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Do you collect furniture/props or room settings for your dolls??

Oct 15, 2008

    1. I love furniture, props & accessories & find them quite neccesary for my displays. I don't have tall enough shelves to display the dolls standing so they're always sitting or lounging around holding little props & surrounded by other things. I haven't wallpapered the cabinets or hung any pictures on the walls simply because I'd want to change them too often but their dressers & chests have all sorts of momentos on them. I'm also big on pets so there's often cats cuddled up on laps.

      I pick-up all this stuff wherever I find it. A lot came from Ebay & quite a bit of furniture from The Doll Market. I've also found great things at antique fairs, auctions, estate sales & flea markets as well as a few pieces from other doll shops. Most anything designed for 18" play dolls will work with SDs and for the tinies there's always Barbie stuff or miniatures if they're small enough. I find the MSDs the hardest to find in-scale furniture & accessories for but I only have a couple of them & they've stolen the few things my fashion dolls used to posess.

      Just keep your eyes open when you're out shopping & get a feel for your favorite scale. Look at stuff for it can become rather than just what it is. My kids have ended up with lots of goodies this way.
    2. I like seeing photos of other people's doll houses/rooms and all of the neat furniture and props that are available, but I don't really have any interest in collecting it myself...I'd rather spend that money on buying more dolls and clothes, wigs, eyes, faceup supplies, etc. for them. Plus, I have a lot of 4-legged children (2 cats, 4 dogs and a pot-bellied pig) who would be waaay too curious about stuff like that sitting around the house. :lol: As it is, I'm going to have to be very careful about where I keep my boy, or else he'll be "mistaken" for a chew toy.
    3. I don't, but I'd like to. :)
    4. I would love to have a nice room for Kaedyn and the rest (if they ever get here >.>) but space is pretty limited =( I've got a corner set up but barely any furniture. I always find small props and scale items, but not real furniture D:
    5. I try to restrict myself to accessories these days because they take less space ... but I constantly think of chairs, chaise longue, tea tables and sofas... I can see I will be loosing the battle against my resolve not to buy furniture because every time I look in my wardrobe I think : "I can store an SD size chair behind this raw of jackets" or, "this space is just enough for a small tea table".

      They won't be on display all the time but I will take them out when I play with my doll ... so I would say... not YET ... but definitely soon .
    6. We have a rule, Re Ment is for Littles. The only exception I make for the bigger dolls is 1/4 and 1/3 scale art supplies so they can be like mommy. Otherwise there would be no room for anyone.

      The 1/6 crowd has to keep their plastic crack in their doll house, the curio cabinets, the shadow boxes...
    7. I have a section in my room for my dolls, so I set up a sitting room for them with furniture. :) I love getting small props- food, weapons, tea cups, etc. but also things for the furniture I have (tables) like a mirror, decorations and such. I even got a few antique french mini plates to display for them, and a small porcelain Royal Doultan too. I love getting things to match the furniture- even a rug!^_^
    8. I love props and dollhouses and I'd like to have a BJD-scale room. My father made a sofa for my MSDs and I have much little things like plushies, vases etc. I have a MSD-sized sewing machine too. :lol: When I get my Roxydoll Lucy I'd do a 1/6-scale room for her by using and customizing Pullip's and Barbie's furniture.
    9. Oh God, I have so much stuff for them and yet I seldom if ever take pictures or anything. They just have the stuff. I'm simply a fool for scale items. The Sd and MSD sizes pretty much share furniture since it all really was made for 18"AG (not to mention the camping-sewing-reading-cooking-studying-eating-drinking-musical accessories that fill drawers.) The YoSD size has way too much furniture (Ladie & Friends Shoestring Babies furniture and Briarbear furniture) The smaller 1/6 crowd has Madeline furniture annd Re-ments and the PukiPukis have Ikea. My dolls own more and better stuff than I do.
      I keep thinking that I'll do a Gallery thread called "Things my Dolls Own"!:roll:

      But I also have a very curious Bengal cat, so nothing small and moveable can stay out; the dolls all sit in the large sofa and chairs with smaller dolls in their laps but I am afraid to set up anything more elaborate for fear that my cat might decide to test if the Law of Gravity applies to the Dolls' belongings as well as her own.
    10. I've got a teacup and saucer for my msd that I found at a flea market. He also has a cane that he came with. At a yard sale I found some cute little wicker furniture that is a pretty good size for my DZ bunny and she has some re-ment food too.
    11. I have a re-ment addiction. More than anything, it's the little animals though. They are my dolls' little toys but when they aren't looking, they come to life! :)

      I really like re-ments alot. One of the main reasons I picked my Pipos Sugar Robin over Bao is because alot of the food items are more to her scale.
    12. i enjoy finding props and furniture in unlikely places...so i have a little more then i can use. Occasionally i re-arrange things to fit better, but their still scattered all over my room. I hope to one day make them their own room. Ideally i would like a large hobby room, were i can put one wall for the dolls, a table for photographing them, a table for drawing and computer work, and i guess a book shelf to store my manga and art books in. that would be my ideal situation, but i guess that would mean id need a pretty big room. XD
    13. A dollhouse is too big for me, i only nead a room corner.
      If i can find some furnitures for my dolls, i'll definitely buy them~
    14. I don't, they have to share with me.
      Right now I'd rather spend my money on more dolls than furniture.
    15. I do, and I have a fair amount of stuff [chairs, accessories, a bathtub, food, plates, etc] but I don't have enough space to make a room for all my dolls [I have 3 SD with 1 on the way and 2 MSD, with more SDs planned] so I've just got them as props for photos. I figure if I move one day and get a bigger place then maybe I'll have more room for my doll stuff. :) But until then I'm find storing it and pulling it out for photos.
    16. Yes and yet no. Loren has some odds and ends; I've found some tiny bags of actual (and also tiny) gummi bears inexplicably at a candy shop, and a leather bracelet that he uses as a belt. There are few other things I've come across his scale that would suit him...most of what I've seen thus far is cutesy and far to feminine for him.
    17. I don't have a doll yet, but I found myself looking at a bathtub that looks like it might be about the right scale for the MSD size ones today. I'm sure once I have one I'll be buying all sorts of things.
    18. I was lucky enough to come across a 4 post bed in a shop for $10, and a SD sized chair for 4.
      I also found a tea set with cakes for $3.
      I'm always on the look out for dollie sized things, as one day I hope to have enough to make a SD/MSD sized doll house!
    19. i don't think i'd want a dollhouse, but furniture i would :)
      props and things are easy to find though, i'm a bit of a packrat with small toys and stuff :sweat
    20. i did when i started the hobby , right now i have enough of furnitures so i left myslef only one set for my msd, at last my dolls are sitting everywhere so furnitures aren't necessarry for me and only take free space :P