1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Dim Minimee Update & Talk Part 1

Dec 26, 2006

    1. Could you suggest your Price ?

      *Make up + Default clothes + 45cm BJD with your face.
      What price would you make ?

      P.S : I am sorry if this kinds of suggestion bother you.
      I have too many things...as idea...and.....you know..I just want my idea become true...
    2. Of course...will not do that ^^
      this is made with your face..or your lovers face...not from Movie stars...or something.
    3. LOL!! I'm totally with you on that one :lol: *laughs*.

      It sounds really interesting. But I would be scared to make a doll of myself... and my significant other... that would creep me out to no ends... I'd just rather have him in person... :sweat .... but if I could pick my favorite facial features from other dolls (best eye shape, size, width, nose, lips, cheeks, chin, everything!!!) and have them mashed into one... that would be worth it... but I am not sure if such a thing like that is OK :sweat ? Price would be expensive too.... but I would be interested in seeing the result. I wish I could suggest a price but I don't know anything about how long it takes to sculpt or cast or how much materials cost or anything... *_*

      What about if we're good at drawing... and draw a face like a real person from all angles? Or can it only be a real person...? I could draw my dream face for sure.... :love
    4. Hmmm, now that is a very interesting idea!

      I'm willing to get one of me- if it's below $1,000 to make. ;)

      Instead of the usual photographs for the family, imagine handing them a doll!
    5. Ah, I wouldn't get one of myself, but it does sound like a fairly interesting idea.
    6. This contractor who is rennovating my house. I show one of my dolls so he will understand what's the requirement for the shelf I want to have built. He asked if he could have my Shiro. I was kind of please that he actually like it. And then he had to say that he knows that value of these dolls and will sell it on ebay for money. I thought that was very distasteful.
    7. I'd be hesitant to buy one of myself but it's a very intriguing idea!

      Some people are just beyond rude. :doh
    8. Season greetings, Kim!
      I wouldn't like to have a me or a beloved person as a BJD...at least in a very realistic version, it would be a little scary, like if some evil witch had turn us into dolls. XDD.
      But an adapted version, more "dollish"; not so realistic would be great.
      If you also make molds simmilar to actors, anime characters or historical personalities who have lots of fans it could be funny, too.

      Another great idea would be to make dolls following the customer instructions or designs.
    9. Hi Mr. Kim!

      Your idea shows great potential, in my opinion. I'd love to see custom sculpts of some people I know, and this would make an awesome gift (or scare the pants right off someone who believes too much in voodoo).

      Given that I'd like larger dolls, could this service be also available for 60cm+ dolls? I don't mind you do not build a custom body, just the head sculpt and faceup would be more than enough. Just make sure it fits properly in most popular 60cm+ doll bodies (Volks, CP, etc.).

      Also, can I submit celebrity photos? :)
    10. Wow, this idea sound really interesting.
      So you are going to sculpt a doll that looks like a person,but it would be in a dollish way,isn't it? Because I think that having a reduced copy of myself between all my BJD's would be very weird. Have you got any pics to see an example?

      And I have a doubt...BJDs have perfect bodies, and what about if we are not so perfect as supermodels? Could you sculpt that?
    11. HI Shizen, Thanks for the comments.
      Yes. Any size is possible.
      I am just thinking to make one sample for people how a Person's BJD would look like.(MSD sized head)
      Perhaps one applicant from this Forum.

      This is idea that.....there is possibility on this point.

      It can be very realistic....or you can ask like dollish....as everything is based on photos.

      Thank you for all.....the comments and replies.
      it's so great to hear all the honest opinions. You are all....Great and Kind !!

      (I don't buy myself as BJD, but I would love to present it for my lover)
    12. HI Aikoneko,

      Yes, it would be in doll way.
      About the body, as this is MSD sized, I am thinking to use DIM Happy body that is being modified for the its easy standing.
      (Modifying...Hands, Foot's ankle as well for better movement)
      And..for boys, I have new boy body.

      As the sculpt process is quite pricy, so I should use my doll bodies to reduce the price.
      My price target is not too different from the BJD price.

      For the sample, I am thinking to have an applicant from this forum to make sample for Free.(head only)
      What do you think ?
    13. Mr. Kim, if you give this sample for free, then I see MANY people wanting to volunteer. As for me, I'd only volunteer if you'd do it for a 60cm BJD's head. There's a girl I'd volunteer her pictures to you for this, with her permission of course. :)
    14. Do you want me to be your model??
      That would be great!! ^_^
    15. made me laugh i mean what if my lover was a moviestar xD

      anyways i would'nt mind one, if the price is allright, and if you can make requests like, make my nose smaller and my eyes bigger :lol:
    16. Thank you.

      If anyone interested in volunteering this sample.
      Please send me photo with your location information.
      And...Volunteer should provide photos to people here and me when the sample is provided as people want to see how it look like.
      And this is trial so..^^ perhaps I should draw one for volunteer.

      My e-mail. [email protected]
      *Your photo *Your location *Your name.
      to avoid any inconvenience, I will pick up one of first five volunteers that sending information to my e-mail.
      (This is for just MSD sized head, so volunteer should have MSD sized doll to connect with)
      And...request can be done like....make nose....bigger...eyes bigger things...


    17. I like this idea. I'd personally rather not have myself as a doll (BWAHAHA!! imagine that) but it's actually considerable.
    18. That sounds like a really great idea! I would like to get one!
    19. Have you got 5 volunteers now?
      - This is really a great idea. I think a lot of people would like to have their dream of a doll face made this way. :)
    20. The idea sounds interesting. I just want to ask, would it only be in maybe normal skin or beauty white because my skin colour is neither of those, it's is darker and weaty-ish (but not as dark as tanned dolls ^^; ). I'm just wondering. It is a lovely idea but sadly my skin tone probably would makes it hard ;_;. I suppose the cost would make it like a one off doll...but maybe cheaper since they would come naked, right?