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Dioramas and dollhouses???

Jan 8, 2006

    1. Thanks for the link :)
    2. When I get my own place I'm going to make a place for my dolls. I love props so I'm going to have to control myself when finding things.
    3. I'm planning to making a little room for my MSD :) I prefer it than buy it ^^;
    4. I have this good sized White Locker in my room,
      that is low to the ground, and rectangle shaped. It's really
      cool, because one side is completely empty, with no shelves
      or anything, and the other side has a series of shelves. Perfect
      for MSD sized too. So what I'm going to do, is take the door off
      of the clear side, and put see-through material over it. Than I'm going
      to put padded walls all in there, with small pillows, stuffed animals, etc.
      Then I'll use the shelved side for storeing clothes, wigs, etc.

      It's going to be a lot of work, but so worth it :3​
    5. I ahve opted to just them take over my one room that DH allows each of us to have thank goodness we bought a house with the extra bedrooms. His has PC and such. Mine has shelves drawers, a dresser and more shelves. No actual rooms, but can whip together one for photo shoot with a good strong card table, some poster board, some painter's framed canvas and right props. I've made a outdoor patio, bedroom and living room all in a few minutes. Of course the room is a mess and crowded most times but for my BJD's I would do anything.
    6. I wish I could build my dolls their own space, but unfortunately I don't have room to build them something. I think I would rather build them something rather than buy something like the diamrama from Dollmore because that leaves more room for creativity! One thing I do have is the American Girl Scenes & Setting book for Samantha, if anyone remembers those. It's about the right size for an ABJD, but I haven't really done anything with it. Perhaps someday I'll getting around to making something for my girls.

    7. I saw the Dollmore doll house and I must say for what they are offering one could put together something just as nice if not better for a lot less. I made better ones for my dolls when I was 10 then that and it didn't cost over $150 either. MK
    8. When I rent some studio space, hopefully there will be more room in my room for my doll's things. I want to build some rooms, eventually, but for now I'm just collecting furniture.

      When I own my own house, I'll definitely have a room, at the least, dedicated to my dolls, because I use them for photography, and build sets and gardens for them.
    9. While I don't have any actual rooms yet my dolls are displayed with furniture & accessories in the doll case. But now that Moona & Bracken have arrived I finally have an excuse to indulge in a doll house or at least a room box. There are a couple of wonderful miniature stores near here & I'm always drooling over their offerings but I never liked the dolls that fit them. Moona & Bracken are the perfect size so I guess I'll have a new obsession. Now to just find a place to put it.
    10. I don't think this has been posted previously, but on the Korean Iplehouse site they have some beautiful dollhouse rooms for 60cm in the furniture section. [link]
    11. Thanks for posting the link :) too bad they don'y have them on their english site :(
    12. I've had this site bookmarked for some time b/c I thought I would try my hand at it. It's directions to make a Doll Room out of foam board and it would fit up to a 16 inch doll (msd). I'm sure the instructions could be adjusted (if you put the foam board on it's short end and stood it up, instead of on the long edge) to work for sd size dolls.

      Here's the website:

    13. Wow.. the furniture Iplehouse makes/used to make is absolutely perfect for what I want.
      I actually have plans in building a room just like those Iplehouse-dollhouses. They will be made out of wood, but I have a design in my head where you can change the length of the room. Also you are able to change where the windows will be. And when you turn the whole thing around the opening for a window will be one for a door. But I'm not too sure if this is going to work, I'll have to find out, won't I?
    14. Just wondered how many of you guys had either dioramas or dollshouses for your kids?
      I love both and find i tend to get more involved with my dolls by creating a living space for them, i created this house using ordinary ikea bookshelves pushed together, as i only collect tinies at the moment its a perfect size and scale, although initially i did make this for my kish dolls, its perfect for my Bisou Bon Bon as she is the exact same size, i am desperate now to fill the rooms with many more bjd tinies! I also made some of the furniture myself, beds, cribs, toy units, and decorated other pieces i found to match, its a work in progress and i love to work on making a comfortable home for my kids when i have the time! How about you guys? Please share your pics.
      This is a barbie cottage i am working on, thought it would be great to have a back yard for my kids to play in, still not finished yet, but its a work in progress lol!
    15. Seeing as I've taken an interest in SD sized dolls, making a doll house would be a little... out of my capabilities. However, Ma and I have both looked into the possibility of crafting a kind of "corner diorama" with two walls and a floor, to make a single room.
    16. SeNii sort of has a room...when I redo MY room, I'm going to have a ton more space for him...so I'm going to make him an actual "house" that will hopefully work out in my room >> It won't have many rooms, maybe just two/three on top of each other ^^;; Something though...right now his "space" is just his bed on my dresser >>;;

      GAH! Why must Hounds be so big? ><!
    17. I built a dollhouse for a tiny I was planning on, but then changed my mind and bought Doodle instead. The house is a little too small to be a real house, but it fits her like a child's playhouse would. I have yet to make her a room though.
      Before I sold the twins, they had a bedroom in the corner of my room. American Girl furniture fit their size very well, and it was cute :)
    18. My boys will have the entire top of my dressor along with three shelves for thier beds. :3
    19. Most of mine are too big, I don't have the space to set up actual rooms with furniture. However, If I ever got any tinies they'd probably end up with little rooms and furniture.