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Do you change the look of your dolls?

Feb 11, 2016

    1. To me that is part of the beauty of BJD: their ability to be changed. While I have "default" pieces I tend to fall back on for each of my dolls (usually early pieces I bought specifically for them), I like to swap wigs a lot, and anyone who can share clothes does share clothes. I don't change eyes all the time, though, because I don't have as many good ones (a few, but not many), and sometimes installing eyes is annoying. I have styles of clothing I lean toward for my dolls but it is based on what I like and what I think would look good. I don't have strict characters for my dolls either, so maybe that helps. Once they are mine, they are my tool for enjoyment, so I like to think I call the shots. ;)
    2. Not as much as I would like. I keep saying I am going to do it, then find a look I like and then that becomes the set look for that doll.
    3. Yes and no. I have dolls that have changed several times and other that stay how they are right from the beginning. ^_^
    4. I'm the same way. I may buy new clothes, but they get switch back after one photo session.
    5. I think I want a certain look for a doll, then put her or him in something else as temporary. I then get so used to that look for the doll that when I change to something else, and even the look I planned originally, it often seems odd, and I put the doll back as before. LOL
    6. I don't change eyes very often, but clothes /wigs yes. If i get tired of wig, i sell it and make new one :P I have only 1 wig atm, that i dont sell and keep even when she is not wearing it. But i guess over time there will be more :) I love to change clothes for photos.
    7. Yes! My first doll, Chaos was supposedly a girly type but I ended up changing his fashion to casual XD Will be selling the majority of his pink stuffs any time soon :P
    8. Yeah, id totally change my dolls looks. As long as it wasnt completely face changing. I mean i change my look in person a bunch, i think sometimes it happens to everyone. Anyone can change and i dont see it differently with doll characters. I can understand the hesitation though. I completely changed up my dolls look, even the hair and eye color and she still fits her character.
    9. All the time! Though I do take into consideration their characters and try not to change it to something that's too drastically different from that.

      There are exceptions, too! If it was a totally different look, I'd explain it as cosplay or write a scenario that led them to the change.
    10. I study fashion and wardrobe is a big part of my character design process. Style is something people have. There are things you wouldn't wear and same goes for my characters. That's not to say I don't occasionally put them into things out of character or evolve and change the character to fit my mood or what I want.

      And I have actually bought a doll to fulfill my desire to own certain cutesy outfits and have left her pretty vague in my own mind to leave her open to change in case I find something I just need to have.
    11. My first doll Lily was the victim of my newness to the hobby. I did not know what to expect, and I didn't really have any idea of what I wanted her to look like even though I'd created her character years before. I was really dissatisfied with her after a while and completely changed her style, except for her main colors.
    12. This is something I've struggled with - when I got my Mudoll bebe I didn't have any specific character in mind for her (though she seems to be developing one over time) but ever since she's arrived I can't imagine her any other way than the way she came. I don't -dream- of changing her wig as it suits her so well and I've tried bringing myself to look into different outfits... but I just can't do it X'D'X Because she came as a full set I guess I'm afraid of breaking the image she came as - plus her frilly little dress is so cute lol
    13. I redress them quite a bit, but they all have very set eyes and wigs, and they all have pretty established styles. They all represent different characters from different stories, so it would be "out of character" if Lilly (for example) put away her edgy, punky wardrobe in favor of soft frills and pastels. This is not to say that some of them don't have expansive wardrobes! :D But even in real life, I'm the sort who sticks with a look if it works for me.
    14. Three months later, and I've sorted out what I'm doing with my little doll family.

      Sidney, a spiritdoll snowdrop and the main culprit, is going to be keeping her overall look but with some changes.

      Her eyes are going to be a size down, giving her a more serious and mature look. And a longer wig in the same colour should hopefully give her a bit of the flair I would like her to have.

      Sidney also got a whole bunch of new clothes, and looks delightful in them; a welcome change from her one sole outfit which was starting to grow old.
    15. None of my dolls are tied to a particular character. They have very rough back stories. I consider my dolls a bit like people. I occasionally cut or color my hair. I wear different outfits depending in occasion, and have a range of colors I like, not just one style. Maybe depending on season or changes in fashion. Or I might wear something unusual for a costume party. But I'm still me.
    16. Well I currently only have one boy at the moment I have two dolls on the way who's fashion sense is way more developed than my first boy so I have him model all of their clothing for me it actually falls in line with his chances because he just doesn't put up resistance when it comes to doing anything he's asked of so if one of the others wanted to use him as a model to plan outfits or something he'd do it long story short I get to see him in all kinds of clothes and he looks good in almost everything
    17. I change them until I find the perfect look and then they stay like that forever lol. I switch the clothes of course but the style/fashion sense of each one stays the same. Their wigs and eyes stay the same as does their faceup style. :whee:
    18. When I ordered my doll, I intentionally ordered a faceup that could look good with several colors of eyes or hair. I don't think she'll ever be a set style.:)
    19. Pete's look is the least flexible, I think, with my current dolls-- I change his clothes now and then, but they all go together. Like, he really only wears a couple of colors and his styling is very androgynous. Even when he breaks out of his box in one way, like a hat or a tee shirt that's outside what his usual outfits are like, he keeps very rigidly to the same color scheme, or some other way in which the new/different thing still 'fits' with his overall wardrobe.

      Vince is the opposite. Vince I can put in just about anything, boy clothes, girl clothes, totally neutral clothes, kid stuff, grown up looks... Vince loves everything. So I'll always at least have one doll that I can do anything with, even if others are less changeable.
    20. I didn't solve it, my dolls all have their own style and because of it they actually stayed unclothed for a while as I couldn't find the right clothes! XD