1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Discussion Dollzone Pets - Cat and Sheep

Apr 30, 2008

    1. That's too bad..... oh darn, have to buy another full doll..... lol

      not like I'm all that disappointed....
    2. My last name is Lam, so... That sheep has baaed an evil hole in my heart. :[.
    3. the sheep is wonderful... i wish he had more open eyes though...
    4. Agreed; still cute though.
    5. Hey, I was just wondering if anyone has heard anything about their petdollies yet? I don't feel right starting a new thread about it because my girl is OT ... I ordered my girl first day they were available(I was anxious!) without a face-up from Featherfall, if that helps.

      Sorry for hijacking the thread ><
    6. Ragdoll - I ended up ordering a fullset sheepie from Dolls and Friends for now, and he isn't in yet. I'm hoping maybe he'll show up this month.
    7. It could also have something to do with them confusing Solomon's seal with the star of David, since some ancient Hebrew kings (i.e. Solomon) were said to have practiced magic.
    8. Has anyone recived their sheep/goat yet?
      I'm still waiting for mine..
    9. I like the tan cat, but the sheep freaks me out a little, because it looks TOO real. Although it's not as bad as the elephant or that revolting creature that's supposed to be a dog. I'll stick with my fox!
    10. I just got told my... he that cannot be named ...but his name will be Olli has arrived
      and will be sent to me as soon as I finished paying for him ...which I did

      couldnt find ...how tall are they ?
      are the the same height as the other dollzone ..the rabbit or fox
      I cant share pictures of him here ....but he will be on my Flikr when he arrives and I have finished with him

      found it

      Head size&#65306;12.5cm
      Neck size&#65306;5cm
      Arm length&#65306;4cm
      Sterm round&#65306;11cm
      Back length&#65306;3cm
      Leg length&#65306;5.5cm
      Feet length&#65306;2.5cm
    11. Oh good! My he-who-can't-be-named can't be far behind!!
    12. I'm a little disappointed by the sheep, there's just something that I don't like about it. :| Which is a same because I love little cute sheep. :(
    13. Oh, I love the sheep, I didn't expect them to be so cute!
    14. Am I the only one who is frightened by these new animals??? That's just me. I don't know but the look kinda weird.
    15. Squee!! The sheep it so adorable. I might have to forgo my bunny!
    16. They are very stylized and not everyone likes that sort of thing, so I expect you have lots of company. I like two of them (one ot and one not) very much, but not the others.
    17. I got my shipping notice for lambchop, yay! :D
      He should be arriving on Thursday.
    18. Tut and a not allowed doll arrived today. Here's Tut.


    19. If I'm remembering correctly, our newest additions have some things in common *cough cough* Does this mean you would be able to make wigs to accomadate those large, round ears? If so, I would be very interested! <3

      I just got note that my girlie is almost heeeeeeeere! I got all of her circus outfits and toys set up! <3
    20. I ordered one of my little creatures from Dolls and Friends and sent them email last week to see how soon they would arrive, but they said that they aren't expecting them until July. Luckily though, I'm also getting one from another source, so I am pretty happy not to have to wait. Maybe Dolls and Friends ordered their shipment later than the people who ordered directly from Dollzone.