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Do your dolls take over your living space?

Nov 2, 2007

    1. Haha my dolls all manage to squeeze onto two large SD-size chairs on top of a desk beside my computer desk...
      I store items inside the desk they're all sitting on T__T; sometimes I need to lift it up and take my items out...it's a hassle DX
      I need more chairs and a new table for them~! My DOT takes up the most room because his legs are so long xD
    2. They were taking over until my stepdaughter went off to college and I took over her room as a sewing/art/doll room. Now most of my gang stays in there, though I always have one or two about where I can see them.
    3. Oh definitely. XD Their stuff's claimed one bedside table and their boxes have a big corner of the floor in my bedroom, and they themselves tend to sit with me wherever I'm settled in the house - most of the time the floor beside where I keep my computer, sometimes (like today) taking up half the loveseat if I feel like sitting downstairs. And two of them sleep in my bed (I have a double so I can kick around at night).
    4. OMG, yes they take up lots and lots of room in the house. The silly boxes drive me nuts but you need them to keep the dolls safe and to send them out for faceups and stuff.

      I even would go so far as to say that I want a new house with a huge amount of room for my dolls. That would be my dream house, and I'm still saving for it to be built.
    5. My dolls have their own 3 drawer dresser in my room and their own table set up in my sewing room. And that is just for thier stuff, not even including the space they take up. That's only 3 dolls, i'm terrafied of what's going to happen when my next two get here. The 3 of have already take up half my bed. Oh well i guess that's the price you pay, but I still believe I own most my room. I think anyway.
    6. yes. lolz. London has her own little 3' x 3' area at the foot of my bed. i still have to make her a little floor and a suitable bed ...
    7. umm, Hi. I believe this is my very first post. : )
      The dolls usually don't take up much space, its their clothes and accessories which is taking over. ; )
    8. Yes. Yes they do. They have their own dresser that is full of props, wigs, and clothes. They have their own cabinet where they could stay on two of their own couches. But no, they sprawl all over my couch, my bed, the tops of any flat surfaces. I catch one playing guitar in the kitchen, and another one is making friends with the house plants in the living room. They are everywhere... And I only have eight.
    9. My three boys live on a shelf right now, but I bought them a glass display cabinet on the weekend and that will be their new home. I don't have a whole lot in the way of clothes, shoes, etc, and most of that fits in a set of mobile drawers.
    10. I don't have my doll yet, but I know she is gonna take up a ton of space that I don't have. I already have started gathering materials for the true 1/3rd scale bed I'm going to maker her. It will be be about the same size as the top of my dresser, and I don't have that much empty floor space that won't be in my way. I guess I'll just figure it out after I make the bed. I wish I had a whole room for them, so I could make them a nice 1/3rd scale house.
    11. You should see my dining room. Its now my sewing room for my dollies (much to my mom's despair) lol.. =p
    12. My goodness...my crew live in my closet (mind it's a walk through) on the side where I hang my shirts and stuff so there's plenty of space for them. Their stuff on the other hand lives in my chinese desk (they've taken the whole thing over!) displacing a bunch of other stuff that now lives elsewhere XD my dolly buying is much less now...

      here's an older pic..don't mind the mess XD or half nekkid dollies...I was in the middle or reorganizing all their stuff when I took that (and some of those are just visiting while some are missing)

    13. I use a large blanket chest for a nightstand and it used to be a nice, spacious surface for my stuff. Now, it holds my stuff PLUS Heavenlea's bed, stuffed animals, clothing trunk, chair, footstool (which fortunately doubles as a jewelry and hair clip box), and assorted shoes and wigs. On the floor is another box filled with clothes, more wigs, more shoes, and other dollie accoutrement. The spacious surface is no longer spacious. Now, I'm looking at doing away with my cd towers in order to build more space for her and her future siblings.

      No one told me about the dark side of BJD ownership...all the baggage!
    14. Nope. My dolls all stay packed up neatly (with their wigs, eyes, shoes outfits and fantasy parts) when I'm not displaying or photographing them. I actually use their storage boxes as a bedside table :XD:
    15. At the moment, no, but only because I have a wild tiger of an adolescent kitten living with me who can't seem to leave a doll alone. Usually, yes, they're all over, but not with him around. The few I have out are covered and in bags out of his sight or in glass cases. Might need more of those with this one. I'm not too sure he's going to grow out of it...
    16. Oh, absolutely!

      They have so much stuff that is explicitly theirs that I have to have 2 separate decorative storage bins for all their supplies and props. When I'm inspired, they sit in their open boxes on the floor next to my bed, and when I'm not? Their boxes take up other storage space that is desperately needed!
    17. The dolls don't, their stuff sure does. XD
      Because the dolls are sharing a closeable cupboard, they normally aren't taking over the place. However their clothes, eyes, wigs and restringing tools and face-up and cleaning supplies are spread all over the place where I normally use them. ^^
    18. Yes! My dolls conquer my place but...I'm fine! :D Actually I prefer it's like this way and enjoy to let my dolls everywhere in my room. Don't mind at all!
    19. Eheh, there is a long standing point of contention between my husband and I regarding dolls sitting in the comfortable chair in the living room. ^_~
    20. No.. I have cats so I try to keep them in the closets if I am not actively doing something with them.