1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Jun 22, 2012

    1. I have been dissapointed when I've found out I missed a limited Fairyland event head while I was on a short hiatus from the hobby but I just waited patiently and now I'm getting an even better event head for the character I have planned. I guess to me some of this stuff is just part of a hobby that has so many limiteds. I did try opening the eyes of a doll I had that I really liked and wrecked her right at the beginning of when I joined this hobby and was, and still am, quite dissapointed in myself but I learned from my mistake and now leave customization to the professionals :)
    2. The one & only disappointment I ever have in this hobby was my Luts Winter 09. I was fond of him when he's faceup-less, even my friends also like him & his personality I created for him. And then I sent him for face up, that was the beginning of a disaster.

      I waited more than 9 months with very minimum communication with face up artist (she never open a face up shop, just accepting commissions from friends). It was so hard to get in touch with the face up artist, that I needed to ask my friends to contact her, and she even accused me for terrorizing her. I even asked myself, “Is it wrong to ask about my possession?”

      I did tell her, she can take her time in finishing the face up, but I never tell her, “Oh yes, please go ahead, you can take years if needed.” And finally, I got him back, with help of my friends.

      I was heart-broken when see his face up. It was good enough, if I never give reference to the face up artist. But, I gave her a photo reference. And it wasn’t like the reference. I know, it can’t be 100% like the real one, but still… And then another friend told me, the face up artist couldn’t differentiate my head and her head, so she mistakenly painted my friend’s head with my reference.

      Even though I tried so hard to bond with the head… I bought many things for him, and a body for him… Still, it couldn’t cover my disappointment. So, I decided to let him go, to cover my frustration.
    3. I've never had a long-term disappointment. I did try for a Rosen Lied limited one time and missed out on him, but I got over it quickly. He was a "The One", so I knew my chances were bad from the start. If I know I can't have something, I don't dwell on it. There will always be a better doll eventually. I was sad at first when I found out about Crobi's Daydream Lance was sold out. But, less than a year later, they released him again as a time limited and I got one easily! Even better was that I liked him just as much as I thought I would.

      I have been more disappointed when I think I've sold something, and then the person either quits contacting me or changes his/her mind. Or, I get disappointed when I don't like a doll in person as much as I did in the promo or owner pics.
    4. I remember the huge disappointment I got when I first started in this hobby. I finally had found the perfect doll, I'd started saving and had about 25% of the money together........And one day I went to look at DiM's page. Persia was sold out. I was upset for quite a while and ended up getting a different doll quite a while later.

      However, recently I found a DiM Persia here on the marketplace! He's sitting next to my other boys right now~ You might have some kind of disappointment, but you'll also find a lot of joy and possibly come across what you want~
    5. well, iam new at the hobby and my only greatest disappointment so far is that the stuff i need has been sold out. i happened to find yesterday at dollmore after looking for soooooo long the perfect wig for my character Gisela, and....to my great chagrin it has been sold out with no telling when or if they'll restock again :( and the other heartbreak is that iam hopelessly in love with the soom phonolus, but he is a limited doll from last year. i have been told that soom does this kind of event deals where they sell limited dolls again, but since the phonolus is a new one, it could take a couple of years for them to release him again T_T my only hope is that when i finally put the money together for him he is either out again, or i can get it from a second hand owner.
    6. I was recently gutted to find out that Ansom and Moment have completely sold out at Dollzone :...(
    7. there are many dissappointments, however I am convinced that everything happens for a reason, be patient and I am sure you will find out what it is
    8. When I bought my first dolls eyes, a delicious green color. I was thrilled to find them, but when they got home I found that they where 2 tone eyes, and the shadow or what I thought was a shadow at the top of the eyes was actually a darker green. It's been hard to find an acceptable replacement. I also messed up his wig, I trimmed it to give him bangs with the idea of buying a second to have both looks. I cant find his wig any more. I am a sad panda. :( /hug
    9. My disappointment is that Souldoll doesn't sell Shiva in grey skin anymore... I want her so bad that I can taste it. But no... I put up a WTB on marketplace but I still keep it unlikely for me to come across her. :(
      She would just be so perfect...
      And then I found out that one was sold in march... And in very good price. I'm happy for the new owner that she got what she dreamed of.
      At that time I wasn't even singed up here so that doesn't really count but still it gets me a little bit more disappointed. I really really really want her!:...(
    10. I have wanted a blank, white skin Doll Chateau Hillary for a character modding project for a couple of months now, but it's something I'm sure will take me a long time to save up for. I saw somebody selling one in a facebook group for a small fraction of the price. Like WAY too good to pass up small. I started scrambling for ideas, offering more commissions, and when I got really desperate, I did something dumb and asked my sister to help me get her as an early Christmas present. I don't like begging for things or asking for money, so I felt really ashamed. It just felt like a once in a lifetime opportunity and I was trying anything I could.

