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Do you prefer closed mouth or opened mouth?

Feb 25, 2018

    1. Closed. I hate teeth, they freak me out. And open mouths often look like the doll is mouth breathing or talking lol. XD

      Slightly parted but still closed enough to be painted like it's closed is ok. Just no painted teeth and no open mouths and no tongue lol.
    2. This is something I've been considering for awhile. I always thought I only like closed mouths but I've now seen several open mouthed sculpts that are very appealing. I have one open mouthed head on mywishlist right now, he completely fits the aesthetic of one of my characters but... I'm worried his fixed expression might limit him eventually and I'll want something else. So I'm holding off incase I see a closed mouth or a less fixed expression who might fit him but so far no other sculpt fits as well.
    3. Usually closed.
    4. I thought that I didn't like open mouthed dolls, but I've realized the error of my ways. My (hopefully soon arriving) MDR Zuri has slightly parted lips, and at least one of the other sculpts I've had in my sights over the past year had some visible teeth.

      Smiling dolls in general aren't my favorite thing, but some degree of expression is preferred over a vague, neutral look.
    5. I generally prefer closed mouths, but there are definitely some sculpts with open mouths I like.
    6. Same here. I have him on layaway at the moment. I was looking at other sculpts, but kept going back to him. He'll only be my third boy.

      And I didn't realize Dream Valley Silence has teeth showing a little until she arrived, but it's very cute.
      • x 1
    7. My most favorite dolls have teeth. I love when you can see them peeking through! On my Unoa Lusis I have her teeth painted like she has a gap in between her two front teeth.
    8. It depends on the doll, but I think as a general rule, I like closed mouths better. It feels like there's a little more you can do with them then with a doll that has a more exaggerated expression.
    9. Closed mouth with maybe a tiny gap or a little bit of teeth showing is perfect for me I think
    10. Definitely open mouth :D
      I feel that dolls look more expressive that way. Hence look more alive. It doesn't creep me out one bit )) I does creep my husband out though hahah
    11. I dont prefer one over the other because each doll is different. Some dont look good with open mouth and others look even better with it. For example my kalahari. I prefer her painted teeth vs other versions. I think even if you think you dont like open mouth, I know there is at least one doll out there you would probably like that does. You just might have not seen it yet.
    12. I like closed since open is a bit of a pain in the ass but open can be really cute sometimes depending on the sculpt
    13. I prefer closed mouse! I don't like to see the teeth. But.... the best of my dolls has opened mouth.....
    14. Most of the time I like the mouth closed though I have seen a few subtle partial open mouths that are cute
    15. Depends, My BJD a Fdoll (1/3 Boy Body 60cm white skin,angel of dream 1/3 ,AOD hands)
      with an AOD Huixaiang head and with the face up its a really cute smile-I love it .as for other future BJDs
      I would like either a sleeping head or a "more regular" head with a closed mouth
      (I really like The april Story Bjd boy face,the lips are sculpted nicely).
    16. I love open mouths I find them to usually look a lot more realistic, and I LOVE teeth.
    17. Most of mine have closed mouth but I have a vampire doll on order with fangs don't think it would put me off unless it was all teeth and grinning like a mad BJD hahaha
    18. I get freaked out usually if the doll is supposed to be "smiling" and showing teeth unless the smile is REALLY good, but I also find a sort of pouty look with a hint of a couple of teeth to make for a very alluring doll. Little Monica seems to have a talent for this effect.
    19. I like closed mouth best, personally, with maybe a hint of a smile or in a resting position (I really don't like "scowling" faces at all).
    20. I personally love open mouthed dolls, especially after discovering the Popovy Sisters face sculpts. But there's a certain classic charm to closed mouth dolls that I like too.