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DD-Anne Discussion part 2

Jul 23, 2011

    1. Yay! I'm so glad you got your invoice through Malaryush!
      I'd have loved to do layaway but, DD-Anne's layaway's just aren't long enough for me to benefit - I don't get paid again until December! x__x

      Is it awful that Alice, who was at the bottom of my want list due to my need for zombie skin, looks really appealing today? Eeeek! Why do I want all 3?!?!:doh
    2. Looks like the March Hare sold out!:o
      Did everyone who wanted her manage to get her?
    3. All 3 sounds really good, yep. >>

      And not until December? *-* Eeek! That is quite a while. I mostly just need to put the next payment off until next month, so it works well for me.

      I'm not surprised March Hare is sold out, she was so popular! I do hope everyone already snagged theirs.
    4. Yes, i got mine :)
      Considering she seemed to say all the initial orders went through, perhaps anyone who was late will have missed out, but hopefully everyone who stayed up to order did get her.
    5. [​IMG]

      My lil zombie finally got a faceup after waiting for a couple yrs.
      She is still sad as she needs hair.
    6. Oh I am so relieved that the March Hare sold out, she was tempting me oh so very much, but my first pick was the Hatter, and I had to have the table and chairs, so I truly had nothing to spare for her, though I'm afraid I may have tried if given too much leeway. :sweat I am glad the decision is taken from my hands! Though a twinge sad too of course, she is gorgeous. Big Congrats to all those who ordered her, and I am so thankful there are already so many lovely photos of her online from the Ch 4 photoshoot (: They should be made into prints!!
      I think this will be one of the lovelier doll wait times as there are all those progress photos, I've watched all the other chapters as well and am beside myself that I will finally have a doll from dd anne. :aheartbea
    7. This group of dolls is simply stunning...! Congrats to all who ordered!
    8. She looks so cute with her pouty face. :aheartbea
    9. Thank you, She is such a sweet lil doll, I think she will end up with lavender hair as I tried on the black one my tiny tenten II wears and it seemed too dark for lil mero.
    10. Tiny Mero Now has a Name!
      Sayuri Has been getting freaked out by all the horror shows and movies killing the poor tired and hungry Zombies.
      She felt the need to protect herself so she snagged a weapon incase
      those scary living creatures try to hurt her while she is out for dinner.
      As you can see she now has hair and she is just waiting on her lil knit black dress and her shose to arrive ^^
      She is tired of her old pilgrim outfit, and feels it is time for a change. ^^
    11. What a cute little zombie avenger! Maybe she needs a zombie boyfriend to protect her when they go out roaming the streets uptown for gourmet brain dinners.

      Or, maybe she should just order some takeout from Brains'R'Us. Then she can eat in front of the TV. *munch munch munch!*
    12. It's a few days early for showing off Halloween costumes, but I think Ricky is trying to impress Sayuri with his new suave outfit...

    13. Nixon Vampire! :whee: I love it! He is looking stylish. Sayuri won't be able to resist.
      Is he a Tiny Neare?
    14. Thank you, JennyNemesis. And you're right, he's a bloodsucking zombie with little fangs and evil yellow eyes, but he's NOT a crook. :D :D :D

      Yes, he's a Tiny Neare. His outfit is for Mattel's Tommy, but it's just perfect for my 10 cm tinies. I'm addicted to buying Kelly and Tommy clothes for Ricky and his small friends...

      I do need to find him some black shoes...
    15. Well, I have some good news I'd like to share, I just a got a message saying that my Green Dam Mero girl I put on layaway a fews months back has been shipped! I should get her on Thursday, so excited!! I will update with a pic when she arrives! ^-^
    16. Oh wow, congratulations! I remember when Anne was making those Green Dam Girls... there sure weren't too many of those made, were there.
      (Did you find one with the full makeup & outfit & bunny friend & everything?)

      I love the way Anne uses these doll-designs to say things about censorship, in an oblique way... when she announced the Green Dam concepts, I had to go google it, and I thought what a quirky twist she gave to the whole nanny-software thing. And just today, her blog post is a picture of the new sleeping Alice with the seeing-eye blindfold on... apparently, the Powers That Be have disabled all the proxies to access Facebook and Twitter, and she is right mad about it.
    17. Well, she is an ALMOST full set. No bunny friend though. The thread listed that she is missing a white undershirt from her otherwise full set outfit and the most disappointing factor is that she doesn't have the beautiful default face-up anymore... :( but as you said, not many were made so chance of finding a full set with the default face up is slim. I am amazed I found one at all since she has been on my wish list since I first discovered her! :D Do you remember how many were made by chance?

      I saw DD-Anne's post today too and it about made me sick that a government can do that. :|
    18. Aww, well, it is still a coup that you managed to find her at all, in any condition! That deserves a Happy Shopping Karma Dance! :dance

      Shame about the faceup, though, it was amazing. Perhaps you can paint or commission a facsimile with those great colors. I loved the acid-green eyeshadow on her eerie sad eyes.

      I think she was limited by order-period, which was only 1 month... I don't know how many of her there ended up being.

      I know, right? - we get so used to communicating with anybody we want, anywhere in the world, sometimes it's easy to forget that any of our governments could clamp down on the internet at any minute. Sobering. :X (Still, they must know it's a losing battle... cyberspace is just too big to control... I mean, the Iron Curtain was brought down by bluejeans & rock'n'roll, and that was before the internet!)
    19. dd Anne's dolls are so beautiful, I only wish I had learned of them sooner so I could have snagged a white rabbit while she was still available...! I don't imagine the Alice in Wonderland dolls go for sale secondhand very often u_u For now I will just look at all the pretty pictures of her and sigh
    20. I agree, very good karma! ^-^ I am going to look around and see if I can find someone to redo it and have it similar to what it was (I think I may see if I can have some little butterflies or dragonflies added though to kind of match the style of my Caterpillar's faceup too).

      Pawsitive, just keep an eye out or post a WTB for her. I didn't think I would be able to find a Caterpillar as I found out about them several months after the order period but then I was able to snag her on the MP. ^-^ In fact, I have seen a white rabbit on there before, so you may get lucky! I think I must have snagged one of the last ones of the white rabbit, because as of september when ch.4 came out there were still some available so I ordered one with my March Hare but when I just went to look they said sold out now.