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Did you ever buy a doll and just hate it?

Sep 25, 2008

    1. It hasn't happened to me and I hope it doesn't happen. I would be really upset if I had trouble bonding, but I know that it happens. So, I try to do a lot of research before purchasing to make sure that I can really work with the sculpt.
    2. As much as I do not want to admit it. Yes, I bought a doll because it was a Limited doll and it was we are only selling 100 so get him while you can. I didnt research his mold. I really didnt even look at owner pictures which is not something I do. Anyhow, he arrived and he was just okay. I didnt really like his mold at all. He had a odd fish face. I know horrible. I tried to live with it because I liked his faceup but I ended up selling him to someone who wanted him so that made me happy. I also own another boy doll that would be the first to go if I had to sell a doll. He's gorgeous but not my favorite. Note to self stop buying boy dolls. :)
    3. Quite a similar case to me here T T
    4. A while back I bought a Bobobie Pandora she was my first girl doll. when I got her she wasn't quite what I had expected. She was bulky and loosely strung and her facial features were less that desirable for me. Over all she just wasn't the doll for me, luckily I was able to give her a new home with someone who really loves her. It's safe to say now (Other than the Nissa tiny I already have) I will not buy another Bobobie. They are nice, just not my cup of tea.
    5. I'm having a bit of trouble with my first time like this. I had to have a BJD and I finally decided but when she arrived it didn't click at all. She's just wonderfull, I lofe the way she looks and everything but she just hasn't really 'hit me'. I thought it would take awhile but I got my next doll and it was like BAM! -insta love- which made me feel so bad for her -__-

      I'm hoping a proper wardrobe and some body blushing will help me get to know her a little more though ^^ Bit early to sell her.
    6. The first BJD I bought was actually a dollfie (the barbie-sized Volks, NOT SD) because I thought I could never afford or justify buying a regular SD. Especially Shiro Tachibana. LOL

      I hated it, it's been in a drawer for over 2 years. I still hate it. It was a terrible disappointment.

      After the first resin 60cm BJD I bought arrived, I was very excited to just have one. Then after unpacking him and having him sit, (because he could barely stand) bald and naked, I was a little disappointed. I liked him after buying clothes and wigs for him, and kept him, and another BJD, for 8 months cause I thought that was as far as I was gonna like them... Until I had to sacrifice them for emergency-dream-doll-money (Breakaway). :sweat

      It wasn't until my 3rd BJD (Ethan) that I truly bonded. And started really enjoying most of the ones I bought thereafter, even if they haven't all stayed.
    7. This is exactly what happened with my Rosiel (DOC Twin-B). It was his face up that I hated so I couldn't stand to even look at him and I'd always ignore him every time i took pictures of my other kiddies. I even decided to put him up for sale >.< but my little brother took a liking to him (or rather, he felt pity) and told me to change his face up...I gave it a second thought and i realized that I really liked the sculpt a lot, so he got a new face up and the Rosiel I was hoping for arrived! he got his own personality once he got the new face up and I fell completelly in love with him. Now I can't stand thinking about parting with him! I adore him to bits and he's pretty much loved by everyone in my family :aheartbea As for my other boys, they were loved before getting them, after, now and forever! especially kyoshi, when I saw him I knew he was my ideal doll and he still is *hugs him tenderly*. Overall, I love all my boys (and mini girl) more than anything and I don't feel the need to buy more dolls (except for the ones I got in my wish list).
    8. No. This is something Im afraid that might happen though. I hope it never does.
    9. My biggest fear is ordering my first doll and hating it right out of the box. I've done tons and tons of research on all kinds of dolls out there, but having not seen any of them in person I'm still worried about it.
    10. You might want to try sueding, theres a tutorial on youtube. It really helps with poses :D:)
    11. No. When I decide to get a doll I'm the type to make sure I'll adore them. I'm afraid of the mere idea of hating a doll that I thought I would just love so much. So I usually avoid limiteds and such. I like reassurance that I'll like them, thus home pictures save me quite a bit!
    12. DOC Hoo was my first doll EVAR. Most people really hate the sculpt due to the company pictures not doing him any justice... BELIEVE ME... HE IS GORGEOUS IN PERSON! But anyway, we bonded instantly. He was my only one for a while and then I had the chance at my first SD... A Juri 06... After he FINALLY got home.. I noticed the flaws in my hoo... I figured... Well.. He is a mini so he is bound to be dramatically different. Then I got my MNF Shiwoo and decided(after a while of the hoo not looking much like how I envisioned and drew the character) that I needed to find him a different mold. Sold him, which is something my family was a little mortified over, and got a Lishe.
      I have MOSTLY SD dolls and have some trouble with my 3 minis and, on occation, my Puki... I am despirately trying to bond though as Hakai will/should never be anything other than a MNF Shiwoo... The other two minis are Hageshiku's children... And my Puki is just too dang cute!
    13. My first doll was an AoD Chen - Lao Shu. I totally fell in love with his sculpt, and he suited the character I had in mind for perfectly. I was absolutely thrilled to receive him, naked and face up less, and for awhile, he sported my god-awful face ups until I had someone do a nice face up for him. He's been my snarky little rat boy ever since.

