1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DIKA Doll discussion

Jan 7, 2010

    1. :lol: Well, he's drying. And then i still have to wurm those darned eyelashes into those eyeholes. Oh joy! ;)

      But, soooon! Please have mercy on my make-upping though. Maybe one day when he gets something better than a broomstick for a body he'll get a new face too :)
    2. Aww! I'm sure he looks good. ^.^ Please share photos of him when you can.
    3. Does anyone actually have the body? How do they pose? (Any of them, I'm really curious)

      Or, does anyone know what the difference is between the supposed "single jointed" and "double-jointed" 61 cm on jeeryama's ebay site? I don't see an option on their official page...
    4. Yes, does anyone know how well they pose?
    5. Well, they come extremely tightly strung and like to pop into a weird duck-butt pose....
      My friend has a doll who currently has a Dikadoll body, and I was playing with him a bit yesterday. His arms pose well enough, but his legs are very snappy-kneed (it is the single joint body) and yes, the torso does this odd stick-out-my-butt-like-a-duck thing. I think looser stringing would help that a lot, though. We will see once she gets a new body for her boy's head (she doesn't like how muscular the arms on the Dika doll body are) and I take the Dikadoll one off her hands and promptly re-string it. LOL

      As far as I can tell, the only difference between the single and double-jointed bodies is the knees--the double jointed body had a 'peanut' joint in the knees, but the single jointed body does not, it just has a standard single ball-joint.
    6. oh kay. Thanks for that. :)
    7. Have just started a layaway for a grey skin Adler through jeeryama...now the waiting begins
    8. Has anyone see pictures from the 1/3 Ruber vampire. He looks so great.
    9. I think he's adorable! I can't wait for more people to own Dikadolls. They're so lovely. :)
    10. Zura is gorgeous. Does anyone know if the dikadoll resin will match and fit on a soom mecha angel body?
    11. I think soom normal is darker than dika NY/NP
    12. ohh the swordsman is so cute! love the kimono!
    13. Yes I love the wig too very Han warrior style
    14. Thank you for the info.

      I'm now interested in the swordsman too. Actually, his sculpt caught my eye as just plain Finn.
    15. I love the swordman too^^! Those pics make me feel a story~~
      This is limited edition. 20 set limited.
      Now you can order from me or other DK agents~
    16. I'm selling my DZ Floy and possibly another doll to get Dikadoll Zura.....he's lovely....and very tall...I love the tall guys.:aheartbea
    17. Zura is gooooooorgeous! I'm waffling right now over what head to put on my Super Gem body. Zura and Ruber are top contenders right now though.