1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Dolkot Moon and Loon discussion

Dec 19, 2006

    1. blackpaperbag, I'm looking forward to seeing photos of your whiteskin Loon, ours will be whiteskin as well :).

      A couple days ago we got the notice that Loon had shipped. However, if he takes the usual amount of time with EMS he'll probably arrive early on a sunday morning XD. The tracking number from Dollmore just doesn't seem to work. Did your tracking numbers work?
    2. wow. the dreaming one is beautiful. *drool*
    3. Sheri: Nope, my tracking numbers have never really worked before... I feel so cheated T_T

      He really looks like a girl though ^^;;; Doesn't help that he's in a highschool girl's uniform since I haven't got clothes for him yet
    4. Loon arrived yesterday!!!! actually he arrived Saturday but I didn't get to the door in time and had to wait 'til Monday to pick him up from the post office. What an agrivating wait!

      I'll post pictures soon :)
    5. Alright. Stupid question. :X

      They're limited? x_X -hides-
    6. Ah... the initial release of 'normal' Moon and Loon was limited (supposedly to 10 each), and future releases will all be one-off 'full set/special makeup' versions... something like that. The explaination on the website is quite vague.
    7. Yes, currently there is NO clear explanation on Dolkot Korean website nor on Dollmore website ... Even webpage transator fails ^^;
      According to what I've managed to understand, Kiss Loon and Moon will be sold in two ways: as a OOAK limited full sets ( with make-up, clothes etc. ) and the rest of them will be sold as 'nude' doll only with eyes and make-up, and also in a limited amount. There was something about LE 100 in total but I don't know if this 100 pieces means 100 Loons and 100 Moons or maybe 100 Moons + Loons ... ^^; I can't read Korean and webpage translator is not very good solution ^^;;;
      The initial 10 pieces of Loon/ Moon were sold at 10 % off price so the next batch of them will cost 10 % higher ---> about 620 $

      On Korean Dolkot website there was next sale scheduled: it was 2nd Feb. But I don't know when Kiss Loon will be available for international customers on Dollmore. Because it is almost impossible to order directly from Dolkot Korean website ( there is no English service ^^; )
    8. Idemo: Thank you for clarifying that. <3 Good to know I do, in fact, have some hope.
    9. I think they said the initial 10 were at a lower price, but there would be more released. I don't think they ever said how many.

    10. The dreaming version is now available at the dollmore site and i don't think that they are not limited. :eusa_pray

      I have compared the old pics of the first release of Kiss[Loon] and the pics there and I think they are the same mold & only different in face-up. :celebrate
    11. Yup, they're the same, except that the default faceup is slightly different, and it is the real price as opposed to the original 10% discount...
    12. well, Loon is currently listed in stock at Dollmore (http://www.dollmore.net/shop/step1.php?number=2973) but on closer inspection it says that there's just one. The 'Makeup Ver.08' one seems to already be gone. this is all very confusing :sweat... they seem to be releasing them just a few at a time...

      Meanwhile, my Loon arrived (a little more than a month after I ordered XD) and he's very pretty but he just doesn't fit in as I'd hoped with my mostly-volks, mostly-large-headed group of girls XD - Thus he's up for sale here, there are pictures there if anyone wants to see http://www.denofangels.com/forums/showthread.php?t=115706 - (that and I got a chance at a WC Chris and leapt at it, and now i have to finance it
