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Discussion of Ocean Moon - Shou-Ryu

Mar 22, 2007

    1. The heads (1 each, for the dates specified) are being auctioned on Yahoo!Japan. :daisy
    2. On Y!J, huh? Aw, that's unfortunate cuz the price is beyond my spending limit. :(

      I guess I'll just look forward to their 3rd edition....
    3. I asked Oceanmoon about repainting my 1st edition head and she replied:

      I'm so excited about everything she said! He'll get a free faceup and if I want, I can trade him for the 3rd edition. I don't know if I could do that, because I love Shou and his fat head so much T^T

      But a body too! 62cm @_@;; Must see it!

      Edit: For the second part, this is the image they sent along. It seems really helpful, since the groove does make Shou want to look way far down or at the ceiling XD

    4. Holy cow, how amazing!! :o Lucky first-edition owners! :) That's one of the most generous things I've ever heard of. XD

      Hmm, I wonder what the new body will look like... I *am* looking for a > 60cm body if I can catch a Shou-ryu head.. :D
    5. Yeah, it seems so wonderful, but I really want to keep my original Shou.. I don't think I could trade him in as much as I want to. Because I want my twins to be different looking, but I don't know if the difference in size is going to work.

      Shou's head is so much bigger than the new heads and I dont know why, but I can't seem to bring myself to modify him >_< I should just sand his head and get it over with, I've already pierced his ears 9 times, so it's not like he's untouched or anything..
    6. Se-yeon is really friendly ^_^I am happy to see her name is gradually getting cleared!!
    7. I hope the order is soon, everytime I see Omichao's avatar I experience dolly lust. I wrote her when she first got him (the early banned days) and tried to forget about him, glad it is all sorted out.
      To me there is something very Ksy-ish about him, not F-16
      Posted on Ocean Moons board and hope the 3rd edition is out soon.
    8. Just incase no one else noticed, Oceanmoon emailed me a couple days ago saying that the 3rd release is up now. If you want him, go get him!
    9. Is it still possible to order a head? if so, where?
      Thanks very much ^^
    10. http://www.oceanmoon.biz Check out the English order section to see if it's still up. It should be, since she hasn't said anything about a closing date ^_^
    11. It seems that the 3rd heard is not limited either! :love
    12. hes super cute
    13. Oh, what a gorgeous face that doll has!
    14. So I'm not quite sure about something. The Oceanmoon site says:
      Does this mean that the heads periodically restock? I was under the impression that once it was out of stock, that was it.

      And I lol at the "we ask for your comprehension" part I totally fail at.
    15. The previous heads weren't the final version, so they didn't keep them in stock steady. She said she's finally happy with the 3rd version, so she will keep selling him for now. There's no given limit of heads or ending date for order as of now :3
    16. Oh, okay. It's cheapest to buy from the site, yes? And how fast is shipping, approximately?
    17. Once my payment finally cleared (I had major issues with my bank...), I had my heads within a week. They were packaged wonderfully and arrived perfectly intact with lovely gifts ^_^

      Mine were without faceups, though, just so you know. Even though faceup would take longer, it's well worth it. I've seen one of her limited Shou-ryu faceups and it was absolutely breathtaking .o.
    18. I just read one of the very old thread related to Oceanmoon dated in late 2005 and worried to know that the creater had been banned because of his/her rudeness.
      And when I saw the reply posted by omichao in this thread, I am glad to know that this company is nice to the customer now.

      In fact I fall in love with the second edition too and evetually got the last head(no make) directly from the order board back in late March, and I can also prove that Oceanmoon was really fast and friendly in response and shipment.

      However, since I don't have any 13 boy body for him, he is still in my friend's place waiting to be painted XD;
      He would be having his make up soon, and when I have a chance to take his picture using the 13 boy's body of one of my friend's dolls, I will also post his picture ^^

      The image I saw from the very first 2nd edition auction on Y!J auction exactly fits the feeling and the characteristic I want for my dreaming oldest child of my doll family:D
      And how interesting is that his is the only child from Korea :lol:
      All my other four, including the coming Cristal (will be a 13 boy), are all from VOLKS;)

      To both Bliss and omichao:
      I am curious about what size of eyes does each of you choose for your Shou-Ryu?
      The eyes used in acution picture are 14mm, and the advise is 16mm,
      but it seems that I like the feeling of 14mm more than 16mm and however I don't feel like buying another size :sweat
      I am currently having A LOT OF 16 and 18mm......So I am really in hestitation whether buying new sets of eyes for him:doh