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Dolkot Mini Junior Discussion

Aug 29, 2007

    1. @Sayomi I love your Yuna and Day >w< .Your Yuna so cute,I very love this mold~~~ and Day new make up is so handsome >w<

      @Luarwulf Lykae look lovely cutie ~~~:D

      @PeppermintPocky Eric is handsome. I love his wig, It colurful~~~

      and this ......my Yun and Chris :XD:

    2. @ Davi: I really like your girl's wig C:

      Okay, so I was getting really frustrated with Lykae's entire look. I had tried to base her off an OC of mine, but she just wasn't turning out so good. I was actually debating selling her, but in a last-ditch effort, I took off her faceup and started over, just doing whatever felt right and without any plan. I also switched out her eyes and wig, and styled and trimmed the wig to her face shape (it was an old, icky wig that I suspect was once long but then was cut. I got it in a trade a few days ago, thinking it was YoSD-size... which it isn't...but it works on her, so no biggie C: ).

      I'm really, really happy with her now.
      What do you guys think?


      XD big difference, huh?
      Unfortunately, now I don't have a name D|
      Oh well.
      I'll come up with something.
    3. Thank you, Luarwulf! I love your girl's new hairstyle and cute beauty mark. :XD: So glad you are happy now! I'm sure a name will come in time. :)

      Thanks davi! :) Your Yun and Chris are so adorable. :XD: I espeically love Yun's wig!
    4. my Day aka Dei with blond wig



      nyan nyan ! <3

    5. Ah! Sayomi, your boy is so cute!!!! :D

      EDIT: Here's some spam of my boy to send Happy Thanksgiving wishes!

    6. I wanted to pop in here to see if anyone has seen the new Dolkot Junior girl Erica? I have gone back and forth on liking her and wanting to get her with some elf-ears but I just realized she has a *completely* different body than what I see on standard Junior Dolkot's. Also, in her detail's image it talks about her on a "Super Star" and "Star" body (which is bizarre, since she's listed as a Junior doll at a Junior price in the Junior section...)

      Anyone know if Dolkot has just redesigned the Junior body recently? I tried digging through their site for infos but didn't see anything, and their parts section still offers the standard Junior body a-la-carte with no mention of a different option for them.
    7. Erica is a beauty. :D

      The body she is shown on is the "SJDK40" body, which is -- to my knowledge -- the standard body shipped with dolls these days. These were released in late 2009. The bodies shown on their mini body page are the older/original bodies. I don't know why they haven't updated the images but updated the thumbnail. :doh

      My lil' Day dude has a SJDK40 body and he is sturdy as a rock. Bought him right after they made those updates (and at the time I wasn't sure what body I was going to receive -- didn't matter to me much). The SJDK40 bodies are much slimmer, and the girls have a larger chest compared to their JDK predecessors.

      Dolkot really needs to update their stuff. :doh
    8. AH Thanks for the insider information Mint! :D I had never paid attention to their minis before so I had no idea that they introduced a new body. It sounds like it was probably around the same time they introduced the new Model body as well (back when I had just first started in the hobby!)

      Agreed that they need to update their site! Their latest news is still "2010 Dolkot's Biggest Christmas Event." :|

      I'm pretty surprised they haven't answered my Q&A post about Erica's body as well.

      Honestly, I'm surprised in general that they haven't gone out of business yet considering it doesn't seem anyone really pays attention to the brand anymore, they don't come out with anything new, and their prices seem a bit inflated compared to other Korean BJD companies that are WAY more popular and reliable...

      But an Erica elf is still on my dolly wishlist now, especially knowing she comes with that body ^^
    9. Goodness, been a while since anyone posted in this thread. Guess I'll break the silence.

      Made a collar for my Dolkot Day's dog then thought, "Hey, why don't I make a frisbee so they can go outside and play together?"


      A Boy & His Dog by Mint, on Flickr
      #169 PeppermintPocky, Sep 24, 2015
      Last edited: Jan 19, 2016
    10. *Resurrects thread*
      @PeppermintPocky that dog is adorable :D I hope to see more pictures of the two playing

      I just got a secondhand Yun recently, but I won't be posting pictures for now because he's still naked and bald...
      So I was wondering, does anyone happen to have the official measurements of the old boy body? Just curious on how tall he's "supposed" to be.

      (Also why is the S-hook in his head made of resin? That's so creepy, it's like having bones made of meat.)
      #170 RockingHorseSoul, May 9, 2016
      Last edited: May 9, 2016
    11. OMG! The Dolkot thread... it's aliiiiiiiiiiiive! :D

      I'm so happy to see a new post here. Thanks, @RockingHorseSoul, and congrats on your Yun! I almost bought Yun instead of Day years ago. An adorable sculpt, for sure.

      Are you talking about the super old Junior boy body? Or this one? My Day has the latter; he stands around 43cm.

      And pfft, my boy has a resin S-hook, too... with a panda bear on it. :lol: I recommend swapping that for a metal S-hook if you can. It'll make restringing your Yun a lot easier. (Your bone made out of meat analogy was spot on, btw.)

      Do you have a name for your Yun yet? Or any style ideas? Sorry if I sound like a frantic weirdo---it's just been so dang long since I've chatted with anyone about this brand. :sweat
    12. @PeppermintPocky he's on the single-jointed body (the one with super kicky joints), which I can't seem to find on the website anymore. I measured 45cm, but he was lying down, so I might be wrong.
      How's the poseability of the new body? I had to suede and wire my boy so he *might* hold some poses on a good day...

      It's such a shame that Dolkot's 1/4s aren't more popular though. I haven't seen a Day in real life, but Yun's face is crazy detailed! Although I might be biased because he's my first doll...

      His name is Lys, and I'm thinking of going for a fantasy/antique-inspired style for him~
    13. Hmm. I'm not sure if this is the right body, but I know it was one of the ones used before the new one and it looks significantly different compared to my Day's. The measurements are on that page (I had to find it using a web archive). If that's not it, lemme know and I'll dig a little deeper.

      The new body is okay. Very stiff, but that may be because my boy is strung too tight. He stands like a rock, though! :thumbup

      And Lys is a cool name. I hope you will share photos of him---I know I'd love to see him!
    14. Yay, the thread is alive!

      My Day is on a super-old double jointed body, so I'm probably no help on that account. I think he's nearly 10 years old maybe? I got him in 2009 but he'd been around a while before that.

      I need to take more doll photos but life has conspired against me, and it's doubtful I'll get time in the next few weeks. Maybe later in the summer. Or maybe I'll take one or two to my new office while we're moving... good light in there, and I'm sure there'll be some downtime.
    15. Yay! @AmyAngel is here! I humbly request Crow spam whenever you're able to snap photos! Moving is always so stressful. I hope you're able to get everything situated without much hassle. :thumbup