1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Did you hate dolls?

May 15, 2010

    1. lol another barbie mad scientist xD
    2. That is why i just love the barbies which were limited and the different ones like the ones i mention in my first post. The worst thing behind the typical barbie is the ''perfect girl stereotype'' But thanks goodness we found BJDS in our life :)
    3. no, i don't hate the dolls. i don't like the prices of some dolls. it's a pain to be poor.
    4. I never hated dolls, but I use to have a paranoia of them (I still do when it comes to antique or rag dolls. Though I love how they look). I think BJDs actually got me over my paranoia for the most part.
      I had a few large antique ones for the longest time when I was younger.. but after a while they began to terrify me and I sadly gave them up to a friend or cousin.
    5. I wont say I hate dolls, just that I dont have any particular interest in them when I was young. And Chucky, you know, the killer doll? Will haunt me forever[who let their 3year old watches doll killing people movies? My mom, that's who!!] But when I saw the first BJD of my life, I instantly fell in love.
    6. Well i was definitely NOT a doll fan at all. In fact, i really rather disliked BJDs a lot in the beginning too. But after seeing Shin irl for the first time gave me a complete 180, change of heart! I've been hooked ever since. <3 Still not a barbie or porcelain fan though :/ I think some look nice, but overall they're not my thing.
    7. I was a tomboy when I was little. I preferred playing with dinosaurs, Legos, Hot Wheels, and my whiffle ball and bat, and I hardly paid attention to the dolls I had. My shift towards dolls began when I was eleven and became bored with my Beanie Babies--I mean, they were cute and all, but that was it. No hair to comb, no clothes to change, and if you saw one you'd pretty much seen 'em all. I dug up my sister's old dolls and started setting them right, combing their hair and putting clothes back on them. Over the years I branched out from Barbies to other dolls, and now at the age of 24 I finally appreciate ball-jointed dolls for the beautiful little pieces of art that they are.
    8. I've never really loved or hated dolls before discovering BJDs. I was kind of neutral towards them. I never asked for dolls or Barbies as a child and actually played a lot with toy cars, and legos and meccano sets! I was the little girl in frilly dresses and ribbons in her long hair who played with 'boys' toys'. I did also have more girly toys like cooking sets, plush animals, toy jewellery sets etc. And I loved my pretty, frilly dresses! :lol: My parents just didn't really differentiate between boys' and girls' toys and let me play with any toys I liked.

      My earliest memory of playing with dolls was when I was around eight. That was when I first played with a Barbie doll. I was at the house of one of my mum's friends and her daughter had several dolls lying around. The daughter was quite a bit older than me and she'd outgrown her Barbies and no longer played with them so her mum gave them (clothes, accessories and all) all to me! I did like dressing them up and inventing little stories for them, but I also remember being rather annoyed at their inability to stand on their own. All they could do was lie there uselessly...

      Then as I got older, I was no longer interested in dolls/Barbies until I discovered and fell in love with BJDs when I first started working!
    9. I never liked dolls of any sort when I was younger. I always got Barbies for my birthdays, and hated it. (Just because my mother put me in dresses because it was cute, doesn't mean I enjoy playing with dolls! xD)
      When it came to toys I very much preferred stuffed animals, or horse-shaped objects. In some cases still do xD

      But I really do love BJDs, they're awesome, nonconformist dollies xD
    10. When I was little I always wanted one of those dolls that you could customize to look like yourself. I'd spend hours planning out just what my doll would look like. But no matter how much I begged and for how long, I never got one, so I had to be content with my beanie babies, pokemon cards, and matchbox cars. I think it was the customizable nature of the dolls that I liked back then, and that is also what draws me to bjds. But now I love the much more artistic value of bjds and the variety of facial and body sculpts. In a way I think my parents understand that my dolls now are a way of making up for something I always wanted but never had. :sweat
    11. YES. I hated to get Barbies and Barbie-alikes, and ugly-faced baby dolls. None of the ones I got had a reasonable proportion, not nice clothes to change.
      At first I wanted a Polly really badly, but it cost so much my dad made me forget about it. Later I got to play with a friend's and the plastic, hard textureless clothes made me lose interest and go for stuffed animals for the rest of my childhood.

