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Do you put your doll to sleep?

Jul 28, 2007

  1. yes,of course.

  2. no,they are dolls.

  3. Sometimes,yes.

  4. never came to me...

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    1. Not really... but we do have our little night-time rituals...

      I just go around and make sure that everyone's back in their proper place, and that nothing has been left out or on a low enough surface to attract feline attention.

      The last thing I do before I turn off the lights and head into the bedroom is always picking up Harumatsu. His "usual place" is in the living room, but he always spends the night sitting on my bedsied table. ^_^
    2. I sometimes "put them to bed".. But.. Since I don't have proper jammies for them, they're usually nude or wearing whatever they're wearing :sweat

      Mostly, I just put them in one of their boxes, together, and they "cuddle" up under their blanket. Sometimes I say good night. :)
    3. Yes and no. My most of gang hangs out in the living room so just before I got to bed I make sure everyone is in their proper place. My fave doll Trey stays with me in the bedroom at night. I don't change his clothes but I do take off anything I don't want to get ruined. Trey sits on the bed with me while I read but when it's time for sleep I put him on the nightstand. He'd get crushed by me or slobbered on by the dog if I left him in the bed. :)
    4. I said yes because that is what I do with Rhiannon at the moment. But she doesn't have real nice outfits at the moment and most are hand made so as I'm changing her out of her clothes I can inspect them to make sure there are no holes or tears or stains that I need to fix. If she had an eleborate outfit that was a pain in butt to get on, she'd stay in it.
    5. Whenever I first get a doll and I'm all clingy and attached to them, I'll do that. It wears off after a few weeks, and I don't bother anymore XD
    6. Wow, my vote put the first three options in a tie at 37 votes a piece. I feel special :)

      I never put my dolls to sleep. Ever since I was little, I have always just left my dolls the way they were then I was playing with them. I never put them to bed cuz you can't play with them if they're asleep :nowords:
    7. Hmm, I just kinda lay her on the couch. But I don't have a bed I put her in or anything. :sweat
    8. I've had the occational pajama party, then I get more dolls and run out of fabric for matching PJs.

      Sometimes after going out I'll sense if a doll is tired and let them take a nap. Usually they're in their chair or dollhouse.
    9. When I got my first two boys (they arrived one day apart) I put them to bed every night. :) As Mrae said, it wears off. LOL!

      The closest I come to "putting them to bed" now is smoothing every ones hair and going through to make sure that everyone is their spot and safe from falling or anything like that. :sweat
    10. If the gang has been out and about and moved, when I go to bed I move them back to their shelf and cuddle them together...if I'm choosing to sleep with one I'll make sure she isn't wearing something that isn't crushable, but pajamas are a bit much, I think...I'd only use PJs for photos or meetups or something. And I don't really put them to bed, lol...my dolls don't sleep, they wait for me to wake up. They just go on the shelf and if I'm sleeping with someone she'll tuck in beside me.
    11. I think if I get more dolls I will stop putting them to bed, but right now I have one so I do. I don't dress him in PJs, although I have some, mostly because I tend to go to bed when I am exhausted so I don't really feel like dressing him, and he has on comfortable clothing 24/7. I don't have a bed for him but I put a thick blanket down and he's got a pillow and a stuffed pig to sleep with.

      In the last couple of nights I have forgotten him and had to go get him to put him to bed, but I don't think that will stop me. I am not planning to have more than two dolls for several months until I get some income and settle into college, so I think putting them both to bed will be easy and quick, especially since I am staying in a single dorm room. x3
    12. They don't have jammies and they don't have a bed, so... no ^^;; They sit on a blanket next to my bed, I guess that sorta might count.
    13. It depends, when my hubby's home I dont bother, I just make sure thay are safe and out of direct light before I head up to bed. But when he's away, they get taken up to bed with me. They dont have PJ's or a bed, so they get posed on their chaise longue for the night, and wished good night.
      How long I keep this up for will be down to the number of dolls, I live in a 3 storey house and carrying 2 big dolls up 2 flights of very steep stairs at night is about as much as I can manage.
    14. Yes i do. I give my dolls a kiss on the top of their heads and wish them a good night. I put them in my Shiwoo's box together (brother and sister). But I don't change their clothes or put blankets on them.
      I have a picture. :)

      They look so cute!
      And when I go to bed myself I stare down at them, and go happy to sleep. And when I wake up my first thought is: omg they are sooo cute! :D
    15. I'm sorry, dubble post. :/
    16. I, am the kind of person who would do that. Though not with Maro, because as you can see, I don't like him very much. =3=

      But! If and when I get Homme Ivan, yes, I think I'd do that.
      Call me crazy, but it'd help me sleep better to know that I'm doing my job right.
      My job you ask? Being a crazy person who likes making people laugh, though it can go too far most of the time. >3>

      But, yeah. It'd help me sleep better at night to know that no one's going to kill me in the night because a doll is RIGHT THURRR.

      ._. Yes, I am nice to my family to the point where they'd protect me. >3> Because I'm different. Yeah. Different.
    17. owwwnn they look so cute *0*
    18. Not really. I only sometimes say good nights & stuff to my boy (+head 8'D).
      I remember that once when he was sitting on shelf without a shirt, I wrapped him into a cloth 'cause he looked so poor. 8'D (Yea yea, he does have clothes but I was too lazy to put 'em on then...)

      Anyways, I think it's kinda waste of time to change clothes for the time I'm sleeping 'cause no one's watching 'em though.
    19. Since my boys aren't out every day, i do sometimes put them to bed in their pajamas. This is mostly for pratical reasons, though; the pajamas are light-colored and don't stain. The only exception is Jin; he looks so awkward in pajamas that i just let him keep on the day clothes. He's the kind of character to sleep standing up like a stork, anyway. :lol:

      The rest do get posed in natural sleeping positions, because it makes me say "aww" the next time the box is opened. I do sometimes feel a bit bad for "disturbing" them, though. hee!
    20. i must sound odd but i put Rae 'to bed' every night. Well it just means i take off his jewellery and shoes (it's this thing my mum's got me and my brother doing, remove all things that can snag before bed) so then i tuck him in his 'box/bed' in the clothes i have him in.

      I did think pyjamas but thought it was too fussy. I've made him stuff to wear casually so he wears that at home mostly (i dress him up with something new each meet, even mini meet ups)

      that's about it... i put him 'in bed' as he isn't standing and i wouldn't be afraid he'll fall off the shelf or fall over while i'm asleep.

      he slept on my bed for a few days once. I was feeling a bit lonely and abit upset then so having him and an army of plushies made me feel better

      When the others come... probably same, me and my brother keep them in their boxes when we don't play with them. nice and comfy and you know nothing will happen.