1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Distantmemory - Part 2

May 25, 2020

    1. @Mahgiep I love the faceup hes sooo cute you did a great job on him :fangirl:
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    2. I'm not sure if this is the right place to ask, but how much does a distant memory hwayoung head go for a resell price? I would like to buy one, but don't know what would be a reasonable cost.

      Thanks ❤️. Does distant memory normally restock?Everytime I used to check her page I never saw restocks. I think I read on doa she did restock before. Does she restock still or was that a one time thing she did because the head was popular?
      #82 Forever We Are Young, Mar 8, 2022
      Last edited: Mar 8, 2022
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    3. @Forever We Are Young i think I’ve seen them go for $900+ for just the head. Idk if anyone is actually buying them for that price
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    4. There’s a Jaeii head with a faceup for sale in the marketplace now for $290.
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    5. Oh I wish I could buy. I don't have marketplace access yet. I don't know if I can apply the moment I joined the site or the moment I got approval. My approval I think took a while.

      Is that a normal cost for Jaeii's head? I saw on ebay before I knew eBay sold fakes ( never bought off of ebay because I thought the dolls might be fake, but I wasn't sure) hwayoung cost a lot more than that. I assumed the other distant memory heads would cost over $600.
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    6. He’s so handsome! @Mahgiep
      On his left ear did you drill a hole for earrings? I really want to do it to my Laeoh but I’m too nervous lol. But since he’s based off of Namjoon I want to make it closely resemble him
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    7. Yes. I have a hand drill and I pierced both ears. I have done it many times. It’s easy and only takes a few minutes to do. I ordered small hoop earrings but they are in transit.
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    8. He looks great! Did you do the face up?
    9. Yes I did the faceup. Thanks!
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    10. I also ordered a fullset. I'm still waiting because the shipping to Germany always takes the longest :sigh
      Customs and all these things...
      I want to make a Not today Namjoon version... Purple hair... Cool clothes... He used to be my bias so I wanna do an hommage to these times :chibi

      I also think about buying a second fullset... Anyone interested in taking the head?
      I just need a new Body for my other DMs.
      (If he's still available next month of course)
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    11. I thought it was one per customer. Is it one per transaction? Because I bought a head, but regretted not buying a full set.

      I thought since I bought a head I couldn't make a second purchase for a second head or a full set.
    12. I order with my friend so the first purchase didn't come from me :)
      We are well organized in Terms of distant memory orders... Did this several times :XD:
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    13. I just got an awesome deal on a body for Laeoh head. It’s a luts body in their real skin peach. The color match isn’t super bad surprisingly. But from the start I had plans to dye my Laeoh. I want him to be more tan like Namjoon. I have to wait for more supplies and once I’m done I hope I can share pics here to show the results :)
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    14. Like a group order?
    15. A bit, yes :)

      Does anyone have their Laeoh ready with faceup (exept mahgiep because that one I already know).

      I'm interested to see it ❤️
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    16. #98 Forever We Are Young, Apr 9, 2022
      Last edited: Apr 9, 2022
    17. That’s weird it’s showing up for me on two different phones. But if it doesn’t work here’s the link Dyed Laeoh head
    18. Sorry if this is the wrong place, but does anyone know the neck size for a 65 cm boy body( Distant Memory?) I’ve never owned one of these guys but also looking to hybrid a head of mine who needs a rather large neck hole and I haven’t seen his size listed anywhere. Thanks so much!