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DM Model Doll Film Noir Lawrence -Incredibly Offensive Pictures

Oct 19, 2008

    1. Children can also access the Saw and Fangoria websites and I would have to say they both contain much more realistic looking disturbing content than a doll photostory. It's not Dollmore's job to parent people's children for them.

      I actually was kinda impressed by the photos, first time I had ever really seen some mostly convincing menace done with dolls. Parts of the faceup make me think someone's watched Strangeland a few too many times, but other than that....creepy and fun, all without actually being explicitly gory.
    2. I can agree with what you're saying.
      I'll agree that they're well done in that they really move you, which pictures of dolls should do and that it's not overly violent...but I'm not sure that it's what customers really want to see. And when a photoshoot is done by a company isn't it supossed to make someone very attracted to a doll? Or am I wrong?
    3. I really don't see the big deal. Yes, it was a little drastic, but they created a character and the photo shoot certainly fits. I agree with vampireanneke, Asian countries don't have the same sense of political correctness/censorship as most of the western world does.

      Also, I'm sure Dollmore knows their target demographic is a little older than the demographics of other hobbies and therefore hopefully a little more mature. Like I said, I just don't find it that shocking. Also, I must say - I don't really see any idication of rape. I suppose it's their if you read too much into it. This is a Halloween release and therefore suppose to be spooky/creepy/scary. As for children accessing it - it's not harder for a child to watch the news, or google blood and gore.
    4. i don't see anything particularly wrong with them... if children have access to the internet they have access to a lot worse things than a doll site. i mean, really?

      the disturbing part about these pictures is how you interpret them, and as a previous poster mentioned, young kids probably aren't likely to understand. it seems like they are only as offensive as one might imagine them to be. so there are dead bodies(by interpretation) hanging in the background... and that's worse than a bullet through the head..? not to me, really.. but i'm hard to offend.
    5. I think it was a nice horror concept executed well, and while I am not in the market for a 70cm boy, I can certainly appreciate how cool looking he is. I am sure there are people out there who feel the same way enough to want to own him. Not everyone wants fluffy cute or vanilla sunshine, sugar, and light. *shrugs*
    6. I second what DarkNeko is saying. I'm not too sure how many doll owners are going to want to pay 800 dollars for a jack the ripper-esque doll that has naked female doll bodies hanging behind him and all over the floor.

      I know I wouldn't.
    7. I'm not offended either, I think it's because I do horror makeup and work for haunted houses. I've seen much worse,but I'm not going to turn into a broken record,lol.
      I do however like his makeup,the bullet through the head doesn't make much sense to me though-but it was the artists choice and that's fine.

      Edit:I don't think Dollmore is supporting rape or violence, but I don't think they understand that this sort of thing would be offensive to some of their US customers. Prehaps once they find out they'll make a statement.
    8. With movies like Silent Hill, Saw etc I don't see what the big deal is.
    9. agree, to each our own, and to try and change a company who no doubt plan this for month, way of saling their creations...well :sweat. It like someone saying to me

      this part of your creations, bring me bad feeling, change it now, for it would sure to offend other. but when it boils down to it, it the feeling one get looking at the picture or read a stories, the world can't change to please everyone.

      the net as other have say, have open a wide word for kids, and the word search can lead to a world of trouble, there are worst thing out there, then what DM have decide to pop up there.
    10. Well, its not like he comes with a bunch of naked female bodies to hang about when you display him. Once you get him home, you can do what you will. He doesn't have to be what the company potrays him to be.

      I actually found the photostory to be fascinating. Dollmore's last doll...that Glamor Model? His photos were pretty arty and dark too. Doesn't he have bandages -bloody bandages if I correctly recall?- wrapped around his arms as though he's committed suicide? Both of them have really interesting stories, and really intense pictures on the site.

      My point: Murder and violence and rape and degradation of women are scary things, but they exist. People have those things in the backstories of their dolls. I don't know if its just where I'm looking, but it seems quite common. Just because now a company is doing it now doesn't mean anything.

      PS: I can barely watch Saw. Heck, I can't even watch them do nose jobs or liposuction without getting queasy. O.O
    11. Excuse me? I never said I saw it in person and I rather prefer that you do not assume so quickly that I meant that I've seen a rape or a murder.

