1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DiM (Doll in Mind) Mini Discussion Part 5

Nov 17, 2016

    1. The Legend doll body should be fine - these heads are pretty easy to match!


      This is the fantasydoll body after sueding. I love the torso of this body, but gave him resinsoul hands. His legs are a bit thin I think, but the posability of this body is great.
      • x 2
    2. Hi Inkybear, here you go! (The link is to a specific post in the D.I.M. Happy - heads, bodies, comps thread (Photo Reference topic in Reference section) where you see the Jullis and Ace heads next to eachother. :)
    3. Hi I'm in love with the Annabeth's head right now. I want to ask what his neck size is and will it fit a 7cm neck circumference body?
    4. Yes, that should be fine.
    5. @nattherat , she is so cool! Whered you get that hand?

      @Cyador , did you make his awesome hat and sweater? Its so hard to find good BJD hats

      Gave my MorningDew a makeover recently ^^ I like her much better now that she has a softer look.
      • x 2
    6. Her hands are Angel of Dream LE 1/4 skeleton hands! They’ve just come out with JOINTED 1/3 skeleton hands, and if they do the same with 1/4 hands later, I am going to drop whatever money they ask lmao.
      • x 1
    7. @Cydril Yes, thank you! The vest was knitted with sockwool using a (free) pattern by @Wolfboy and the hat is my design - pretty easy to make :)
      #367 Cyador, Jun 4, 2018
      Last edited: Jun 4, 2018
      • x 1
    8. Don't forget Doll Chateau and Dollzone are good hybrid options too, if you get pink skin.
    9. I’d like to second what @thessalyrose said. I finally got my Dollzone body today (which is a whole thing in itself, but whatever). I’d say the color match is pretty spot on. My Larina is pretty heavily blushed, but the back of her head looks like a perfect to my eyes. And the range of motion with her head on the B45-017 body is excellent. I’m wairing for her wig to arrive and then I’ll take some pictures.
    10. Hi!

      What wig size do I want for Larinas?

      I know that Leekeworld smaller size is 6-6.5 (instead of 6-7) so they'll be too small, but when I had a Flowne in the past I found their 7-8 to be too big.
    11. The 6-7 size fits my Larina well. I get mine from Monique Gold, they're a bit more stretchy to accommodate that sizeable forehead ;)
    12. [​IMG]
      Just dropping off a picture of Autumn again. I haven't continued on her posing mods yet. I should get on that...
      • x 3
    13. Woah! I think I missed her before, she's so incredible! :)
    14. [​IMG]
      Here is Vee, my Larina on a Doll-zone body. She’s not quite complete yet. She’s got temp eyes and is borrowing some clothes until hers arrive. But close enough!
      • x 3
    15. I've been so excited to see her! She's exquisite, wow!!!

      Food for thought: Has anyone here been wanting one of the older DiM heads? I really wish I could find a second-hand Owain, but the sculpt was discontinued quite some time ago and I've kind of lost hope. I know DiM offers to cast certain sculplts in WS with orders of 10 or more... I wonder if they might be willing to cast Owain if there were 10+ people interested? Hmm.
      #375 Dew_Drops, Jun 23, 2018
      Last edited: Jun 23, 2018
    16. Does anyone have a DIM Flowne? If so, does anyone know if she can fit 16mm eyes and still have a fair amount of eye whites but still a larger iris with a "doll like" look? I have tried 12mm makos and 14mm souldoll glass and they fit but looked quite... small? But I'm not sure if it will fit a 16mm eye base?
    17. I think it'll depend on what happened to his molds after he was discontinued. But I'm interested, if it works out. I was sorry I missed Owain and Harlech. Just before I read your post, I was thinking about how I've never been as interested in any other company's msd boy as I was in some of the DIM sculpts.
    18. Yeah, Flowne can easily wear 16mm eyes. I just worked on one recently and I'm pretty sure she has 16mm eyes in her.

      Here she is with the eyes provided by the owner. I can ask them what eye size is in her!
    19. Oh if you can ask that'd be amazing! I'd like to get that kind of sweet, doll-like look in her so it'd be very useful, thankyou! I already have her wig coming in, so now I just need to find the other bits to complete her for the meantime.
    20. Alrighty! I checked the eyes in her and compared them to 14 and 16mm eyes (glass and acrylic) and they are definitely 14mm. I tried some 16mm eyes in her and they didn't fit in the eye wells. Best option would be to buy some 14mm eyes that have larger irises. Sorry about the wrong info before!