1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DELF Elf Yder discussion!

Nov 13, 2005

    1. I'll try not to be snarky here, although this still makes me VERY angry. Despite about 10 emails back and forth between myself and Luts--each one promising the availability of normal elf Lishe "in just a few months", which is why I didn't buy the limited (I didn't love the vampire head and didn't want the boots)--I was finally told that they had no intention of EVER releasing a normal Elf Lishe, because they had decided that it would monkey with the value of the limited release. (This is silly, of course, since people bought the limited release even though they knew that there would be a normal release of Elf Lishe.)

      I was (and to a certain extent still am) very irritated with Luts for that, because I had the cash to buy a limited, but didn't because I took them at their word that there would be a normal release. It's not that companies shouldn't do what they want to do, of course, but they really ought to think about what their plans are before putting promises in writing to their customers about the future availability of something.

      If they say that there will be a normal release Elf Yder, don't believe it. Buy the limited ASAP.

      (Sorry if I sound irritated. I do think CP dolls are LOVELY and may still get one at some point. :D But I really felt burned by that whole exchange with Luts.)
    2. ekk...sorry to hear that.
    3. Nah, s'okay. :) Their dolls are so beautiful that, in the long run, it won't matter--I'm sure eventually I'll own a CP. :D
    4. I asked sean and he says he doesn't know which month or how much it will cost. Sorry I can't be of more help.
    5. It'll probably be $600 without faceups or shipping. I'm assuming He'll have a Normal Head, Sleeping Head, and a Vampiric head...and maybe even boots, like Lishe.
    6. I can't wait! I'm so excited! I hope I can scrape the money together by then!
    7. If I can catch him on eluts, layaway, baby!
    8. I didn't think they allowed layaway on limiteds?
    9. Honestly no idea...but they did allow Nikki (can't ever remeber her doa name) to do that with Woosoo.
    10. Hmm...iiiiiinteresting. lol

    11. Ow. I remember that. I also sold my Dreaming Elf Shiwoo head because of rumors that it was supposed to be available as a standard release too. ^^;

      I was hoping Elf Yder would be unlimited - there's so many more of us now, and we were scrabbling for the 68 that sold out instantly of Elf El and Elf Lishe last year.
    12. emailed sean about ordewring more then a doll at once... hmmm hope we can do that so at least we can do a group order... :D

      i think most elves releases are limited... so i think its highly likely yder elf version will be limited... :D
    13. I'm desperately needing an Elf Yder! I have a character for him and I've been waiting for a long time :(! I just hope I can get him before he is all sold out! Come New Year's I must keep looking at Luts everyday!!

      I really hope he comes with an optional vampire elf head! I really want a Yder vampire :cry:

      *needs to save up $550, might have to sell lots of things!*
    14. damn this limiteds business, I just know I will never get in in time for him or just won't be able to aford him when the time comes, but I guess I will just have to live with that :/
    15. lol I agree! Everyone makes such a big deal of limited and poof! The price goes WAY up... I remember seeing an Elf Lishie on ebay for 3,000... it was sickening... I love dolls but I also think that they would have a normal run...even if the only difference is "LE" instead of "RE" on the back of head plates... then the collectors could pay the high price while the lovers can just do what they love. >^^<'' Just an idea though lol. (But having a Limited thing can be cool! I should know... I won't sell off my limited ponies. >^^<'')

      Oh well... I just want a BW head... that's all... but heck..I can't afford it if I'm getting yder this x-mas! ><!
