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Do you include your floating heads in your doll count?

Jan 6, 2012

    1. I get really confused with my doll count. LOL So when somebody asks how many I have, I just say "It depends"....and then elaborate if they want to know more. :P

      For example...my signature shows 24 dolls. 3 are floating heads (one of which I have no intention of getting a body for for years until the character "grows" into it). 2 are paid for but not home yet. 1 is "retired" (aka he was my first doll, has since been upgraded, but i can't make myself get rid of the first doll, so he's mummy wrapped and stored in a box in my closet and never displayed or played with). So, by those standards, I only have 19 complete dolls home....18 "active" complete dolls home.

      now...if we want to talk CHARACTER, the Gu and Chen are the same character. The Mo head and Adzuki Bean are the same character. Ashley is a fully developed and played character, but I haven't even put the first dollar down on him, so he's not on my signature.....so.....that's a whole new can of worms!

      I think I should just stick with my number being "It's complicated"......
    2. I count floating heads of unique sculpts (not option or secondary heads - like dreaming heads that won't ever have bodies of their own) as 1/2 dolls. When I had more than one floater, I counted it as x number of dolls and two halves. I found it was the easiest way to explain it to non-doll people. As for the option heads (I have way too many) I don't really count them as dolls - just as a second version of whatever doll they belong to.
    3. Well, I've never had any! But I'll be getting a faceplate soon hopefully. I'd personally count full dolls as 1 doll, heads as 1/2 a doll, and faceplates as 1/3 of a doll XD
    4. Most of my "spare" heads are just that... spares. I keep them, but don't consider them an active part of the collection, and so don't list them on my profile.

      The one who's just waiting for a body (Endy, my Dreaming Lishe boy) and the one who's a "perpetual floater" who was never intended to have one (Manny, my little Junga Skull)are listed and counted, though, since I do consider those two part of the crew in spite of 'only' being heads.
    5. All the floating heads are counted, but sleeping faces who remain the same character are not. I have like three or four sleeping faces who remain the same character.
    6. I never answer with just a number, but I usually give a concise response, such as "I own 15 complete dolls and 2 floating heads." This usually ends any debate from happening, since the opinion that heads "count" as a doll is subjective.

      I give this answer even if one of the floating heads is a sweet dreams version of one character (complete doll) and one of my YoSDs is up for sale and boxed away for months. I don't consider the latter doll part of my collection, but I still own it.
    7. If another doll has a body that they can use from time to time, then I do. For example, I have one NS SD16 girl body, but two heads that they share. I will admit that there is usually one head more dominate than the other and if I really want to keep the head permanently I eventually start looking for a body for it.
    8. I count mine as a half...like I jokingly say I have 2.5 dolls... lol but I'm not sure what I would say if I had 2 heads!!

      But in all seriousness, I don't like having an extra head for "practice"...I've been doing that on all of them soI will be getting a body asap!
    9. I have atm two Unoa faceplates which represent two different characters and only one body for them. Counting that floating faceplate as a doll depends on the situation.

      If I'm explaining my doll spending or amount of dolls to my husband, the head is counted out ;) If fact, it came as a freebie with my Unoa order, so no moneys spent on the resin. Until I get the body, that is. Then I have one more doll to defend to him!

      When telling about my collection to doll people or friends who don't need to know about my spending, I count the FP in. Sometimes as a 'whole doll' and sometimes as a 'half a doll'. And when I get the body, I'm just making the doll whole ;)

      My Ai also has two heads, and although they are somewhat different characters as well, it's more like two sides of the same coin. So I don't count that as another doll, just one!

      Then I have a doll who houses two different characters. This too is still just one doll.
    10. I wouldn't include it in the total count.
      I have four bodies and five heads so at any one time I have a maximum of five dolls.
    11. I'm planning on selling my only floating head eventually, so he's not counted. If I were planning on keeping him I probably would though..
    12. I would only list them if I already ordered the body or was about to order it or had a wanted up for the body. In other words really serious about finishing the doll.
    13. I do and I don't. If I say how many dolls I have, I don't include them, on the list in my signature I don't include them, but I will mention it in other places. I don't call a floating head a doll though. I usually just label it my floating head of the mold. I don't just buy heads. They're ones I get from events and all that so there's not a character attached, not yet anyway. If they do become one, I'll get a body for them
    14. I counted one once when it was in between bodies because I was getting her body very soon. However, I normally do not count them at all or I specify I have so many dolls plus so many floating heads.
    15. I count the heads, but I do differentiate them from full dolls. As others have stated, I would say 'I have (# of dolls) and (# of heads)', if I had any floating heads at the time. I consider a doll with 2 faceplates as 1 doll, though.

      However, I don't put my floating heads on my profile under 'Doll Family', mainly because I will have to change my format to include something to the effect of 'head only', and that just does not look good to me. I only have 2 floating heads right now, and that's probably the most number of floating heads I've ever had, so it's not like I'd forget about them. Though I do keep order dates/arrival dates + prices (including shipping) on another list, and that does include my floating heads (purely archival, though, since I don't do much with my heads until after they get a body).
    16. Yep! The head is where the personailty is stored!
    17. This might've been better as a poll? :) I don't count floating heads in my "doll count."

      None of the floating heads have names or character types either. I consider a couple of them to be mistakes (as in, they didn't look how I expected, and I'd sell them if I wasn't so lazy about such things). There are two that I'd like to eventually get bodies for, but I'm not in any hurry.
    18. I usually count them in because they're not just spares or project heads (anymore), they will all get their own bodies eventually. Just bought a body for one actually, and will continue to do so for the others over the year.
    19. For me it depends. Sometimes I do, if I'm counting all characters. But if asked how many dolls I have, I think full dolls. Not floating heads. And then I also usually leave out puki's. :XD:
    20. No floating heads to me they are like extra hands, feet etc. A part of the whole but not complete. I have a magnificent Luts Soo floating head and an actual Luts Soo with a body. Unless I get another body I class that as one doll.