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Do you mind if your dolls look similar?

Mar 23, 2010

    1. I have only two dolls so far. A BBB Weylin and a Soom Gluino, they can't be further apart in the question of mold. Also I did a on them a completely different face-up. I have other dolls on the way and well they are very much planed how they will look like. So I think as long my dolls are based on my characters none of them will look alike. Maybe I would have more issues if I just got them on impulse? Can't really say ^^;
    2. I don't like the idea of having dolls with exactly the same bodies, so I tend to only buy one individual doll from companies, i.e. one Soom Super Gem boy, One Elfdoll Rainy girl and whatever.....I wish you had a choice of different bodies from companies so they could be more individual....I mean, you wouldn't have 2 real people with exactly the same bodies! Lol
    4. I've actually been thinking about this recently. I have a boy doll coming in and he has the exact same colour of hair as one of my other dolls. It's, candy apple red for both of them.. so the colour stands out.. This weirds me out a bit, but I know that those are their characters. I can't really change it. At least they'll be different sexes and have different skin tones. There personalities are very different so I hope this will stop bothering me after I get used to it.
    5. I don't want them to look similar at all, but I do want them all to match and look good together. :)
    6. I try to limit my number of dolls to just a few because it's easier for me, so then yes, I do mind if they look similar. I don't want them to look so different that they look bad together, but I do want them to look different - otherwise I just bought the same doll from different companies. Generally, I'll just pick the sculpt that looks better and go with that one instead.
    7. Though I have only one doll now, all the girls I lay my eye on are really, really similar...
      On one hand I don't see any reason to buy look-a-like girls (expect when they are twins) but on the other every person has his own, so-called doll type, I mean type of dolls he or she likes, that is why all his choses would be the same.
      (One loves adult-looking women, while others fall for childish boys for exmpl)
    8. There are a few of my dolls that are prevalent in the community, and while what I do with my dolls is to primarily please myself, I make efforts not to have the same/similar names, hair/eye combo as other dolls of that same mold that I’ve seen in the community. I don't want in inadvertently "copy" what others have created.

      I have many molds that are either the same or similar to each other and I celebrate it. I do try to make each doll have his/her own "special something" just for him/her, even with my twin sets and quadruplet set, whether it be eye color, faceup, wig, what have you. I don't feel obligated to do it; it's just my preference.
    9. Nope! Each one has their own distinctive look, and only two of my dolls share the same hair color (black) while three share the same eye color (blue). Which is no problem! It's still very easy to tell them all apart, according to both doll and non-doll friends. Particularly maybe in clothing styles they are all similar, visitors have described them as "all professional-looking" but again they're individualistic enough to tell the differences. Each doll has his own character, and so all of my decisions come based out of that..and miraculously their personalities just shine thought! So why would I mind? :)
    10. I don't feel like they have to have all different qualities, but I would not want a doll with a similar face or sculpt. There's too many amazing dolls to keep repeating the same look (No offense to anyone who likes similar sculpts! I'm just a sucker for variety)
    11. In my opinion like in real life many people with same color of eyes or hair does not mean necessaryly they look similar in the BJD case either. Most of mine have black eyes and the most common wigs among them are black and blond. Despite that, all of them look very different. I could say it is because they are different sculpts, but my two MNF are sculpts I had already in large size and they still look really different. Do I chase all my BJD are not similar among them? I just chase they fit the (Already given or own creation) characters they are supposed to be. If they are supposed to be alike I do not mind, but if they are not I do.
    12. The only two restrictions I'm giving myself is that dolls can only have the same face-scrulpt if they are identical twins and no one (not even the twins) can have the same body.

      I know I have a preference towards sleepy dolls and open mouths and I don't mind if several of my dolls end up with dark hair and golden eyes, because I know that I like that combo. As others have said: it's all in how you style them. Even if they have the same face, the same hair colour and same eyes, they can still look like two completely different molds.
    13. I used to work -very- hard at having no two dolls with the same hair/eye color combo. Even now that I have convinced myself it's "okay" to repeat color scemes in coloring or face-up, it's still difficult for me. I'm not certain why this was an issue for me, unless it was simply that I wanted it to be easy to tell my dolls appart at meet-ups (kind of foolish, really).
    14. As a general rule, I like diversity. It's a point of amusement around here that I only need one color (orange) to have a doll with every color of hair in the rainbow. But it's not exactly something I do on purpose, I just like colors.
      Amusingly, even though I have three of the same sculpt (with a fourth on order) they're all as different as could be. Despite being technically all the same person. ^^;

      But I usually just try wigs on the new arrival until I find one that suits, or I wind up ordering something. The doll tends to choose what it wants, and the best I can do is offer suggestions. :)
    15. Granted, I do have a small doll collection (*cough* only one *cough*) at the moment, I think similarly styled dolls can be okay in certain situations.

      For example, if the characters of the dolls are related (ex. mother and daughter, cousins, twins, etc.), it's generally expected that they at least have one similar characteristic in real life! With BJDs, why would it be any different?

      BJDs do, however, allow for diversity- and playing with different combinations of style and colour is always fun!
    16. If you want them to have similar then I suppose its fine. If there family its only natural for them to look alike. I don't think I would mind since well I would have gotten them.
    17. I think having your dolls look different is probably a good thing, however I'm more of a person who goes for the overall look. My two dolls are meant to be twins, boy and girl, so I do have similar wigs that make them look like twins. However, if the outfit I decide for them to wear doesn't work with the hair, I just change one of their hairstyles :) Then they look completely different.
      Although they look similar sometimes, there are subtle details to tell them both apart because they're not the same sculpt.
    18. I actually strive to make sure my dolls don't look too similiar. It's important to me that each of my dolls has their own defined look to them. Unless, of course, I want them look similiar- like the two sets of twins I'm planning to get in the future or in the case of the grown up versions of my younger characters;). ...But sometimes the similiarity between molds, wigs, and eyes that I'm interested in is unavoidable, in which case I just roll with it. :cool:
    19. I try to avoid same eye colors, same wig colors, etc. for each of my dolls because I like variety? :]

      That being said, I have two characters that are half-siblings that I've been meaning to give same characteristics and hair / eye color coordination but I'll have to see how that works out. If it's a nay, there's always about 200 different shades of the same colors (hurrah for super dolly customizations! \o/ ) to choose from so I can go from there.
    20. i generally just go for what i like, but so far i don't have 2 that resemble each other much at all. and i like that.

      i have:

      dollzone mini girl (tintan)
      alice in labyrinth elijah
      notdoll alethia
      old volks f-12
      leeke tiny ("love" mold)
      unidoll jace
      infiniti doll noel
      and coming: volks lucas