1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Discussion thread for Limhwa Limho Mano

May 21, 2007

    1. I'm still in the process of buying him, and i'm not sure of the resin colour because he's yellowed. I'd say it's beige urethane though! Yay!
      I had the WTB thread up for a while actually, but never thought anyone would respond! I only started seriously scouring the MP a couple days ago XD

      I'm only buying the body because it's for a floating head. Pity but my bank account won't let me get the head as well! Lol

      There was also a tan mano on the mp a couple days ago that may still be there? Good luck guys! Hoping to see more of your beautiful boys in this thread ^_^

      Just in case anyone is still hunting for a Mano, i think I saw one for sale over on the BJDfs yahoo group :)
    2. [​IMG]


      Resurecting the Mano Love.
      I worked on him today reblushed him where he had faded, reglued his eyelashes, changed his shirt to a Navy blue Freedom Teller, painted his nails and made him a new jewelry. Will take pics and add later today was just for spoiling him tomorrow I will make him work.
    3. Misty1, your Mano is gorgeous! I love seeing default (unmodified) Mano, yet at the same time it's
      kind of an ambiguous feeling for me. Regardless your Mano is gorgeous, he looks beautiful in the short wig.
      Thanks for sharing. (:

      - Enzyme
    4. Misty-I love the wig you're using in the first shot!

      I've been meaning to take some photos of Emile lately...it's been a while
    5. Hello again everyone :3
      I'm back into the BJD hobby, and desperately trying to find clothes for my Tuel and Mano bodies. Does anyone know if there are companies who will make suits that fit these guys? I make my own jeans and leather pants, but something a little more sophisticated...
    6. I'd try Freedom Teller - they make gorgeous suits in lots of sizes. Mano would probably be either SD17 or 70cm size.

      I don't have any suits for him, but I actually find that Stavros fits best into 70cm tops + SD16/17 pants... He's got some odd proportions. Longer arms & broader shoulders than SD17, but shorter legs & bigger butt than a Hound or other skinny-70cm type.
    7. Thanks! :) I've just had a quick look, and Freedom Teller do SD17, SID and EID sizes. So no chance of buying a whole suit at once xD but the shirts, SID or EID? I've never seen those dolls in person D= No idea the size.
    8. SIDs & EIDs are those big super-thick muscular Iplehouse guys-- totally in a different size-league than your regular skinny BJDs. EID's clothes look more like baby-clothes than doll-clothes. ^^

      Mano should be able to wear SD17 suits. The shoulders/sleeves could be a bit short, but I bet it'd work. I'd try contacting Freedom Teller first, send them Mano's chest & sleeve & shoulder measurements, and ask if they will fit into their SD17 tops & jackets.

      My Mano shares casual clothes (no suits, sorry) with my SD17, and it's only the tightest shirts that are really snug on him. That's generally the best size-match I've found. They seem to have mostly Dollmore Model M size, Sadol, and Volks clothing.

      Right, also try Sadol-- preppy/classy stuff there, beautiful quality, and they also do SD17 & other similar sizes. (I think their 70cm size is for DOIs, but don't quote me on that.)

      If you're shopping on eBay, probably most random 65cm & 70cm doll clothes should work, as well. I just thought of Freedom Teller & Sadol first, because they are THE wizards of exquisitely-made suits (and other preppywear).
    9. Sorry for reviving this thread from the dead, but my Mano needs a serious change of elastic, however, I am not sure where to find a type
      that best mimics the one he came with. I've never had the need to replace any of my dolls' elastic before, despite owning my oldest doll since 2004. DX
      I did some research last year and it seems that a lot of people find theirs at fabric stores. Sadly, the closest one to me is a bit far off and I have never seen
      any elastic that could be useful there. Has anyone had any good experience shopping for it online? I'd rather not buy internationally, shipping is always more
      than what the item is worth, and I'm not looking to purchasing any "BJD" related items at the time. However, if anyone has any recommendations at all it would be great.
      Thanks in advance and Happy belated New Year to all. (:

      - Enzyme
    10. Designermix, thank you for that link. Ack, they only seem to ship via EMS and are all the way in Japan.
      Maybe I should have said I'm in the USA; I could have sworn DoA's interface used to display location under
      the user ID, but I guess that's changed. ^ ^;; Thank you so much anyway for the link, it seems like a great online shop! (: