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Do you prefer closed mouth or opened mouth?

Feb 25, 2018

    1. I don't mind either closed or open as long as not too much teeth are showing. Like some have mentioned I tend to prefer more neutral expressions too that I can imagine my doll could rest with, at least in theory xD but open can be very cute. Also something that would change my opinion is how well a character fits a sculpt, for example is a character smiles a lot.
    2. I have no preferences about close or open lips but all four my female dolls had/have slightly open lips)) what is it? Maybe coincidence:lol:
    3. I prefer close-mouthed faces on dolls,
      when they show their teeth I don't like it at all, personally.
      There is only one doll that I have seen that's open mouthed (which belongs to another member here) that I have truly loved.
    4. I personaly prefer closed mouths for the same reason I dislike dolls with exagerated expressions (too big smiles or smirks or ''oh' mouths...). I think dolls with those features have less emotions they can express in pictures (it's really hard to make a smiling-with-teeth doll look really sad xD).
    5. From a repaint perspective it's a real pain to get the open mouths looking right! However, when done correctly they look really beautiful! All of my BJDs have closed mouths right now - I think I should branch out! XD
    6. Close mouths are easier to work with in my opinion. Just got an open mouth doll, and I am completely lost with what to do for face-up
    7. At first it irked me when a doll had an open mouth, but now I really like it, gimme some teefs!!! XD
    8. I think all of the dolls I've liked and put on my list have closed mouths... even of my other dolls (who aren't BJDS), only 1 in 10 have a suggestion of an open mouth. I'm not sure why my collection/preferences are like this! Maybe I just like the closed mouth expression better? I'm not interested in painting the face myself, so it could just be that I think, when the doll's mouth is closed, there is more "life" and "nuance" to them. A closed mouth carries more expressions of emotion, if that makes any sense, depending on the angle you're viewing the doll. I think it might also be better for photo shoots; closed mouths can convey so much in a scene!
    9. I personally prefer dolls with closed mouths. Dolls with open mouths and their teeth shown... bleh! So when I bought Iplehouse Stella I asked Iplehouse to do makeup without drawing her teeth. It was not so bright idea 'cose they painted them same color whith lips :doh
      So I don’t risk it anymore and buy dolls with closed mouth.
    10. I only have one BJD with an open mouth showing his fangs, but I only like the open mouth look on vampire dolls honestly.
    11. I prefer open mouths with just a bit of gapping and their top teeth peeking through :)
      • x 1
    12. I think I usually prefer closed. I only like open mouth if it is very slight and teeth aren't visible
    13. I prefer closed mouth, but it's also depend on the sculpt. I'm willing to consider about opened mouth in case it's beautiful sculpt with a suitable face up style...
    14. At first I preferred closed, but now I love the showing of little teeth far better.
      • x 1
    15. It really really depends on the sculpt, but I often prefer closed mouth dolls, and maybe slightly parted lips is fine, but any more open than that and I'll feel like they're mouth breathers :XD: however, there are some open mouth sculpts that I really like, like DZ Carter! Her little creepy teeth showing are my favourite part of that sculpt!
    16. I feel like the only reason I prefer a closed mouth is because I never feel like I can make the open mouth look right paint-wise.
    17. I just finished repainting a Dollmore Grammy and he had a very slightly opened mouth, but a perfect sculpted spot where you put his teeth. It's only visible from a lower angle, and I think it's really nice!

      A big issue is that some BJD sculpts are so deep in the mouth, it's hard to get any pigments in there without making it look chunky.
    18. Definitely opened mouth. I'm a sucker for teeth so the more teeth, the better.
    19. I like light pouts, but teeth are definitely a no for me! I would probably budge for a stylized cartoony front-tooth look though.