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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. Official Volks doll carry-bag, if not riding on the crook of my arm.
    2. If its just one of them ill usually carry them in my arms but if im taking all of them out i bought an adidas baseball bat bag for 9.99 at a sports shop and put there pillows in there and carry them around. It's pretty roomy but not roomy enough to where they will move around a lot. I can put all 3 of my SD size dolls in there but you could probably get 4 or 5 in there. They have other baseball bat bags that are really padded and have extra pockets but they were more money than i had at the time.
    3. Hmmm...I do it one of three ways. 1) Stuff both dolls in my DoD bag that came with Ryuen, 2) Stuff one or both in a backpack, or 3) Carry them out where everyone can see them. I have fun putting them in the baskets if I go to a store though *laughs*
    4. XD Just carry him. But I would think about where I was going first. If I was going to a crowded place or somewhere that would require more movement (like climbing a lot of stairs, etc) I would probably take the bag he came with from DoD. Nice and safe that way.
    5. If I don't want them seen or if I have Nai out, I use a tote bag I have. It's long enough for Nai to lie down in. Elly and Lutz fit sitting.

      Usually, though, I just carry them in the crook of an arm. Last time I went shopping with Lutz, I stuck him in the shopping cart up on top with the kid's seat just like you would a kid, facing me with his legs going through the holes. :lol: In the car I just sit them on the passenger seat and buckle them in. X3
    6. If I'm just carrying one around, I'll hold them in my arms. For two, usually a large tote bag of some sort (like a messenger bag) that they can stick out of to watch their surroundings....more than that, and they start getting shoved in doll carrying bags/cases or buckled into car seats.
    7. Adelais is such a dear to carry- he's really light. I usually have him sit partially on my hand, then my fingers curl around his legs and I hug him a little against me. If I have my other hand free, then I lay that on his shoulder, or if it's crouded/jostling, his head as I walk along. If my two hands are busy, he usually drops down into my Messenger bag.
    8. I carry Namie with me ^^ She either sits in the crook of my arm, or "stands" against me with her arms over mine to hold on. :chibi I went to the trouble to get a carrier for her and Kyohei-kun, but I'm just too used to having her next to me to have her stuffed away. That might change when my Ami gets here, though, in case I find it too difficult to leave one or both home... :oops:

      Haru generally stays in a glasses case (lined with her pillow and clothes) in my purse, or if I have the camera with me, she sits in the little pocket on the front of the camera carrier. If she's alone with me (if I'm at work), she sits in my work apron or in the front pocket of my jeans (that took a little getting used to, though... I didn't want to smoosh her!)
    9. Eron is a mini, so it's not hard to sit him in a shoulder bag...

      But you have a bigger doll, soooo...
      What about one of those flower baskets? I'm talking about those long shallow ones that you can lay flowers down flat in. He could lie down in one of those.
    10. I found a clear orange totebag (summer clearance at WalMart for $3 thank you very much) that's just PERFECT. She sits in it with plenty of room to spare should she get any huge platform shoes. I'll make sure to take pics of her in it when she gets home from her face up, til then, here's a shot of it and the lil min bag that came with.


      I should add I'd LOVE to get a REAL BJD bag (soft side or hard, doesn't matter) but for right now, this is PERFECT.
    11. Do you guys use lots of towels/blankets for protection inside the bags? I'm just paranoid about scratches and such. :oops:

      If a doll is in the bag alone, is there any need to worry about scratches?
    12. If it's Kaye, she just sits in the bottom of my bag... granted I'm careful not to fling my bag around, but she's tiny, she fits! XD

      If it's Grimm... well... the poor boy usually gets carried by the neck, the torso... or sometimes I'll just hold him next to me with an arm wrapped around him... I haven't gotten a bag big enough for him yet that I can carry and not look like I'm toting luggage XD

      If it's Spade, I carry him in my hands, he's kind of my "baby"... one of those pet projects that you worked so hard on, you'd hate to see it destroyed. XD
    13. Right, I live in New York.. and currently, walking into a train lugging a big bag around... is pretty damn dangerous. Police are having fun checking our stuff, and after the London incident... I surely don't want to be seen with -anything- suspicious. *shudder*

      So, I carry Iglen in a fairly large basket, where she can stay in a relaxed pose. I like to put some soft pillows and lacey material there so she'll be comfy, and I tend to carry a nice lacy blanket-thingie with me so I can cover her and protect her from the sun. :grin:
    14. Wee Little Faerie wrote:
      By the NECK!? Poor Grimm! ROFL!! I know exactly what you mean about the luggage, even Hiro is relative huge at about 2 feet tall. He can sit in the beach bag with his knees bent and without his head sticking out, but his hair gets terribly messy. And a hairnet doesn't help, because when I take it off to show him to people, the hair gets messier than if I'd left the net off. And what self respecting doll wants to wear a hairnet in public anyway??!!

      So far the general consensus for short trips seems to be the death grip, or the full length tote bag -- and have the clothes/wigs/shoes firmly affixed so you don't leave something behind somewhere! When I carried Hiro around at an indoor doll show once, I did as Verdicent Hex did, seated him on my forearm with my arm around his waist. I also like putting him in the seat next to me in the car, and buckling him in, of course.

      Deacon wrote:
      I put one of Hiro's pillows in the bag with him, usually on top of him. But he DID get a lip rub the first time I took him out in public :oops: probably from my camera which he was holding in his lap. So, scratches are always a possibility I guess, unless your doll is living in a bubble. He's a pretty tough boy, though, the lip rub doesn't bother me as much as someone with a delicate girl might be bothered.

      Linda S.
    15. I discovered that Alice fits in my purse, with her head sticking out! She hates it, but it's that or the neon blue duffel bag I use to take her on trips. Of course, she's a MSD, so it's easier to carry her. She still gets heavy, though... and I don't know what I'll do when Frey gets here! :D
    16. I either stuff Shin in my big orange leather tote, or his DOD bag.
    17. I carry Mike or Kyo, whoever has the body in my arms. I dunno what I'll do atr DragonCon though.
    18. Depending on what I'm doing or who is with me, I either carry Rei in my arm (I'm a master of the "one-arm" carry) or in a tote bag. He really doesn't like that, though, since even my brother took one look at him kneeling in the tote and said "He looks indignant."

      I cushion the tote just to spare him any needless bumping and banging. ^_^
    19. yes i use there pillows when they are traveling in their bag. i need to get the face masks too. everytime i put them in the bag and when i take them out there eyelashes are at weird angles and i have to fix them.
    20. You should always have a little protection in there for them. Depending on if there's hard things in the bag too or the bag material, more or less. A facemask is good for eyelashes and faceups.

      When Abacus travels, to be truthful, it's in his box. x3 I rarely take him anywhere though (hell, I rarely leave the house.) Even when a pillow over and under, I put on a facemask and take off his wig, put it in the net and then in the bag it came it. I rarely travel with him though.

      Well, unless you count going to my grama's or the fabric store. My grama loves to see him and I don't give a rat's ass what the fabric store people think. He's just carried in my arms in that occassion.

      I'm making plans to get a violin case so I can make him a real case, I'm excited. It will make it a lot easier and less stressful. Especially on trips. I can't wait. :D