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Do you like seeing dyed dolls?

Feb 25, 2010

    1. It really depends not only on the color, but also the doll. Personally I don't mind dyed dolls. I think for the right character, its fine and creative way of portraying a dolls personallity. But, in some cases.. some types of dolls should NEVER be dyed, nor should some colors ever be used to dye any doll.
    2. I am planning for my second doll to be a drow so I will be dying him dark greysih blackish blue. I know he will be A LOT of work but he will be SO worth it to me. Also cause he will be a character that is near and dear to my heart as long as he comes out well I wont care what other people think of him he will be mine so he only matters to me
    3. I love seeing what other people do with their dolls to make them more personal and unique. Dyeing is tough and it does take guts, though I found it addicting. I plan to dye more as they come to me. My drow is done with his dye job so far and now I'm thinking about dyeing more even though the first one was a real pain. It was worth it, he was just another doll to me before it.
    4. It really depends. I know one person who has at least two dolls dyed black. They look cool and I like both of the dolls. It also makes them even more indivudiual looking. When thinking about colours besides grey/tan/black, I don't know... I haven't seen a pink doll, and I'm not sure if I want to see one :sweat If the doll has been dyed well and the colour looks good and fits the character, it can be very interesting. Sometimes not so well dyed ones might 'bother' me - or lets just say I don't like seeing them. But then again, thinking about my first face ups etc. I really feel sorry for those who had to see them :sorry So in my opinion everyone can decide whether to dye their dolls or not, it might be succesful or then not - like every other 'experiment' aswell.
      Nevertheless, I would never want a dyed doll myself (excluding tanned dolls by companies, which I love <3).
    5. I haven't seen too many that I've actually liked to be honest, but if I get my wish, I'll be dyeing several bodies to match the DT tan heads that I want, so I suppose the long and short of it is this:

      If it's done well, and doesn't look like you dunked your baby in a vat of paint, then yeah, I like the idea (at least) of dyeing a doll and I'd probably try it.

      I've seen maybe- maybe- one doll that looked good dyed though, so I'd actually like to see some pictures before I attempt anything that permanent on my gang though.
    6. I thought it was a cool idea at first until I saw some dyed dolls in person. The color seemed to be uneven and bring out imperfections in the resin. I don't think it was the fault of the people who dyed the doll though, I think that's just how dye goes.

      It can still be cool if you're planning on, say, doing additional mods and coloring over the whole doll and going whole hog on a very artistic fantasy trip doll, or maybe if the uneven color suits the doll (like it's supposed to be made of stone or some material that's not perfectly even color). But for the vast majority of dyed dolls that are just a case of "I have this character that had purple skin so I dyed my doll purple" I'm not real big on that stuff. And if you're dying the doll to tan it darker, I would rather just see a doll done in actual tan resin, of which there are lots and lots.

      I also think people need to realize that dying a doll, or worse yet dying a doll and sanding it off all over, is usually going to decrease the value of the doll when you go to resell it.
    7. Well, I own a dyed doll, so I guess I like looking at them... Actually, my doll's dye job is pretty subtle. I wanted to match a paper white body to an ivory head, so I dyed the body. That said, I'm not wild on dolls where the dye looks hugely splotchy or uneven. Other than that, if it looks good, then I will enjoy looking at it.
    8. I don't care what others do to their dolls, so I have nothing against those who do dye theres. That being said, so far I don't care for dyed dolls. That being said I've seen a small handful and the dye jobs were quite horrid. If there was a proper dye job then I probably could. If I trusted the process more it would be easier to make some of my characters. -sigh-
    9. I don't have a problem with it... if it were a marketplace situation it's really like any other: let your buyer know what to expect!

      I've dyed a doll, but only because I was aiming for a splotchy, rusty, dirty neglected junkyard sort of aesthetic. I would *never* do it for a doll whose skin I'd need to have flawless and pretty, because any surface treatment is by its very nature ephemeral (even more ephemeral than the doll's own color one might add) and will see signs of wear and use.

    10. I've haven't seen many dyed dolls, but I think it could give some interesting results. I have two custom house dolls that will be arriving later this year and while I have something in mind for one, the other is very much a blank canvas and I am considering dying as a possibility.
    11. I've yet to see a well done dye job on a doll, so no I don't like them.
    12. It's cool when it's well done but I personally don't care for it.
    13. All depends on what the person is going for, and how effectively they pulled it off. A splotchy or streaky dye job isn't always bad, if it the dolls supposed to look like a robot, a doll, zombie, or some other unreal thing. On the other hand, dying for oh say an elf, then no streakiness. It's got to match the character of the doll, period.
    14. Dyed dolls of any color are great, as long as it's done well.
    15. I have a pretty yellowed doll and I thought about getting her dyed light tan if I find someone who can do the job really well, sort of an expert. Otherwise I'm too chicken-hearted to do it myself.
    16. I don't have the desire to own any dyed dolls myself, but I love looking at the mods that others have created - color changes included. Collecting for oneself aside, part of the enjoyment of this hobby is in seeing where other people's imaginations take them.