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Do you take your Tiny places??

Jul 9, 2010

    1. I don't really take my dolls out, but I would never take a tiny. I know they seem really portable, and they are, but... With lati yellow and white size, they are so small that I worry about losing their hands and feel, their wigs, or just crushing them somehow, especially with pukis and pukifees who have magnetic parts.

      On the rare occassions that I take a doll out, I take a MSD.
    2. I've taken my Elfdoll tinies out a few times. Mainly to Disney for the Flower & Garden Show and for photos. They usually have a fairy section that is the perfect size for the Elfdoll tinies. Otherwise, I usually don't take them with me. When my DD was younger, I could get away with people thinking they were hers, lol. Mainly I don't take them out because it is just a pain to hold or store them carefully so they don't break a finger, etc. while I am paying attention to the main reasons why I am out.
    3. I take my Soom Bygg and/or Beyla with me occasionally, mostly the Bygg (Ciel) though cause I love his little hoofies<3
      People seem to stare more though, when you carry a little half pint doll instead of a 60cm. lol In my case though, it's probably because of his hooves and Lavender pupil-less eyes. ~.~
    4. Fee has been a constant companion in my many travels over the years. She is the subject of my travel pictures...she looks much better in pictures than I do <G>.
    5. I bring my tinies out pretty much everywhere, but of them, my LTF El, Celain, is probably the most well travelled. He has been to a few continents and sits on my work desk. People do stare a bit, but I have found him a marvelous conversation starter. And I agree with clochette - he looks better in pictures than I do too.
    6. I do take my Tinies to places... if I go oversea I put they in the pillow blanket thing and put the whole thing in my purse

      If it is a domestic trip they just go in my purse

      I have had no problem
    7. I don't take dolls out just on random errands. I only take them if I am going to a meet, planning a photo shoot, or shopping for something for them where I need them along to check scale.
      That said- I am planning to take my Lati white to a Renaissance Festival this weekend where she will be my captured faerie and be carried inside of a candle lantern to protect her from harm. :)
    8. my pukis come EVERYWHERE with me. they have they own special carring bag!
    9. I just got my first tiny; a Realpuki Soso. I carry her in an eyeglass case in my purse. I take her to work and have taken her shopping. Today I took her to the Krohn Conservatory and took some pics of her among the plants. You can see her photos in the Realpuki thread.
    10. Mm hmm....so I think I would just have to be extra careful!
    11. I bring Haniel (Cherish Chubby Demon) to work fairly often, but I also bring my larger (MSD and SD) dolls to work, too. I've also brought dolls (large and small) to a con and I'd probably bring Haniel if I thought I was going to be somewhere that had good photo opportunities.
    12. I am planning on ordering my first BJD today. An original Moona by Sleeping Elf.

      I had considered getting a 10 inch one, which I will I am sure eventually, but the fact the smaller size will be easier for travel has helped my decision.
      Early next year I am traveling abroad and would like to bring my Moona with me for photo ops during our travels. She will be small enough to keep bundled in the Nikon d90 backpack and well protected from bumps :-)
    13. I used to keep my Sleeping Elf Moona and Mina in my coat pocket when I was working, and take them out during lunch breaks!
    14. I take a Lati Yellow and my Puki with me when I travel, not that they actually see much time out of their cases :( poor abused girls.
      My puki is more sturdy so she travels in an Only Hearts Club sleeping bag, it's the way my new Lati White will travel too now (she gets a pink bag, Puki has a purple one... not sure why that's importaint). She's easy to take with me cause she's so small, carry on or purse size :) My Lati Yellow goes inside a case I got from Ruby Red Galliera http://www.rubyredgalleria.com/product.php?Product_ID=RZ0003A
      which I got ages ago, it works well for one Lati and normally I can tuck in my puki too. I put the Lati in all her original packing, face mask, blanket then bubble wrap and she gets tucked to one side, her clothes and shoes to the other. The wigs I take in a single lati package (the tissue ball + the hair net inside the paper ring, because I only take tiny dolls you can fit 2 to 3 non fluffy wigs together). They've been with me from the Uk to the US and back, and a vacation we took to Asia, so far and no problems, the little case can fit in my carryon with my cameras :)

      I am still fairly new with the dolls I only started collecting last October, so I do get shy about taking them out. So far they've had photos only within the places we've stayed. But, I'd love to get to a point where feel comfortable taking them outside for photos in the parks or other memorable places.
    15. So far I haven't taken any of my tinys out with me, but I think I might have to start. I like the idea from weird-doll-grl about making a protective case for her to go in my handbag. I think when my next pukipuki arrives (chichi) I'll have to take her places - Yay, now I'm even more excited about her upcoming arrival!!!! Thank you all.
    16. When I had my original pukifee ante, I used to let her travel with me to see my grandmother. The lighting is great in her house, so it was wonderful for taking photos for myself and photos to share with the community. My PKF Ante was also very easy to pack away and such.
    17. I've taken both my tinies and my 70cm boy out in general.

      I'm not fond of attracting attention but I do love having my dolls with me, and its actually fun when I'm visiting family since my mum likes them (and should be getting the one she ordered next month) and one of my sisters owns a 58cm doll so we have a little mini doll meet and hit up Hobby Lobby and go out to lunch when I visit.

      I have a clear acrylic bucket that I decorated in order to carry my RS 27cm girl and pukifee in together but if I take just my pukifee I have a little metal wire bird cage I got from Michael's that she's sort of crammed in.

      I'm not too afraid of using an acrylic bucket because you can only pop the lid open using a washer ring attached to the handle (or a key or something) and the noise the popping makes is a fair bit loud so I'd know when someone tries to open it.
      However, the little bird cage has no netting to keep pukifee hands/feet from popping off and getting lost so I don't use it often just to be safe.

      I generally like to have them with me when I go to toy stores or fabric stores to compare sizes but on occasion I have taken them to group lunches/dinners with husband's co-workers to keep myself entertained since I'm generally ignored at these gatherings due to not knowing anyone nor having similar interests.
    18. I take mine out a lot! Not to the grocery store and stuff like that but parks, movies, malls..etc. They go! I don't want to miss a photo op. I also take my SD's places too but the little ones are easier to carry around. I always wrap them in their pillows.
    19. I have taken out my very small tinies from time to time...my Nari-Pon Pansy and my Pocket Fairy Mei and my Tiny Bear MerMina have gone to work with me sometimes and on vacations and to visit friends and family. I usually take just one at a time. They always seems to make everyone smile. I make sure that they are safely packed into my purse or backpack!
    20. what a fun thread! anyone have spam of their tinies at the park, at the grocery, on a roller coaster?i do take one tiny with me on special trips. i try to take photos of my doll with human- sized things or even people in the background. over time, i have learned to ignore puzzled looks. Having my young daughter with me helps; i guess they figure we are playing.i was able to photograph my first Lati Yellow on the Great Wall. our tour guide was really curious and expressed interest in the hobby.