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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. I found a mini duffle bag at Target that's exactly MSD sized (it was inexpensive too). I slipped the two pillows Hikaru came with in for protection, and I want to sew in a velcro strap to fasten around his body so he doesn't accidentally roll over and rub his face.
    2. If it were me, I'd prefer to hold the doll like a baby or in the pit of my elbow.

      If I didn't want the doll to be seen, I'd buy sort of a beach bag, and cover her in blankets and cushioning so she wouldn't get damaged.
    3. i carry momoko in the crook of my arm like a little baby. sometimes i carry her on my side like people carry little kids. i dont have a bag big enough to carry something SD size. i think i might take her out for teh first time tommorow *_*
    4. I personally Carry Kyran in an old laptop case he can sit in it and it carries all of his accessories and things just fine... It is also well padded and shock proof due to the fact it carried electronics...
    5. To be honest? If it's just one of them, I toss them in my purse wrapped in one of their blankies. xD If it's two of them, tho, I use my DOD bag. XD
    6. You're not the only one, buegirlwish! I wrap her up in a ton of blankets and stick her (feet first!) in my backpack. XD
    7. I have a single BJD case from lovelyhouse if i take out just one of my dolls but if i take more than one out i use my adidas baseball bat bag which works great (and was only 9.99). i use the pillows that came in the boxes that they came in to protect them.
    8. My arms. Sometimes if I'm taking like... Four of them to someone's house, I'll grab Red and Lukas's FCS boxes since they're deep, stick one doll on one cushion shoved to the side, put the other cushion on top, stick a second doll on top lying the opposite direction, curled to fit, and stick the lid over them. But for general transport... Up to three I can carry in my arms. One doll fits very nicely in the crook of an arm. And if they're not in boxes for transport, they're sitting in the front seat of my car, buckled up for safety. :lol:
    9. I have a duffel bag that Kobu that I have taken Kobu around in. He has to lay a bit squished up, but both of his pillows and a blanket fit in there.
    10. In my arms usually, then again, I only have a SD and a Tiny.
    11. Riddel has a warwick rockbag and Kisten rides in his big ass Donn bag that he came with.
      So I carry 2 bags.

      I have absloutly no clue what I will do when I have the other 3 running around.

      Nefret~*where is my body?*
      me~stuck on preorder sweety.
    12. Before I got doll bags, I used to carry my dolls in a huge Avon bag.

      But now I have a DOD carrier (holds 2 dolls), and a single carrier from Ajumapama. I'd probably break out the Avon bag again if I had to tote around all 4 of my dolls, but so far I haven't come into that problem. :)
    13. i either use the bags they came along with or stuff em to the customised bag i got :D
    14. When I bring Arwen out on trips she just sits in my arms... XD And then gets carried around like that at the mall, store, or where-ever she comes.

      She only ever goes in something when I have to bring her on a BIG trip. I stick her in this hard-shelled out suitcase for that, it fits her on her side slightly curles up, and Nixie can fit streched out alongside her. That was how they got to Otakon, College, and Anime Atlanta. ^_^
    15. I put my boy in his DOD bag, I don't carry him, I feel silly. :lol:

    16. i carry my boy in my bag. XD but if i'm too lazy to put him back in, he just sits in my arms.. or one of my friends would carry him for me.. hurhur.. :D
    17. If one is going, I carry them... if we're heading over to someone's house, or I need to take two for some reason, they go in their bag, or one will sit in the bag and the other gets carried. ^^; I haven't had an occasion where I've had to be responsible for carrying all four, thank goodness. *_* Thank god for splitting the dolly responsibility with Oboro :wink: . I also have to agree with kagami-- if we can manage it, our friends help carry. :chibi

      Haru, on the other hand, pretty much lives in her glasses case in my purse and is always with me. :D Yaaay tinies.
    18. I planning on making a pretty bag for Mamimi, but so far Ive just put her (knees bent) in my big purse or carried her in my arms.

      Its funny how many people chat with you on the train when you have a very large, cute doll in your lap (guys included!) :daisy Shes a little people magnet!
    19. i carry mine in my arms. i never really take her 'outside' i plan to though. i'm making a bag to put her in, er well i will make (damn school)
    20. At the moment, I'm still using the boxes my boys came in.

      I really need to get to buying them actual travel bags x3