1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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does trying to find doll accessories ever make you crazy

May 15, 2024

    1. Yup! Not even including wigs, shoes, and clothes; trying to find things like laptops, cell phones, and weaponry is always an ordeal. IF you can even find the right "thing" you'll be lucky to find it at the right scale. And you cannot rely on sellers to necessarily get the scale right. I once purchased what was advertised as a 1/3rd scale rifle for one of my girls only to get something that barely qualified as 1/4th scale. What's worse, when I contacted the seller to address this, I got a really crappy response from them. For a company that specializes in said scale models, they sure came up short. They permanently lost a customer that day.

      I won't even go into the utter impossibility of finding a scale motorcycle for SDs
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    2. My biggest annoyance is the cost of postage. I will find something perfect but postage doubles the cost when I’m already paying real human sized clothing/accessory prices. This is not in any way the artists fault. I have also forbidden myself from purchasing cheaper accessories that don’t quit cut it for realism in terms of what I’m looking for. Been there, done that, I just end up with a bunch of stuff that I don’t love.

      I’ve also had my eye out for a 1/3 scale motorbike but yet to find one.

      It’s also really hard to find accessories to scale for Iplehouse EID and SID dolls e.g. phones, laptops etc. I did pick up a miniature bottle of Jack Daniel’s recently which is a pretty good size for them.
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    3. Don't forget the bowl cut! I am looking for emo ones right now but I keep getting like anime style emo ones and not the real genuine stuff like what my brother had in 2005 which is what I want! Also all wigs regardless of what they look like always seem to be in the wrong size!!!
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    4. They don’t make cool enough pets or furniture (at least none that I like). It’s like I’m gonna have to teach myself to make things happen lol
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    5. Yep. I've been looking for some really cool realistic looking headphones since I started the hobby and they're always either out of stock or just not right.

      In general, whenever I find something that is perfect, I always seem to be too late and it's out of stock. (I found the perfect shoes for my breakaway the other day and cried a little bit inside when I realised I couldn't add them to my cart :...()

      However, don't lose hope! After ten years of drooling over other people's Anotherspace goggles and crying about not being able to find any, I finally got a pair secondhand. I love those goggles more than I love some of my dolls. No lie :lol: Sometimes good things do come to you!
    6. Trying to find tiny wigs in the color and style I want for my dolls definitely drives me crazy some times. My two Granado mature tines are in wigs that are too small and keep coming off, since I can't anything similar in a 3/4. There are so few choices in that size.
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    7. I kind of hate doll shopping! Everything I find that I love is in the wrong size :’)
    8. Oh. Well. Of course, now that I not just ordered but received a "close enough" wig for one of my incoming gals, MoonlightBJD announces orders for the exact sort of wig I had been looking for - black, long, no bangs, center part, mohair, comes in the right size. Checks every box!

      I do love my "close enough" wig, though, it's very soft and silky, and other than being synthetic instead of actual mohair, fits all the other requirements with the bonus of a lace front. And cheaper at that.
    9. Gosh, I feel this so much! If I ever find what I‘m looking for, it‘s usually too expensive - thanks to shipping costs.

      The one thing that really drives me absolutely bonkers is the lack of graphic tees and doll-scale fabric prints. I sew most of their clothing myself, but it‘s really hard to find fabric with a print that isn‘t scaled for humans and therefore wayyyyyy too large for doll clothes.
      The most luck I‘ve had with smaller prints was the fabric section at my local craft store - they sell square fabric packs for scrapbooking and quilting sometimes, which are perfect.

      And shoes, of course. Currently trying to figure out how to DIY them.
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    10. Not to say it's anyone's fault because I don't know the logistics, but I don't understand why many stores only offer express shipping instead of airmail which is much cheaper and still tracked. It's just slower. Especially Korean and Japanese stores are adamant about this. Or they do offer airmail but the prices are obviously inflated. Why does it have to cost me $28 to ship one wig?
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    11. Shoes. This is the first time that I have to buy shoes myself (usually I'm going for the fullsets) and oh my god I can finally understand the struggle. I think at this point he'll have to go barefoot because I give up haha.
    12. Tiny wigs that are suitable for a toddler doll! I am yet to find anything suitable out of the box so to speak.