1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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D.I.M. - Doll Restock

Aug 20, 2004

    1. These girls are not limited is that right? will both come with the cat ears? and future versions also will come with cat ears?

      Are the cat ears resin?
    2. ^^* Hi Don't worry...they are not limited ~
      Also some dealers of D.I.M take deposit for pre-order.
      Anyway, ^^ if you want the dolls, you can get one ^^*
    3. HI ^^ They are not limited ^^* Once they are sold out, there will be some time to re-release.
      The Cat ears are resin and need to be attached at wig.
      There are no future version of these dolls at the moment.
      Only two of these dolls are coming out as planned.
      Thank you ^^
    4. Will she be able to fit on the mature Delf body?
    5. I think it's more a question of matching the resins than finding a fit. I was looking into finding a body for a Danbi I was bidding on, and there's a large number of threads about it, none of which seemed to offer the definative answer.

      D.I.M. makes a body that would obviously match, but it's very slender (which you may or may not like). They say you can get away with putting it on a Volks pureskin, though it's not a perfect match. Luts/Delf is a definite no-no, from what I've heard, total mismatch of color. Someone suggested a Soom body as an untested possibility? And I'm curious whether a DOT body would work.

      That's all I know, I'm afraid.
    6. Thank you for your explanation ^^*
      D.I.M Doll heads are fit with SD body(SD9/SD10).
      But we are not sure with other manufacturers bodies ^^* Perhaps..ok.
      D.I.M Girl body is on its way ^^* and it will be shown in April and taking pre-order.
      Thank you ^^
    7. Hi ~~ Raven,

      Sorry ^^* the girl body has been finished ~~~
      We are just waiting for the samples to take photos~~
      I guess....end of this month~~ we will be able to show the photos of detailed girl body.
      Also will take pre-order from April.

      By the way, ~ just to let people know that BELITA HEAD is not re-opened for taking pre-order(2nd one) at http://www.dimdoll.com
      Many people asked me ^^so..I just wrote down here ~~
      Thank you ^^*
    8. Denny When will you start shipping these heads. I got one on Ebay. Can hardly wait, but I must get her her own body too.
    9. Hi ^^ Belita head without face-up will be shipped out this weekend through next week.
      Thank you ^^
    10. If we preorder now, when do you think the dolls will be released and we would receive them?
    11. Hi ^^ all,

      Belita head is now shipping ^^*
      Thank you ^^
    12. Will both girls come with kitty ears?

      I'm really looking forward to see the body pictures :)
    13. Here's a picture of the naked head:


      My Megu is at my friend's house at the moment so I haven't been able to see how the resin compares to the SD10 body. If nobody beats me to it I'll post some comparison pics when I get her back. :3nodding:

      Also, her headcap closes with magnets! How neat.
    14. Well I have mine too. I'm very haapy with her. I compared to my Super Dollfie pureskin, but maybe because I had blushed my pureskin it doesn't look like a really good skintone match, however the size looks like a good match. I also compared her to my Lishe Body, way off in color .
    15. I did a resin match at a dollmeet and found CustomHouse was a near perfect match for color, seconded by Dollmore and DoT. As for fitting mechanically, I don't know...but I've seen a Eunbi/Dollmore hybrid.
    16. Will there be an official DIM body for the Belita head soon?
    17. On http://www.dimdoll.com/ it says preorder for the girls body in mid april.

      Can't wait to see it!!
    18. Hope you will include pictures of the back of the body full shot! so often forgotten.
    19. Here is the nude body photos ^^*

      I hope you like her.

      **D.I.M Mini are open for pre-order from Tomorrow Afternoon.

      Thank you.

      P.S : just let you know ^^ The Elastic strings will be used with White Color(no stripe in Black).(in photo, there is stripe in black)
      And, the knees look like the lenth are different, but ^^ I assure they are same length.(Just photo shown....looks like different ^^)

    20. The body is wonderful--she looks so cute. Is the large girl body similar to this one in proportion?