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Do you think limited dolls should be rereleased/restocked by their companies?

Jun 23, 2008

  1. yes, I own a limited doll

  2. no, I own a limited doll

  3. yes, I do not own a limited doll

  4. no, I do not own a limited doll

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    1. I in general am not fond of limiting things for the reason of exclusivity and keeping the value of a product, if I had a choice, there wouldn't be limited sculpts at all, only limited clothing.
    2. I have to disagree with this, as some others have. I bought the limited sculpts I have because I liked them, not because they're exclusive. The only thing that would irritate me about a re-release is the price. I had to pay a higher secondhand market price for one of my boys, and if they re-released him at a lower cost it would be a bit frustrating to know that I could have paid less.

      However, I still voted for the re-release of limiteds. I think it's really saddening when you absolutely fall in love with a doll, only to find it was sold out long ago and there were only a few made. If the company did re-release the boy I bought secondhand... and suddenly there were a slew of owners with his sculpt, it wouldn't change how I feel about my boy.
    3. Soom's Beryl is so awesome to me, but I missed her completely.
      I wish they'd make more, but as a more standard release w/o the outfit, wig, eyes, whatever. They shouldn't offer the same faceup though.

      I wish more "standard" releases would be made of limited sculpts.

      As for limited fullsets, whatever. I just wish some companies would offer the outfit seperately as a normal item. Like how Puki Rose's outfit could only be bought in her fullset. I wouldn't care if it was marked up, but that's some of the main appeal to me.
    4. my opinion on this is sort of split...I don't have a limited, but I do long for a Black DOT Lahoo like you don't even know.

      That said I voted for No. Limited means limited. If they want to re-release it as limited I'm not going to complain of course, but I don't think they should all become standard releases. Not for value so much as it keeps things fresh I think. I like it that there are some dolls that not everyone will have and yes I would like to see some more readily available, but then that defeats the whole 'limited' title and the specialness.
    5. As I've said in previous debates on the issue, I don't think a company should call a doll limited, if it will be re-released. Limited to me means "limited" to a certain number or a certain time frame. Exclusivity plays no role in my opinion of this. It's just that "limited" puts pressure on me as a buyer to purchase the doll quickly, rather than plan for it. It sometimes pushes plans to purchase unlimited dolls into the future (which, I am sure is the marketing strategy.) So, if you are going to entice me to cough up the dollars sooner than I expected, at least hold up your end of the bargain. My personal preference would be no limiteds, buy the doll you love when you can afford it. I have no problem with companies that say a fullset or face up is limited, but that will continue to sell basic versions or different fullsets of the doll--that, to me, is being honest and up front, as long as the same identical fullset is not resold in the future.
    6. I'm all for limited being re-released. Though I think, like others, that releasing an entire fullset again is a bit iffy. But further releases of the same limited mold with a new faceup, new outfits, etc? Excellent! So long as the subsequent releases are also limited, then the doll is still limited. I admit I'd be a bit miffed if a sculpt that was supposedly limited were released as a standard, but I have no problem whatsoever with re-releases of limited dolls, like the various Anais/Tae releases, Momoko and Bianka/Rose, etc. Even after... what, 4 editions plus a Sweet Dreams released of Anais/Tae, there are still not enough of the doll for every person who wants one to own one, so she's still exclusive if that's what attracts you to the limited in the first place.

      Myself, the one limited doll I have was a re-release, and I was really glad to have the chance to get her! I had been thinking of buying a different but similar doll instead, but the re-release gave me a chance to have the doll I really wanted, which is something that's pushed heavily in the community as a sort of... doll collecting value or what have you. XD; So why not support something that allows more people to get their dream doll rather than settling?
    7. I think the whole idea of a doll being Limited is for it to be, well, limited. It is like collecting on a whole different level.

      The reason I would spend much more on a limited doll is because I am the exclusive few in the whole wide world who owns it. If someone wants it, they should pay for that exclusivity.

      If I know the doll will be re-released in the future, I will not pay that much in the first place. It would have lost it's "specialness".

      I would be upset if even the clothes are re-released. Faceups can easily be copied, and since our dolls changes out of its "limited clothings", the copied faceup could easily mislead people into thinking that it is a limited doll.

      I guess what I'm trying to say is, I feel that limited dolls should never be re-released, clothes should not be sold seperately, special faceups should not be offered again :P
    8. I have two feelings about that:

      - First: “honesty”: if a company says “limited” that means “no released again”. Because it is a kind of contract with the buyers, especially if they choose to buy a “limited” doll (collector, price…)
      - Second “why”: I bought limited doll but not because they are limited. I just like this one, think of a perfect character for her. I don’t think about to sell her later. I don’t buy for a “second market” specially. I feel sometime limited dolls in a way a little too pushy for me buying the doll I like before it is finished. On the contrary, some people have only a feeling of frustrating because they can buy the doll in the limited time. And finally, I don’t appreciate when the second market becomes more speculate about the price before to be exchange between collectors.

      I can understand, company can’t have hundred of different doll ready to ship or even to release. Again, buying the same doll hundred and hundred along the years should be a little boring for the buyers. So, despite my wish (no limited), there is certainly a necessity of limited. The problem is “limited” must stay “limited” and if there is too much “limited”, the aspect of “price-market” will be hiding the really meaning of getting a doll (love, character, interacting….)
    9. I don't own a limited BJD, but I guess I would be rather pissed if I had bought a very expensive BJD in the believe it would be limited, but then suddenly one day seeing it has been restocked. >_<
    10. For me, limited doesn't mean "limited to one release." If a doll is only released in small numbers once a year or once every few years, it's still limited.