      Predictably, she got snatched up in less than 24 hours. It was a really sad thing for me, but I really really had no right to get my hopes up, since I'm broke most of the time. It's always hard seeing sculpts that you want for dirt cheap, especially when you still can't even afford dirt cheap. XD
    11. Limiteds are my biggest disappointment. Missed a limited? Too bad.

      The sort of mentality that decides on this limited stuff confounds me. A doll is made after payment, so having limiteds hanging around on shelves is not the issue. Just keep the mold going, for crying out loud.

      Free limiteds from the bondage of snowflake-ism!!!
    12. Someone explained to me that it was a really good business model for a company. It costs them less to make 60 of the same doll all at once rather than over the course of a year, you know? So getting everyone to buy within a limited period of time makes it less expensive for the company. Also they use the money they made with the last limited to make the next one.

      My biggest disappointment was looking for some freaking clothes for the dolls I'm getting. I have a specific thing in mind and I can't find anything close. :C Can't find anything close for their eyes either. Guh.
    13. My biggest disappointment so far is surprisingly nothing to do with limiteds or anything since at the moment I'm avoiding those until I know I'm able to get one and avoid the disappointment.

      I was planning to get my first doll this year but I've unfortunately had to put it off since I have important things that I have to finance (2 plane tickets, passport, money to convert to GBP, rent, vet bills, and I still have to pay my parents back a lot of money). So now I won't have my first doll until next year at the earliest providing I can cover the other things first to get them out of the way. I was so pumped to be getting my first one then within a couple of months I had to change the plans around completely. But at least I have a job now (even though it's only small) so that can help.

      So there's my disappointment Dx I originally thought I'd have to wait for 4 years but I've sorted that out.
    14. @ Quetz

      Wow, so that's the business model. Never would of thought that. It would be great if they ran casting periods, like a couple of times a year they would run that mold. Or even once a year. I could handle waiting a year for a mold I really want, but when it slips through your fingers altogether, finding that mold becomes a matter of luck. And I suffer from Murphy's law.

      As for getting clothes and eyes, that is another battle altogether. Been looking for a shirt for a doll for months, and have just pulled out the material. I've given up on the shirt. I'm going to make something instead. :)
    15. Losing the Volks lotteries. It's always heartbreaking.
    16. I ordered my first doll in may, after 3 years of saving up money, and using it, and saving again, and now there is a huge delay in dollzone orders T_T so instead of not having her in time for my vacation, I can only hope she'll be send out in time for dolliverse T_T I feel awfull that it has to take that long!! :(
    17. A few years ago when I was new to this hobby I had placed a bid on eBay and met the reserve for a ooak custom tiny from an artist on DoA, but was gutted to find out later that the seller had closed the auction early and sold it on DoA.
      At the time I was confused because I didn't think people can close auctions like that and if they didn't want to risk selling low then they should've set a reserve or started higher, though after reading around DoA it seems normal practice to get the full value.

      Another time was for a custom modded head from an artist from DoA but they didn't ship internationally, though fortunately the head went to a person who was active on the forums and posted a few photos around DoA. A few years later I found the head for sale on the MP again, but they didn't ship internationally either:crushed.

      These are the disappointments that I remember the most probably because they were modded and ooak, though I could probably commission the first mod because it's simple, but the second was more complicated in design so it was really unique.
    18. Totally agree with Izalith, I missed two lotteries at the last NYC dolpa and that was very depressing.
    19. My biggest disappointment was my Leekeworld Mihael.

      When I got him, I was totally in love with him, but the longer I hd him, the more flaws I noticed. His posing was horrible, his waist-joint didn't work at all, and he could barely move his head, and standing wasn't muh of an option.

      The disappointment grew and even after giving him an other face-up, I started to hate him. So I sold him. Still, I love the mold, but I will never get a doll like him again.

      Another disappointment is that Fairylnd stopped selling Littlefee faceplates...
    20. My first disappointment came with the buying my first doll.
      The first doll I've ever seen on a website was DoD's Homme Ducan, and I'm still in love with him. (Lucky for me he's still available.)

      When I purchased my first doll, I didn't want to have to worry about overseas shipping, so I limited myself to the Marketplace. I found a Ducan that was in great condition and came with the wig and clothes.

      When I finally messaged the seller she never responded. I can't quite remember if she showed any activity or not, but I was feeling really desperate. As a highschooler, it took me a while to save up enough money. ;_;

      Looking back, this is embarrassing, but I remembered seeing her username on other forums so I messaged her there too, and also through any other contact information I could find. After a week or two I gave up and bought a DoD Shall, who I now love very much.

      But then a few months later, I looked at the Ducan's thread just for the heck of it, and the seller sold it to someone else! I still don't understand why she never responded to my messages though. =/