      As much as I disliked those dolls I had, I always enjoyed the miniatures that came with them. I'd spend hours rearranging the furniture before my mom pushed it to a corner -_-;
    12. I used to have nightmares about those baby dolls that could blink and move&#8230;those are not suitable for children I swear!
    13. As a child I did not like dolls of any kind, just stuffed animals, horses, and tiny plastic zoo/farm animals. Basically, just animals! My mother tells the story of when I was about four years old and my grandmother got me a plastic baby doll. I was outside and stripped off the clothes and then threw the doll over the fence and that was that. I hated getting dolls as gifts........

      I am thankful that BJDs exist and are so different than other dolls. If not for BJDs, I would not have any human dolls, as animals are still my favorite. There is just something so attractive about BJDs. I'm hooked!
    14. This is my exact experience! Horses & Toy horses, no interest in dolls. Then real horses into my teens, then horses went away when I went to college, then crafts and costumes, now bjds. I really loved my resin Breyer horses, and did customize them when I was little. Other dolls beside bjds still disinterest me, it's strange.
    15. Great thread!

      As a child, much like many here, I was never really into dolls - I preferred animal toys, teddies, My Little Ponies, Action Man (lol!) and reading ... I read everything going!

      Fast forward 20 years and my daughter was first starting school - I was feeling all nostalgic and my husband and I were discussing our favourite childhood toys. I couldn't remember the name of the My Little Pony I adored and so went to Ebay and typed it in and BOOM 100's of listing came up. As I scrolled through I kept seeing custom ponies and I thought, hey, I could do that! I ended up customising MLP's (and collecting) which led to my website. So many people asked me where I got my supplies so instead of constantly sending people away to other sites, I got some hair in stock and started selling it.

      I found that LOTS of my customers were asking me about different dolls - this led me to finding vintage Sindy's (love them even now) and Blythe. Initially I was creeped by them but got one with the intention of customising her and 5 years later, I have rather a number of them and LOVE them to death LOL Lots of other dolls have found their way into our house too - I even have a MH ... not to mention all the non doll toys which are scattered amongst my shelves LOL My poor husband is very long suffering XD

      Lots of my Flickr contacts have BJD's and a little fawn boy from friends stream caught my eye and so I now have a little centaur on his way to me as I type. My first bjd but I highly doubt he will be my last.

      I am SURROUNDED by dolls now lol :fangirl:

      Robin x
    16. I can't say I hated dolls, I played with my barbies and all, I just wasn't really that into them. Barbies to me, as a kid, never seemed "right" I remember one of my guy friends when we were about 6 asking me "How come your doll can't move her wrists and stuff? Mine can." He had a sort of action ken, but anyway this made me a little confused, because I would constantly wonder "why can't they make barbies more movable?"
      But now I generally like all types of dolls even if I don't collect them myself ^^
    17. Hm, I've always played with barbies when I was young, but only with my girl friends, I was more interested in MLP then barbies. I think I threw my last broken/worn out barbie when I was 10-11 years old. (But kept collecting MLPs.)

      I started making anime plushies when I was 16, about the same time I started getting serous about cosplay. It was fun to make various bishie's to hug and fawn over, then I discovered BJDs. :o
      They where like as close to real-life Anime Characters as toys can get, with wigs and clothing and all the nice stuff that only BJDs can do.
    18. I mostly didn't like dolls or they were just sort of "meh", when I was a child. Barbies and such were mostly food for my dinosaurs or my cat.
      I had two or so dolls that I liked but I gave those away later on.
      The first time I saw a picture of BJDs, I didn't even notice they were dolls. They're so unique, I thought. And, well I'm into BJDs now but not into dolls in general.
    19. I was the little girl who played with dinosaurs and horses (and I still collect Breyers) and had virtually no interest in dolls. :'D I went through a stage when I was 7-9 that I liked Bratz dolls a lot, but that passed. They never really got my attention because they didn't have personality. Then I saw BJDs for the first time (I was watching Rozen Maiden, and found the Volks Super Dollfies), and fell in love at age 10 or 11. &#9829;
    20. I have always liked dolls and played with them a lot. Even as a teenager I still had my childhood dolls and changed their clothes sometimes. I liked them so much I still keep them even though they are very cheap plastic dolls but they are precious to me for nostalgic reasons. My love for dolls turned into collecting them when I grew up.