      Limited doesn't necessarily mean that you pay more for it, either. I've seen many limiteds that weren't priced more than the company's non-limiteds. I really like that companies re-release their dolls and give more people a chance to own them. It might devalue the resell price of a doll but it shouldn't devalue their owner's love for them. I'd love to see more versions of my girls around. :daisy
      • x 1
    11. some companies do a general doll like Iplehouse did with the full sets for their limited dolls then they came out as a 'general' or 'standard'. I think that is fine because where as I may like a particular sculpt I may not like the outfit and style the doll is attired in. So I would be able to get the sculpt and dress the doll differently.
      I personally would like to see the return of Dk. Aaron as a general from Iplehouse. I like him much better than the Lt. Aaron, as do all my friends.:)
    12. Most of my dolls are Volks limited editions. For me the value is in the beauty of the sculpt and detailed faceup - not its exclusive nature. I am like Pollyanna and want everyone to feel glad :blush I always feel so sad when so many folks fall in love with a limited and can not buy it. I was really heartbroken over SDC Renee as were many others. But being lucky enough to bring home Bianka/Momoko has soothed my heart :aheartbea
      I love it when companies re-release a limited with a new outfit and faceup! That gives me a chance to get some of the classic sculpts plus some amazing outfit and wig.
      • x 1

    13. This statement pretty much covers my views too. All my dolls at home at the moment are Volks limiteds. I brought them because I like the molds, not because of their 'limited' status. If Volks re released them I would not mind, in fact, voks have released Midori twice already but I don't mind at all.

      I'm neutral. If a limited is never made again fine by me. But if it is made again, thats fine too.
    14. For me, it depends on how the company define their 'limited' dolls. Some was limited because of the set they came with, and etc. But if the company said "will never be produced again" and suddenly, they restocked it, it really is not quite ethical, at least for me. The word "never" is a very strong word, people should really not say it, if they don't really mean it, or think about it careful enough.

      About the breakaway re-release, I think they have a bit difference although the name is the same, somehow... I owned the new breakaway, and I feels that, he really isnt the same with the first breakaway I fall in love with. Even though saying that, I still love my breakaway because he really fits the character I meant him to be! :whee: If he had been the more manly type like the first edition, he wont fits my character. lolx.

      I like unique, different dolls, just as I like my character to be different from the others. I think limited dolls always satisfy that kind of want of mine. But seeing a lot of them in online community makes me realized that even though the non-limiteds can be unique too :lol:
    15. In some instances I think limited dolls should be restocked. I believe in the "what-if" factor, and when I say that, I mean in terms of if something should get damaged -- a head or face, hand or finger, foot or toe, etc., it would be hard to replace the parts if the doll is one of a kind. Last I checked, ABJDs were solely made for the enjoyment of the owner, and I think that if you're going to just keep the doll in a glass display case, it defeats the whole purpose of enjoying it, but that's just me.

      But you know, if they can't or refuse to restock a limited doll, the least they could do is have the body parts available should something get damaged. What do you all think?
    16. I own a Souldoll JinWoo, and they was only avaliable to purchase for a single week.

      Honestly, I think I would be a little upset if he was ever released again, as part of the excitement of buying him was knowing I only had that set amount of time to scrape together the cash and it felt all that more special to me because I knew not many other people would be able to buy him.

      I also don't think it would be entirely fair of the company to sell again when they made such a fuss about him being a limited in the first place. I think that when a company claims a new doll is limited, he/she should remain limited. ^^; But those are just my own personal thoughts on the matter. *is guilty of liking rare dolls*
    17. It really doesn't bother me--even when they're rereleased they aren't being sold as regular runs. It's still a limited quanitity. Anyway, I prefer to see more people get the chance to own the doll they really want. I admit, though, that I do not really have much of a collector mentality. I like the customization/level of interaction with these dolls, and that's what I focus on rather than limited quanitites or possible resale value in the future.
    18. If a company specifically states that a doll is limited to a precise number then rereleasing that doll would be a problem. If a company makes no statement about the number of dolls, simply has a limited time period for ordering or eventually declares them "sold out," then they are under no obligation to anyone for the number of dolls they decide to make.
      I personally own quite a few limiteds and I tend to prefer them. This preference doesn't have anything to do with bragging rights or market value. I just don't like seeing lots of versions of my dolls that aren't my dolls, because it usually results in coloring my perception of my own dolls and rarely in a positive way. :sweat
    19. I'm fine with limited clothing, the full-set style things. Limited sculpts though? Well, I'v yet to want one, but I can see how bad it would sting to find you cannot get that doll they only made two of- especially if it was the first bjd you ever fell for:sweat

      To keep on-topic, if a company decides to limit things, then I think they should keep to the terms that made them brand it as a limited. It's a whole different debate as to wether limited sculpts, ect. should ever have been limited in the first place, in my opinionl.
    20. I own a few limited dolls (Delf Woosoo, FB Liebchen and Elfdoll Yumi).

      I think it depends: if the doll is limited because of the face-up, outfit, wig, etc. Then I think it is not a problem to re-release that mold in a different fullset or in general edition.

      But if the mold of the doll is limited to a certain number, then I think it would be completely unfair and not ethic to re-release it, even if the set is different.