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Disaster! Must evacuate! Will your dolls go with you?

Jun 29, 2008

    1. This thread exists... somewhere.

      Wow, I can't find it. Here's my answer anyway

      It's probably most likely that I'd be fishing for my wallet/purse, but if it was sure that the important people/things were safe, then yeah I'd go grabbing my "worldly possessions" XD BJD definitely. Not if my life was in danger though... I'm not that stupid
    2. I wouldn't risk my life for the dolls, but if my people and my pets were safe, and I wasn't in danger if I lingered for a moment...I would chuck the dolls out the window into the 2+ feet of snow and then run for it.

      *edit* I was thinking only in case of fire...but we dont get tornadoes, hurricanes, etc... here.
    3. My dolls would definitely come with me, but then again, the only other (as in, other than myself) living thing I'm responsible for is my cat - and she would come with me, too! I don't look at a situation like that and think "it's the dolls or the cat - one's going to have to stay behind." I look at it and think "the dolls fit in a carrier or two easy enough, and the cat in another one. All told, they probably don't add up to 50 pounds. I can carry all that, no problem!"
    4. Uhhhm probly not, I'd be too busy carrying my computer and my wii, and perhaps even my favorite pillow. Dolls would just take too much time to collect and I'd just pass out from smoke inhalation because I'd be compelled get their shoes and outfits too, and then it would occur to me that they would need a place to sleep so I'd try to take a stack of doll boxes too and then I would remember that I need to grab my camera from the flames as well because whats the point of rescuing all these dolls if you can't take pictures of them and put them online? So when I'm crawling around under my bed looking for the charger to my camera the roof would probably cave in and it would be too late for all of us! So, thats just too much to worry about. I'd rather just leave them to melt and buy new ones later, its not like I have any limiteds anyways.
    5. hmm my dolls are only out of their boxes a small time each day so yes, I could easily grab them as I ran out the door, first I would grab my cat (my first priority) then my SD girls. things that are really importtant to me I keep stored with easy access.

      I'm used to thinking like this because at my old apartment kids would pull the fire alarm (just becasue they were, evil and liked to see people squirm) so I've had lots of dry runs in grabbing everything And leaving in just a few moment notice...
    6. If I was evacuating and had time to pack, I would, of course.

      But if it was something like a fire, I would worry about my family and my pets first. (:
    7. I usually keep them both in the same bag, so it wouldn't be too hard to grab it and go. So if I had time to evacuate, sure. People, pets, and my computer would come first, though. :lol:

      I've never actually thought about getting them insured, though. I should look into that!
    8. Yes, I would. It's just me, my dog, and a gerbil--we can all fit in my car with room for the dolls (the dolls have a suitcase they ride in to cons), and any clothes and other things (photo album, back up disks for my art and writing on the computer etc) can go in the trunk. This is of course assuming that there is advanced warning of an impending disaster.

      If it came to something like a fire, naturally the dog, gerbil, and myself have to come first, but I would get my dolls out if I could. As for tornados--I live in a basement apartment so we don't really have to go anywhere ;)
    9. My hubbie is all I have to get out, and he would be grabbing the computers! I do have fish, but not much you can do about them. We had a lot of tornado sirens go off this year, so I would wake up hubbie, grab my dolls and photos (which I could never replace), and run to the bathroom. But people and pets would come first.
    10. If I had the chance to/time to I'd definitely grab them. Stash em in a suitcase with my ipod, cash and laptop, then flee XD. Other than people, the dolls would be my first priority.
    11. well depending on the situtaion I would worry about my family and animals 1st.

      if we had time like they warned us about tornado's or heavey rains I would have time to get everyone of my resin group into there bags and into my truck.

      if there was a fire I prob grab my cat and if I could my shiwoo riven of all the crew I am most attached to him if i had time to get him. but mostly I would run to my parents and everyone else room are closed together so I could yell for them at the same time but I don't think I would have time to grab everyone.

      It really depends on timing and if more than just you is at home and how bad the stitutaion is.
    12. I have to agree that my pets would come first after any humans that couldn't take care of themselves. But the dolls would be next for sure!!
    13. We've got two cats here at the house, so they of coarse would come first.Once their butts were safe the dolls would be next. I guess it depends on the emergency. If it were a fire, there is no doubt the live animals and people wold be first out of the house, but the firemen would have to fight me not to go back for the dolls. I would probably tell Erik to grab the cats and I would toss the dolls onto the bed and wrap the comforter around the lot of them. Broken fingers can be replaced.
    14. well.. if a fire, my room is the basement.. and the dogs are upstairs and so is everyone else.. So yes, I'd grab my boy and the box with my mother's ashes and run up the stairs and make sure everyone is out. I have a big family so i'm sure they'll get everyone out safely

      Other then that.. i live minnesota, so i dont have to worry about hurricanes.. and I dont know if a flood would happen where I live.. We had a lot of Tornados in may.. But other then that, thats it..
    15. They come with me.
    16. It cracks me up how many people think that, during a disaster (like a house fire) they'd have time to run around the house collecting laptops, PC's, books, clothes and toys. They've obviously never been in a house fire...;)
      Having been in several crisis situations myself, I have to agree with Forbidden: when you're actually in a crisis situation the game changes. Your 'fight or flight' kicks in and you don't think, you MOVE! I wish I could say otherwise because I love my boys dearly, but I'm not sure if they would even cross my mind. I'd be far too busy making sure the humans and other living creatures got out.
      Resin can be replaced, and doesn't feel pain if it gets burned alive or drowns.
      If I saved my dolls, but lost a loved one (human or otherwise) the guilt would kill me.

      That being said, if it was a forced evacuation or something where I actually had time to prepare, I may consider it, but survival comes first.
    17. I guess it would depend on time. When we were waiting for evac notices with the fires last October, I had time to pack the dolls and the computers/important papers, because they were all in one area. My friend who had his house burn did not have time to get very much out...just his laptop and some files/pictures, maybe twenty minutes at the most between the time he saw the sparks flying past his window and when his roof was on fire. Since his was one of the first areas to burn, they hadn't started the evac warnings.

      If I have warning, I'll probably have time to get them. When it's an immediate thing, like with my friend, probably not.
    18. Honestly, no. After the living, breathing beings were safe, and I had time, I would pack up the most important material possession I have-- the photo albums of my children growing up, then worry about the computer and important papers. Dolls would be so far down on the list I doubt I'd even give them a second thought.
    19. Agreeing 100% with this. A few years ago the apartment building I lived in caught on fire early one morning. The other residents were running from door to door pounding on them and screaming "FIRE FIRE" and I swear I've never moved so fast in my life. I leaped out of bed, yanked on shorts, flipped the mattress up to snag my terrified cat hiding under the bed and was out the door without shoes or wallet. Luckily the fire didn't spread to my apartment, but at the time all I cared about saving was my cat and my own ass. Worry about possessions doesn't come until after you're safe.

      In the case of a prepared evacuation like in a coming hurricane or flood I would have time to consider what to bring with me. Dolls would be on the list after necessities (clothing, food, blankets, etc) and priceless mementos, so it would depend on how much room was left in the car after those were packed.
    20. Of course I would save her!

      I just GOT Bella, I wouldn't let her die.

      In the little time I have had her, I carry her all over the house with me, and sometimes out to visit the family as well. Is that weird?

      She's like my surrogate baby or something, haha.

      AND the husband carries her around, too!