came today! ^o^

      I didn't do his faceup yet as I want to take my time on it to make sure I get everything as perfect as possible...he's so cool. :D
      Here he is, bodiless and blank ^^;

      I love the wig he came with...he's going to be keeping it, it's perfect for his character. X3
      Now to save up for his body....:sweat
    12. WOW ~ Congrats !~! hehe be sure to post some pics when you have his face up ~
    13. Wow! He's such a beautiful sculpt! I love how sad he looks. I really want a WS one...
    14. i received my Tracking Number ! XD !!!! I can't wait !!!!!
    15. Bumping this to ask if anyone who ordered with faceup has received their head yet?
    16. Yes well I received it with face-up. (Gave the head to my sister)
    17. Oh, yours was faceupped, I didn't know that. Aaaw... I want mine...

      I suppose I'm at the bottom of their list though, since I ordered it so late in the game.
    18. well yeah it took a month and a week or two .. when I received. But you could always email pookie~
    19. I finally gave my Keath head a faceup today!
      Took some quick pics under my desk lamp...it made everything look yellow. >__<


      Still no body, though. :sweat I'm thinking I'm going to get him a BuddyDoll 70cm body....
    20. I've been wanting to get the Keath head but the ego-project website is down, has been for a week now. So annoying! >_<