      My second came not long after Lao - Angel Fantasy's Lily became my Cleo and Lao Shu's adoring fan. She, too, came completely naked. Not wanting to torture her with bad face ups, I sent her off for a face up pretty quickly. Aside from my frustration over her limp body, I can't think of anything wrong with her. She's adorable and suits Lao so well.

      My third was an SA Saint (old body!). I fell in love with his sculpt when I was first getting into the hobby, but could not justify spending so much on a doll at that time. After getting Cleo and Lao taken care of, I started browsing the market place and kept finding the same ad trying to sell an SA Saint. I kept going back to that ad, over and over, pining away - until my room mate bought him for me, under the promise I would pay him back. He arrived sexy as hell in a pair of paint stained jeans and a messy red wig, face up included. But I wiped him clean and had my roomie do his face - and now he's decked out, spooky and wonderful. <3

      I've got a DollGa Noella on layaway now and I'm dying to have her. :< I don't know... I just can't imagine ever hating any dolls I've bought. I usually pine away so long after their molds that it's like, instant happiness forever after I get it.

      I'd just recommend really looking into what you're going to buy. Nothing is perfect.

      I guess it also helps that I get really attached to inanimate objects. :V
    14. My old Volks MSD Sakura. I had her less than a week before she found a new home.
      I don't even know why! I loved her pictures, I loved her little face and her body...
      I loved company photos, owner photos... And when I bought her I was super excited. Had a name and a character and style all worked out for her, too.

      As soon as I opened her box and picked her up... I knew she wouldn't be staying. She just didn't *feel* right to me somehow. Didn't like her one bit. Thankfully she very quickly found a much better home where she gets plenty of love.
    15. This just recently happened to me. I was in the LA Volks store and saw the Kohaku kit and just fell in love with him so i got one but as soon as i put him together I realized he isn't gonna stay long. For some reason he just looked really cute in the show room then when I got him I was kinda over it. Maybe with a new face up he'll some how change my mind but so far I'm really thinking of selling him.

      This also happened when I got my DS SA Saint. I really liked the head mold and everything so when he arrived I was a little put off by his squinty eyes since he was a version 2 and the one I wanted was a version 1 but after a bit he grew on me.
    16. Beryl ~ Oh God, I hated mine! I don't like her face and those hooves were getting on my nerves...
    17. Ohhh yeah, but only once. I spent months doing battle with the now notorious, atrocious customer service from Dollfair during the great french resin drought of '08, only to then open the box and discover that the new narin knee joints were utterly useless. I traded him out almost that week because I couldn't stand the sight of him after all the hassle involved in getting him!
    18. No. I made sure i would love my doll before i got him. I really hope that never happens to me. D:
    19. I think this can happen easily. Doll sites can really manipulate pictures. often bodies behave badly and make you hate the doll.

      Thankfully I have never hated a doll I got, though I have been underwhelmed by them, it took me ages to be able to sell on, now I find it much easier!

      I am awaiting a dollmore big bust leah cox and part of me is dreading that I won't like her bust in the flesh, so to speak, despite loving her totally and obsessing about her character until I managed to get the last one available...there is still a niggle in my mind that I won't like her boobs!

      so long as you make the decision, realise it is not your fault and sell on, there is no worry in hating a doll you buy, keeping it and ignoring it far worse than selling on!
    20. My first doll was my Weylin and he is not everything I wanted. But I love him regardless. If I could do it over again I would get him in Tan, because the NS is just too pale. BBB's are also extremely floppy right out of the box, but I learned how to restring him and hot glue suede him and that fixed the problem. My Obitsu also took some warming up to. I had never played with a vinyl BJD before so when I got her I was like um...k. But now she gets more attention then most of my other dolls. She poses beautifully and is a little camera whore XD