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Do you put your dolls in databases

Sep 9, 2007

  1. YES all of them

  2. NO none of them

  3. ony some of them

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    1. Right now I don't plan on entering either my current boy or my incomming boy to any of the databases. They are both of a rather popular mold, so I'd prefer to wait until I have alot of their mods done before adding them so they feel a bit more special to me, but even then I might still just keep them to myself since my photography skills aren't anything to be admired anyway. :lol:

      As for my second two planned boys, a Dolkot Dai and a DIM Rain, I really would like to add them, for not only are they getting some interesting mods of their own, those particular molds aren't very popular either, or at least, not to the extent of some other molds. x3
    2. I always do because it annoys me when I look up dolls in the database and only see a handful of entries for a mold when I know there are plenty more out there.
    3. While i havent yet for the obvious reason that i lack any dolls to do so with, i fully intend to post in them. I'm sure i'll edit the posts a billion times as the stories evolve, but i will post in them.

      They helped me so much in decided on my own dolls (like, i wouldnt know Soony had an open mouth if it werent for gallery posts. I would have been so disapointed and sor tof freaked out if i had gotten her and saw that. Open mouths have a tendancy to make me uneasy for some reaosn) and they'er good for finding dolls you like and want to get in the future. And they're REALLY good for seeing everything that people have done to them, and everything you can do for the sculpt as well. ^.^
    4. I always post my new dolls to their sculpt database. I'll usually wait until their face-up is exactly how I want it, and they have a good wig, but I always add them. Like so many others here have said, the databases can be invaluable for prospective owners trying see different looks for given sculpt. Particularly for unusual, or uncommon sculpts, it's helpful for owners to post database photos.
    5. I put some of my dolls profiles to the databases...But not all of them...
      It's just me being lazy i guess...I dunno =P
    6. Yeah, I've noticed that some people don't put their dolls in the databases too. Some people maybe too lazy or they're just very busy and don't have much time to be taking pictures. I love taking pics of my dolls and you'll find all my dolls in their respected databases for their mold. I even go back and update my entries in the databases with new pics if one of my dolls undergoes a makeover that changes their overall look so people can see what my dolls look like now then what they looked like when I first got them. :)
    7. I'll put a doll into the database once I have a good picture of them. But since I'm lazy and rarely take pictures, that means it can take me awhile before I add them.
    8. I have three of the seven so far up there. But like others, I wait until 1 - I've a good picture, 2 - They're "done" (wig, eyes, faceup all set, character established), 3 - sometimes I just forget.

      I had my second doll up, and it was just heartbreaking taking down the post when I sold him. :( So that kind of slows me down a bit too. I want to make sure the bugger's going to be with me for a while first. ;)

      I enjoy the database for all the reasons already stated. It's perfect for seeing the same sculpt in a different light. Sometimes I get locked into seeing a certain sculpt as one character.

      I'll get around to adding in my four other boys here eventually. :sweat
      My ranch has grown rather quickly of late, and they're all still settling in.
    9. I have searched the databases for particular bjds I am interested in buying. I so appreciate the photos and love seeing the each owners interpretation.

      So, yes! I add my dolls to the databases--just returning the favor.
    10. Totally agree there; it's amazing to see all the different looks that can be achieved for a mould with different faceups, wigs, etc, and since I did rely a bit on databases in making doll choices, I think it's only fair that I contribute.

      I do try to keep my photos (1 each for each doll) as current as possible too; it's not too hard since I only have 3 at the moment! :lol:
    11. yes if there is a database for a doll I have..in they go!! I have also used the databases to decide on whether to get a certain doll or not. Its nice to see different concepts of the same doll, it gives you an idea of the potential a mold has.
    12. Yep. I love looking through databases, gives a great example of versatility and such. Good for planning a doll ^.^
    13. I do put some of them into databases, but some I just haven't bothered with. I like to wait until they look just right and have a good photo first. I still haven't put a couple of my dolls in yet just because they aren't ready. I will probably do it eventually though.....
    14. Well I add my boys to a database if there is one around (I've got a Lu-Wen coming in but there isn't a database for them yet so he'll just have to wait...plus he's lacking a body until I have the money to buy him one after Christmas :sweat), although I do like to wait until they look how I envisioned them before I put up photos.

      I find the databases really helpful. If I see a mold I like then the first place I go is to have a look at the owner pictures in the databases. Not only is it helpful to see non-company photos of the mold but it also helps to give you an idea of what it may look like in a certain wig or certain colour wig, etc.
    15. I have some of mine in databases. A lot of times I just don't have a good picture of someone I want to use (I don't have easy access to a digital camera right now), so I don't have all of mine up. I really like the databases, they are a great way to see all the different looks a doll can have.
    16. I put my dolls in the database once I had decent photos of them. I often look in the database myself when a certain mold interests me and I want to see the variety of face-ups and styles.
      I find it easier to judge by user photos than by company photos if a certain doll is what I thought it would be.
    17. Common or not I add my dolls to the databases once I have a picture I think is good enough, and I've even updated pictures a couple times. I've found the database very useful. While there are a billion four-sisters dolls out there, surfing the database was largely responsible for my choosing my doll.

      I also feel that it's very helpful for others if there is an uncommon mold that there aren't a lot of pictures of. I would never have picked one of my dolls if I hadn't seen it in person first because finding pictures is extremely difficult and there's not a lot of variety.
    18. I personally like looking through Databases to get an idea of how versatile a particular doll might be so yeah I add my own.

      I'm thinking about taking one of my dolls out though after having a couple of people trying to buy him =/ Fair enough use it for inspiration but it's not a shopping mall.
    19. Yikes, what? (Seriously, don't people read the threads in the debate forum? You'd think they might get the prevailing attitude to that sort of thing if they did D: ) Maybe worth adding a nice little bolded Not for sale, don't PM me about him note to the top/bottom of his profile? :ablah:
    20. Seconding that advice. Sometimes people don't really pay attention to the forum rules, so a friendly reminder might not be bad.