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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. I've never flown with my dolls, but when I travel by car, they often sit in my lap or buckled into one of the car seats. If it's sunny out, I toss a blanket over them. If I'm taking several with me, like to a convention or meet up, I usually bring my doll bag. I have one from Spiritdoll and one from ResinSoul. One time I went on a car trip to visit a friend several states away, about a ten out drive, with 17 full dolls buckled into my back seat! I don't think I want to try that again. :XD:
    2. I built a doll suitcase and make sure it rides either upright, or on the top when driving. Flying dolls=carry-ons only.
    3. Does anyone have one of those long carrier bags? If so, what website did you buy them from and could you show pictures of the inside? I've seen some on Ebay, but they never have good pictures and they cost like $40-60 - so I wanna see all the pictures! lol
    4. I was looking at similar bags and felt the same way (too high of a price and the photos didn't look like the bags were anything special). I'm just buying a yoga mat bag, which can easily be found under $10, and sewing a padded insert and some pillows with that giant pile of extra fabric I've been meaning to use. :lol:Honestly unless I'm just missing something (and I might be!), it doesn't look like those doll carrier bags are anything better than yoga bags to begin with- you just get a huge markup because it's a niche hobby accessory.
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    5. Yes, I got one with my souldoll. It is basically just a long dufflebag with the doll pillow inside. It is nice in that it is long enough for my big boy. But a regular suitcase is too. I only use it when I'm just translating 1 big kid, or a couple smaller ones. I made padded doll bags and use the regular suitcase with the small doll pouches in it more often.
    6. I just recently travelled with my two girls, one sd and one msd. They fit nicely into my carry on suitcase with bubble wrap covering any part the could knock together and then wrapped in their pillows. This worked perfectly with no issues even with my bag being checked by customs. Pluss I felt super comfortable knowing they were right beside me during the long layover rather than in my checked bags.
    7. Interesting topic. I’ve only ever taken my dolls in the car, but I want to take one to Italy on holiday but that means taking a 68/72cm doll on a plane. Economy class (hand luggage restrictions). Only thing I can think of is stuffing one in my rucksack. XD
    8. for plane travel with the big ones some put the bodies (wrapped super well in bubble and clothing wraps and take only the heads, hands and feet in carry on as they are the most valuable parts (usually). Lots of ppl have plenty of advice for air travel with dlls.
    9. I have:
      A couple actual doll bags
      A Betsy Johnson carry-on bag
      A diaper bag
      A rolling sewing machine carrier
      A rolling craft supply carrier (My bigger guys are just a hair too long in the leg for this one)
      A bag my best friend made for my Dollmore model/Ringdoll guy who's legs are too long sitting for any other bag I own even though he's the same height as all my Dollshe bodies.
      A few other small bags that work as doll bags if one or all these fail somehow.

      For plane travel I use my small carry-on suitcase and carry a bag that one or two can fit in. I have yet to travel with a 70cm + doll...so I'm not sure how that will work out....but 60cm dolls fit in it fine.

      For padding I just use the cushions they all come with. There are doll cushions everywhere....everywhere....
    10. I have a randoseru, one of those Japanese grade-schooler backpacks. They're basically stiff leather-covered boxes with shoulder straps. Denzel (my MSD) gets his faceup protector on, Belle Marie (my PukiPuki) gets tucked into her brother's arms, the both of them get wrapped in a baby blanket and then into the ol' backpack they go!

      ...Once doll #3 gets here, I may have to rethink this arrangement...
    11. Man, I feel so unprofessional! I took Teo on holiday in the car and just sat him on my lap. I was in the U.K. though, and wasn’t worried about uv since it was dull and bucketting down.
    12. I was lucky and my first doll came with a carrier bag! It fits two + dolls in it as long as you separate them with their pillows! I rarely carry more than one doll with me at any given time. We also have a large SD sized doll bag that we can carry the larger dolls if I wanted too, but I prefer traveling with smaller sizes like MSD :D
    13. That’s smart! I never thought about a yoga mat bag! Lol. I was considering an instrument bag, but even that would be expensive. Thanks for the idea! XD
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    14. I have a coffin for my incoming Ringdoll Aooni boy, however the handles for the strap aren't strong enough to carry the coffin and the doll, so I need to remake the whole thing. So, right now for my Iplehouse JID girl, I am using a picnic basket from Joom.
    15. I've either made or used glasses cases for my littles, and for my MSD I use a leather briefcase satchel that belonged to my late grandfather which has plenty of room for him, his padding, extra clothes and things or a little or two, and usually supplies for whatever project I'm currently sewing/crocheting.
    16. I haven't needed to travel with Simone yet, but a few weeks ago I took Zea out for a photoshoot. I put her in the yellow silk padded "sleeping bag" she came in, then put the sleeping bag into a little clutch purse. I made sure to keep the purse close to me the entire time. If she wasn't going to be in my hand the whole time I would have used more protection. I don't know how I'd travel with Simone, the prospect scares me a bit. I tend to use the box she came in for her "bed", so I'd probably put additional padding in/around that.
    17. When my grandmother died I found some trunks in the basement. I decided to keep one, even before I started this hobby and I think if I got some thick eggcrate foam it would be awesome as a doll carrycase, at least for a long car ride. It has a tray I could put the wigs and clothes on even.

      It kind of looks like this, but a plain army green with decrepit leather handles.
    18. wow nice... how big is this? I'm curious abut you using it for dolls since the one i have could hold nearly all my dolls. I have mostly SD's XD. Mine was my mothers she was to use when she went into nursing in the late 50's so mine is huuuge... and not nearly in as good a condition O_o.
    19. Mine is at least 3ft. long, and maybe 18” wide or so, and about that high. I’m just kind of guessing there because I thought it was smaller and just recently saw it at my storage space and realized it was bigger than I thought.

      I think I kept thinking of it as small because my grandma also had a restored old wooden steamer trunk that was big enough for an adult human to fit in, and the metal ones seemed small after that.(I wish I inherited that one, but it was written into the will as my aunts.)
    20. nuts on the wood one... scour antique shops... old trunks show up plenty... my moms metal one I think I could scrunch into... maybe lol but mine might be the same size.. i do have a Trinity doll and she's 41 inches?... she's just a bit too tall to lay in straight but i could lay 2 or 3 in for a short hop if padded out well. They ship from the company w/o feet and hands attached... hmmm got me thinking now lol... Fit and old trunk so it has a seat and the lid opens like a door... oooh this could work lol...