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Do Dolls Dream Marionette Line

Jul 28, 2020

    1. She’s gorgeous!! I’m looking forward to the next preorder opening in May so that I can jump on and grab one of these gorgeous girls for myself. I’m torn between Carlotta and Margaret—thank goodness they let you buy an extra head, that’s going to be so necessary in my case!!
    2. I know someone on Ig received theirs here: and I believe most of the other dolls from that preorder have shipped out as well!
    3. These dolls are simply gorgeous! I'm a huge fan of the combination of regular and translucent resin coming up in the newest preorder - the second variant looks like they're wearing long gloves and lovely stockings! It's so cute. I also really like the Songbird Garden resin... I can't decide which sculpt is my favorite though! I like all the versions of Charlotta and Lullaby Ao a lot, as well as Aurelia. Anyone have any plans to order when it launches? :)
    4. I keep going back and forth on the resin colour, but I’m getting a charlotta in either pale rose or caramel forest! Planning on having her be the rare doll I order with a faceup, because you can’t argue with how gorgeous Paulianne’s results are
      • x 1
    5. I ended up selling the doll I showed above - I liked her a lot, but I listed the extra head I had for sale and then that became selling the full doll. At the time I felt it was best as she was a bit heavy for me.

      Still, I admit that I am very tempted to purchase another one in this preorder (Lullaby Ao is especially lovely). However, I do have upcoming dental bills to consider and I'm also hoping to take part in another artist's preorder later in the year. I expect there will be another Miss Marionette preorder next year if I don't make it for this one.

      Also...what I really hope for is a new 1/4-size series with similar joints - Miss Marionette's shoulder and neck joints are fantastic - I wish every doll had them! So I might just wait this time and cross my fingers that DoDollsDream will make something amazing like that in the future.

      @limesparrow - Songbird Garden resin is so beautiful and unusual! And I completely agree about the "gloves and stockings" effect of the translucent resin parts. It's so charming!

      @Chameleon - Choosing a resin color is tough! They're all appealing! And the resin itself is amazing - so smooth and soft, almost velvety to the touch. Good luck with making a decision!
      • x 2
    6. Thank you so much! I’m glad to hear they live up to how good they look in pictures!!
    7. They definitely do! I've ordered from DoDollsDream a couple of times now and I've never been disappointed by the quality. The level of care put into every detail of the doll and even the packaging is very impressive.

      The only thing I will say in regard to the Miss Marionette body is that the elastic is quite thick and the neck hole is pretty large. This works beautifully with DoDollsDream heads, but if you want to hybrid another artist's heads it might need some modding of the head or a re-knotting of the elastic. I tried to put one of my Maskcatdoll heads (which are a little bit larger than the DoDollsDream heads) on the body just for fun and I couldn't get the S-hook and knot through. So that's just something to consider if you are thinking of body-sharing. I know not everyone does, but I like a minimal collection where bodies can share, so it's something I think about X)
    8. Ohhh, I think that will be so lovely, whichever you pick! Caramel Forest + a face-up would definitely be in my wheelhouse. The pre-styled Charlotta in the promo images is so gorgeous she almost sold me on the sculpt then and there, being honest with you!

      @StellaMarigold - 1/4 size dolls in this style would be amazing! I've never owned a 55 cm doll (or even held one!) but I can imagine they would be quite hefty. There's something fun about the concept of having a really sizable doll, though. I hope to add one to my collection one day! Thank you very much for your intel as well, it's very useful stuff to know. :)

      If I could I would order two dolls - one with the translucent resin (very partial to the stockings look!) and one in Songbird Garden. Alas, I cannot! I'll have to hold off for now, but I'm very excited to see what comes of this preorder.
    9. I plan on ordering elf lullaby Charlotta but I can't decide between woodland echo or angelic pink. At first I really wanted the transparent resin and now I'm not sure.

      I don't usually get dolls like this but I just love everything about these dolls.
    10. @limesparrow - I never thought I'd own a doll over 45cm myself, but you're right, there is something really fun about the big dolls. I love the higher level of detail possible in their clothes and accessories, and they have a lovely presence.

      I do have a 57cm Maskcatdoll (my beautiful Juni) but even though she's taller than the Miss Marionettes (the difference is mostly in her legs) she feels lighter! The resin feels quite different, though. DoDollsDream resin is pretty special.

      I hope that if there is another preorder next year you'll have the opportunity to participate then!

      @Loganberry - Oh, good luck in choosing! All the colors are so pretty. I'd love to see Woodland Echo in person someday. It is high on my list of favorites.
    11. Jumping in that I'm also planning to order a Charlotta in Woodland Echo. I'm not really planning to have her be a specific character, though. I'm planning in her being the fashion model in my collection.
    12. Wellll I’ve officially ordered my gal. We went for a Charlotta in Pale Rose in the end. If I had the money, I would’ve loved a Margaret as well, but I’ll hold off for the next preorder haha
      • x 1
    13. Congratulations!!! I'm sure she'll be lovely!

      That picture with all the styled dolls is amazing. I'm truly so excited to see them, wow!
    14. I ordered Charlotta elf in pale rose. I really couldn't decide between pale rose and woodland echo but the pictures of her in pale rose on Instagram tipped me to pick that colour. If I could have afforded 2 I would have bought them.

      It's going to feel like a like wait cause I'm beyond excited to bring this girl home!

      @Chameleon congrats!! Have you got any plans for her?
    15. Yes! Me ne is going to have pink hair and brown eyes and be the daughter of one of the gods in the series I’m writing. I already have her fraternal twin sister (who is a MDR Zuri) and her partner (who is a Twigling ingenue). She’s really the last major character I have left to shell, and I’ve tried 4-5 other dolls but none of them fully worked as her, and I think Charlotta will!

      what are your plans for your girl?
    16. One of my current favourite doll lines, for sure. I am not currently able to make a purchase, but I am beyond tempted in the future. These girls are so beautifully created. I love the soft colours and the way their bodies are sculpted.
    17. Oh wow! That all sounds amazing! Got to say I love mdr Zuri and Twigling Ingenue too, I think Charlotta will look great with them. I hope Charlotta will work for you!

      I just have really basic plans for her at the moment. A blonde, sun kissed kinda look. Like I said basic :sweat. But hopefully more will come to me. Long term plan is next pre order to order Charlotta normal version in woodland echo. There is no doubt in my mind that I'll love her :XD:
    18. I could see her absolutely rocking a sun kissed blonde look! I don’t think that’s basic at all if it looks nice! Woodland echo would also be gorgeous on Charlotte. Eventually I plan to order a Margaret, but I have no idea which colour yet!
    19. Thanks! Margaret is another awesome sculpt!

      Has anyone who has ordered received an order summary with details to pay the deposit? I've only received the congratulations your order is accepted email.