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DF (Doll Family) Tiny doll discussion thread

Aug 27, 2010

    1. Thanks kurogane! Im really curious about his eyes.

      I know wigs can be tricky. If the wig isn't just right, the whole look of the doll can appear off. I've had dolls I couldn't bond with until I found the right wig for them.

      No, Alice's Collection was not offering her in a fullset. But I did get her with a face-up. Actually, I already have her clothes and wig waiting for her. I'm going to call her Darla, and she's going to be another Chibi vampire added to my YOSD-sized Buffyverse. (I'm having so much fun building my little Sunnydale army of tinies.) :fangirl:
    2. Huzza! I got a shipping notice yesterday! :dance My little Xia Ruo is on the way!

      Wow! That was quick! It's really great that DF-H can deliver their dolls in such a reasonable amount of time. It reminds of how it was when I first got into this hobby, 11 years ago, and a doll actually use to arrive in 30 days. I kid you not! (I'm still waiting on a doll I ordered in July! And that's basically become the norm.)

      I will post pictures as soon as she arrives! I'm very excited about getting her! I really love the DF-H 1/6 body; the lovely double joints makes it such a good poser.
    3. Congratulations @Rabbit-moon! I totally agree about the wait times. I'm still waiting on an August order. Please share your girl when she arrives!

      Doh, I still need to take a picture of my guy with his anime eyes!
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    4. Thanks kurogane! I'm hoping she'll arrive by this weekend! I have her dress and wig waiting for her!

      And, YEAH! Definitely been waiting to see pixs of Kyo's new anime eyes! :D

      (Gee! I can't believe we're the only two in the DH-F discussion thread! :eek: I think their 1/6 dolls are actually very nice. This will make my third when Xia Ruo arrives.)
    5. Congrats! Someday I'd like a Xia Ruo girl in tan so I'd love to see pictures of yours :D
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    6. @Rabbit-moon yes, I think you are right about it being just us here. I'm hoping others will discover DF A/H too! I looked at Xia Ruo and so cute! I'm so looking forward to meeting your girl!

      I am thinking of the new 33cm anime girl by DF A named Anju. Maybe later this year during another event. I will post more to keep this thread going! Off to take pictures!

      Picture taken! I'm going to look for another wig, so he's bald for now.

      [​IMG]What are U looking at by SD Hampton, on Flickr
      #126 kurogane, Jan 17, 2017
      Last edited: Jan 17, 2017
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    7. I am not real familiar with DF dolls, still have quite a small collection of on topic dolls in my collection but this pic makes me think I may have to give DF a little more attention, this little guy is adorable!

    8. Wow kurogane! He looks great in his new eyes! Those are really beautiful!

      What kind of wig are you looking for that will suit him?
    9. Thank you @TwistedRiver! I hadn't really looked at them before this guy (Hu Xiaodao) came out. Now with Anju and Xia Ruo, I'm paying more attention. The resin is very thick and no seam lines. My guy came with extra pose hands, something the website didn't say, so a nice surprise.

      @Rabbit-moon I want something short in front so his eyes show up. His head takes 9/10 wig! That's big considering he's only 33cm, lol. For the color, a golden brown, or maybe a reddish brown. It could even be fake fur. I'm just going to look around a bit. At least for once, I will have lots of options!
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    10. Definitely going to have to do some research on this little cutie because he is adorable! A bit bigger than I'm used to since my current tallest is a Pukifee, though I do have an MSD in my future.
      That is awesome about the extra hands, after playing with my Ante I've learned I'm a sucker for things like that. xD How is the posing on DF dolls?
    11. @TwistedRiver the posing is a bit stiff. I think he is strung a little tight as his legs don't want to straighten out. Once they loosen up, he will be very solid. I think he weighs as much as an msd as he is so chunky! I usually go for thin dolls, but his face was irresistible. His head is SD size, so I could always get him a bigger body, msd, or even SD. He is wearing a Hakama set meant for a12" action figure. He is big enough to wear msd, but too short. The company doesn't sell him as a fullset. That was disappointing as I like the wig and outfit. I got him during an event and saved so much I was able to get the face up. Sorry, I've gone on a bit!
    12. Go on all you want! I love hearing about different dolls as it helps me to decide on possible purchases since they don't happen often. xD It is a shame that the outfit shown in his stock photos isn't available, (had to look them up after your last post) the outfit and wig are both adorable! Though when/if I manage to get one he will probably end up with dark hair so the wig wouldn't work for me anyway. xD
      I will definitely be marking him down on my ever growing wishlist though. :D
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    13. Ugh, I've looked at so many wigs and haven't found one I like (for a boy). :sigh Girls are so much easier!

      I was just looking at style, I'm still undecided as to color. I haven't had a doll give me this much trouble in a while. :x
    14. Poor kurogane! Where have you been looking for wigs?
    15. @Rabbit-moon lets see...eBay, Etsy, here, MOC, DDE, Volks... Actually I did find one Volks wig in a nice reddish brown color, but it costs $42 plus shipping. I have the same wig in black for another doll and tried it on. It fit and looks perfect (better on him than the other doll :doh). I would use it, but the color is wrong. I guess I will get the Volks one, after saving up. I'm just getting tired of the four week wait from China and at least Volks are in stock and in the US. Why does this require so much thought?
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    16. LOL! Sometimes perfection takes time. ;). (and money!)
    17. OMG! My DollFamily-H Xia Ruo arrived on the 19th and this is the first chance I've had to post pictures of her!

      Here she is, my little drama-queen, Chibi Darla!


      I'm so impressed with DF-H's 1/6 bodies! Wow! She poses so well!
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    18. @Rabbit-moon congratulations! She is beautiful! Wow, that was a fast pre order too. I love it when they come so soon. Aww, you have such great taste, and dress your dolls so well!

      I finally found the perfect wig for my guy. I honestly can't remember the name I picked out for him as I keep thinking he reminds me of Link, so he's going to be Link from now on. Anyway, I got a red and yellow flame wig from The Doll Peddler. I knew about them, but had not looked there. It should arrive this week. Link will finally be photo ready!
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    19. Thank you kurogane! Yeah! She showed up WAY fast! I love that about DF-H! (I just wish they hadn't discontinued so many of their great old sculpts back in 2014. I would have ordered more of their dolls.)

      Hurray! So glad to hear you found the perfect wig for Kyo...okay, scratch that...he's "Link" now! Link is a good name! Isn't it funny how a doll lets you know if they like a name or not? I've had several dolls basically name themselves after I gave them perfectly good names. Every time I got near them, another name kept popping into my head. It was maddening! So, I gave up and they got the name they wanted. (Okay, enough crazy-doll-lady talk!*_*)

      The new wig sounds awesome! It will go perfectly with his coloring! I can't wait to see him all put together! Do post pictures when you get his wig. (BTW, I love Denver Dolls! I buy a lot of stuff from those ladies!)

      Here's another photo of my little glamour-puss Xia Ruo (Darla), just because I'm so excited about having gotten her! She so pretty! And, I love her little fangs!
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    20. Here is a picture of my 'fire version' Link, lol. The wig is perfect! Yay! So happy! Since I'm going to be dressing him like the tiny Link in the picture...what color for the tunic and leggings? The under shirt is easy, white, but the other two... What do you think? I was thinking a reddish brown for the tunic and maybe a dove grey leggings? Or tan, or.... Help!

      [​IMG]I shall call you Link by SD Hampton, on Flickr

      The right wig makes a huge difference! I hadn't noticed how serious he is. So funny.
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