1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dim Minimee Update & Talk Part 1

Dec 26, 2006

    1. I would definately do it. I wouldn't carry myself around, but someone dear to me, who is always there?? That's sweet.

      I was thinking about how there should be dolls like that a year or two ago, so I would definately do it. :aheartbea I'm glad for this project!!

      To suggest a price, it's unrealistic to wish 200 USD, I think, for something MSD/BJD and customized. :sweat Maybe 450-600, perhaps? This may be unrealistic as well, though... Haha, I love wishful thinking.

      But yes, this is a very awesome idea. :aheartbea I'd love to hear more of it in the future.
    2. This sounds really cool. A little bit strange, but also rather appealing in a weird way. I'll send you a mail. Hope I'm not to late.

      I would love it if the heads were made for 60cm dolls and if they could be made to fit a body chosen by the person ordering the head, if you do not also customize the body that is, but then we would be talking about a totally different price altogether. As for price, I guess I would pay the same as for any other bjd in the same size + a little extra since this would be a ooak doll, but not above USD 1000 $
    3. Awesome. I hope it does become a beneficial arrangement between the company and the customer. I'm supposing just like for limited run dolls, you might have to hold lotteries on which customers get to have their custom sculpts made for that month.

      By the way, you have a lovely wife, Mr. Kim. :)

    4. Do you think it would be around $400 or so for the price? What would you include in it an outfit? A wig?
    5. I don't think I'm particularlly interesting as a person, visually. haha.

      I prefer my dolls to look like some beautiful other thing that I enjoy. I don't particularly dress my dolls as myself, or hope for them to look like me.
      My dolls can wear things that I would never wear in real life, so in that respect, they are a fun fantasy.

      Minimee is such a cute name and your sculpt for your wife is gorgeous!! Goodluck with your dolls!!:aheartbea
    6. My head won't be chosen, I'm sure XD but if it were, I definately wouldn't be opposed to it being offered as a non-limited doll so long as I got one XD
    7. I sent in an application! I hope you don't have too many volunteers already. XD
    8. Way up where I said I had sent pics, I was #4, so I think he has about 10 by now XD
    9. Thank you very much for all Volunteers.
      We got the volunteer and Replied to all applicants.
      I am so~~ sorry not to make you all.
      Happy new year ! and I will post later how it is being done.

      Thank you and congratuation for the volunteer.
    10. This is a wonderful idea. I don't think I'd want myself as a doll, but if I got one of my sister and myself that would be cute XD Though I don't think I could afford it, personally. But I know there are others that can and would, so I wish you luck with it, Mr. Kim! :)
    11. I think this is a fantastic idea, but I would more or less prefer one in the 60cm range size as I do not tend to like the 43cm size dolls.

      Aside from just a custom head though, it might be nice if there were options in the future to change the body to suit the body of ones self. I myself am very thin and have a very small chest, so if I bought a doll to resemble me I would want her to have that same feature.

      Just my 2 cents.
    12. Thank you Aimee !! How kind of you.
      I am happy to be here to communicate with many people.
      Happy New year !!
    13. I don't have someone and I'm quite ugly, but it's a lovely idea!

      I'm with Aimee...my dolls are the pretty things I can enjoy, and glad they can't look like me!

      Your wife is very lovely!
    14. I would want a minimee if they were 60 cm....

      Would we be able to request what expression it had? like happy sad smiling..that sort of thing?

      I think it's an awesome idea.. but It would also depend on the resin quailty, body shape and a few other factors...
    15. Yes..I think...small changes...can be possibly done.
      at the moment, nothing is done and just started for the sample.
      So we will see how it can be looked.
      For SD size, yes....I am planning on too. Smaller size ? Yes...of course.
      So..it's like....start with Mini size to Lager and than the smaller size.
      And...if the sample works successfully, I will start taking limited orders only
      as this takes months. and when the sample is done, Will set up the price.
      Thank you for comments.(If this project is not working well, I hope people don't blame me much...^^)
    16. I know I won't be blaming you. This project is a new, interesting idea and is just starting, so there are sure to be a few stumbles here and there. :aheartbea We just have to keep in mind that these are all one-of-a-kind customized dolls and not the type that you practice, practice, practice all on one type of head/body.

      I look forward to the finished products ;) I'll be one of the first in line to actually purchase a Minimee, as well, if I can help it!!
    17. I've been trying to find something liek this for a while. I love the idea. I think that more options, like with body parts and stuff would be nice too ^ ^
    18. I don't think anyone would blame you if it didn't work out, its a fantastic idea and I really think for many it would be accepted well :). I know for me its very fascinating. I would even consider buying just a head if it were made to look as I would like, where I could attach it to a body I already have that I don't necessarily like the existing head of :)
    19. Sounds like an interesting idea but I sure wouldn't want one that looked like me, but one like my gorgeous grand daughter would be great. Good luck
    20. If this turns out well, I'm going to have to get one of my boyfriend!