1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Do you talk to your dolls.....

Oct 26, 2020

    1. I spend so much time with my doll that's only natural that I talk to her a lot. When I'm not at work she's usually in my arms and I talk to her when I'm dressing her, playing with her, watching a movie with her, etc. I make sure to do it quietly though because I don't want my parents to think I'm talking to myself in my room
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    2. I playfully scold my LittleFee for not keeping her wig on well.
    3. Yep, I do. Mostly when I'm making new props or working on wigs or clothes for them I tend to talk to the doll about what I'm doing - and apologize for accidentally sticking them with a pin lol
    4. Yes. I often tell them bad words when they don't want to pose.
    5. I definitely do talk to inanimate objects regardless of BJD status. Especially if I'm having issues. I'm probably going to talk at the doll / around it when it gets here.
    6. Sometimes I would do that, I talk to them when I'm in a bad mood. Cause I don't want to bother people with these bad things.:hug:
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    7. I talk to my doll when I’m posing her or trying new clothes on her, I’ve always talked to inanimate objects though, so it’s not that unusual for me.
    8. I use telekinesis to talk to mine. I talk more in my head than out loud.
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    9. Haha. Yeah, I talk to my dolls. Not all the time, just sometimes with some that I speak to more than others. I think it's because they are so realistic that it's just a natural thing to do. Although I admit that like others I have apologized to a table that I accidentally bumped into even though I also know it's an inanimate object that doesn't even look like a living being. Hahaha. :XD: I think though the dolls I am more attached to do get talked to more often so that could explain some things there.
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    10. Nope, unless it's @#%&*! because I've pinched my finger while trying to remove or reconnect body parts. Aside from cursing inanimate objects, I basically only talk to things that have eardrums. :sweat
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    11. I talk to all sorts of inanimate objects (mostly in the "stay!", "stop it!" and cursing at it forms) but oddly enough I don't actually do that with my dolls? Or maybe it's just that I haven't caught myself doing that yet?
    12. I do! I think it's normal for people within the hobby to talk to their dolls in various different ways. It is a way to give them identities. Considering this is a fairly expensive hobby, talking to your BJD's and giving them names is a great way to feel attached to them.
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    13. I used to talk them but it has definitely decreased over the years. No I pretty much never talk to them anymore.
    14. Hey, Cherry and I hold entire imaginary conversations in my head. Mind you, I've always been a hardcore tabletop roleplayer, so it's not so strange for me to hold conversations with imaginary people.
    15. I'm one of those people who talks to EVERYTHING... My car, my computer, the plant I'm pruning, the teapot. You name it, I've chattered to it.

      Given that? There was *no way* my dolls were going to escape the same fate. :mwahaha
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    16. Sometimes, but only in my mind. I never speak out loud!
    17. All the time; usually little things, like saying goodbye when I leave for work and hello when I get home. Just to help them feel loved and appreciated. :)
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    18. yes i do, and i will do, everytime that i move their pose!
    19. and do you create a voice for them? like to chat with them??
    20. Not as such. They have their own little “personalities,” but I don’t usually imagine full-on conversations.
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