      Let me specify my statement.

      I've read of things that are about rape, murder, and all of the sort. I also watch t.v. shows (C.S.I., to name one) and some movies that deal with this sort of thing. It's practically the same as a movie that has the same gruesome tone or a book that has a scene where someone is killed. Being one who is exposed to all the media today that delves into these things (heck, there are even art pieces that depict rape or murder), I was not horrified because I'm already used to seeing such images. I'd probably be horrified if I had felt malicious intent like a real snuff film or real pictures of victims. But since obviously these are dolls, I'm not affected.

      I've not been raped (and obviously not murdered) and just because I didn't state my opinion on the emotions of women who have been doesn't mean I'm a completely inconsiderate person towards these people. I'm sorry but to me your reply makes it sound like I'm such a person.

      I have to be explaining more now.

      Yes, some people will have a negative reaction towards how the doll looks and how he's portrayed (any kind of person really is susceptible to these feelings, whether they have these kinds of experiences or not) and even the doll community, like DoA, is sharing these same feelings. That's why I said I was surprised a major doll company released such a thing when obviously it'll garner such a response from the general population.

      I hope this explanation clears up what I meant in my previous reply.
    12. This.

      Seriously... someone's projecting their own issues, or just feeling the need for some seriously uncalled for outbiirk. :sigh

      I've got to admit. I saw the pictures and just laughed. There's something so seriously ridiculous about the whole set that I can't even muster up the energy to try and be offended.
    13. Yep,I guess I'll have to agree that if someone looked at one of my photostories and said "You have to take down that picture because I don't like it." I would be pretty hurt. At work we have this girl that crawls around on the floor and screams. A customer complained the other day that it scared her and she wasn't expecting that. Well,she was in a Halloween store so she should have expected that. I guess it's so offensive to so many because they weren't expecting to see that on a doll site because it wasn't what they were looking for. At a Halloween store you're looking for that sort of thing. But then again he is their Halloween doll...so if you click it you should expect to see something crazy.
    14. i love you lol. (i basically agree fully)

      i think its important to notice, and put emphasis on the fact that you do not actually see nooses around their necks, it does not actually look like he's strangling her(i thought it just looked like he was caressing her, but you could make more of it if you wanted) and there are no vivid depictions of rape. there is an undertone of something much darker going on, but it is not shoved in the open.

      not everyone is going to like every single doll every company makes, that's part of the beauty of marketing. mmm target audiences.
    15. You have an employee crawl around on the floor and scream?
      Wow..the halloween stores here certainly don't do that. Hehehehe.
    16. No,lol.
      We just call it 'the crawling girl'.
      It's a motorized corpse that does it's thing in the back of the store.
      I still can't believe that they found it to be offensive. I laughed.
      But I guess things offend you most when you're not expecting them.
    17. Well I honsatly dont think they were raped...but when you bring it up then go look at the pictures. Yeah it could be right.

      Me as a person that is into photos like that think it's awsome how they put that together! Yeah they could have put some cloths on the girls. But that wouldnt achive the effect they wanted.

      The one thing i have to say is that guy is scary as hell! It's his face-up...he just looks allaround creepy.

      One more thing i have to say...It is just a doll...People have seen a lot worse on TV and Movies then this.

      But the photo's are neat. Not in good taste. But cool...in a diffrent sorta way.
    18. If someone turned it on when I wasn't paying attention I'd probably jump and scream from surprise. (I'm easily spooked hahaha)
      But otherwise I'd probably just laugh the whole time.
    19. ... The difference being?
    20. I recall there was a doll released (by Custom House I think but could be totally wrong) a number of years ago based on a character (comic book I think, I really don't know the character at all) called Priest. This guy reminds me of him in looks. Neither is particularly my taste but to each his own.

      I have to say I'm on the fence about the pics. Overall, yeah, they're dolls and this is a Hallowe'en thing so I'm not really offended.

      I do have to say I disagree with the whole "OMG he's a rapist" bit. I'd say the implication is more toward him being a killer than anything. I definitely didn't even think of rape when I looked at the pics (and that would usually be my first reaction). I kinda agree with the 'ripper' feeling except for the bullet hole in his head. Makes him sorta like the walking dead perhaps?
