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DoD makeup reference page

Jun 24, 2005

  1. Yes

  2. No

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    1. When my Tender Yen boy gets here, I'll submit a photo of him. He's default. :)
    2. Thanks kaka, Ashbet, and Rorek--I look forward to seeing your dolls! ^_^

      My Tender Too & Bee-A will have brown makeup, and I'll add them to the site when they arrive. I'm sort of nervous because I haven't seen pictures of brown on those heads before, but sort of excited, too. (And I'm constantly wondering if I should have picked light brown or something else instead. ^^;; )
    3. Ohh, thank you for making a makeup reference! It's very helpful, I was looking through it this morning (instead of getting ready for work XD). ^^

      I ordered light brown makeup for my Zen, so when he arrives, I'll submit a few pictures of him if you like. I also ordered Leya with default makeup.
    4. I ordered brown make-up on my Wi. You'll definitely have pics of him once he gets here in (hopefully) another six weeks. ^^

    5. I get my Tender Too with Light Brown Makeup soon, I'll send you a pic definitely :3

      You should put a * by galleries without any references ^^;
    6. Thanks for the suggestion! I've added asterisks next to the sections with no pics.
    7. Does anyone have pics of either Twing-key or Bee-A with the pink makeup?

    8. *bumping* since there have been questions about DoD makeup recently.
    9. Thanks! I've added Rinlocke to the site. ^_^

      I have to say, Rinlocke is my favorite Tender Too. As soon as you posted pics I wished I'd ordered light brown makeup. :oops:
    10. Thank you so much! ^_^ Rinlocke is flattered. I was honestly very lucky when I ordered light brown makeup. ^^;; I saw it on an U after ordering, and was worried it wouldn't fit his personality. :? (The U had a black wig, maybe that's why it was throwing me off!) I dont know how their makeup artist nailed him. :3 I have a suspicion they knew which wig I had ordered, and took that into consideration. XD
    11. Let me tell you something: THEY READ OUR MINDS! O.O

      Hehehee just kidding.....

      It is just they made Chocolate exactlyu what I asked for ^.~
    12. I just looked at your site, and even though it didn't have all the dolls' pics, it was still very heplful! I compared a light brown job and a brown one(I couldn't choose between the two...:cry: ), and I ended up choosing the light brown one, cuz the brown one's a bit too dark..
      (and yes, Rinlocke had a LOT to do with my decision..(he's just so cute!)

      But thanks a bunch for the great idea, I hope that it helps others as well! :grin:
    13. I'm happy that Rinlocke was able to help you! :) The light brown is really subtle and fits with a lot of different outfits. ^^ It should make you happy~~
    14. Yay, that's good! I'm pretty sure I'll be happy, cuz Ryushi's gonna have a LOT of outfits to try on! :D

      *doll spoiling alert*

      Eh heh heh.... :oops:
    15. Sentcha an email ^_^
    16. As soon as my Tender Yen gets here I'll take some photos for you. ^^ He has the default makeup.
    17. Thanks very much for the submissions! :D I've added some pics to the site and updated the "what's needed" list in the first post of this thread.
    18. Added a default Wi to the page.
    19. i just wanted to say thank you for your wonderful site! even though you don't have any Hoo listed (yet :grin: ) it made my choice for the faceup easier for me! i went back and forth between brown and lt. brown-and ended up choosing lt.brown because of that drop dead gorgeous T.Too Rinlocke! in about 6 weeks when Hoo comes in i'll make sure you get a pic for the site