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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. I have a pair of Luts carriers that are great for SDs, I have also used a yoga bag, a hard drive case and an eye glasses case for some of my super tiny dolls, and I also altered a tote bag pattern and made a case to fit several of my yo sided dolls. I also make travel blankets to wrap them up in if it is just a quick trip for one doll to a friends house.
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    2. I got this cute rainbow, unicorn style backpack made for carrying yosd size dolls off taobao. It has a clear dome window for the head that not only protects your faceup for any damage but allows you to see it. I thought it would be a cute carrying method if I ever take my doll to a con or something.
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    3. so many cool carriers!!! I love the idea of keeping tiny dolls in a glasses case, so precious :XD:

      a unicorn!!! so cute and unique! I would definitely awe at a doll in such a cute case :chibi
    4. I wanted a bag for my Fairyland Realfee, Grannybelle, and found this one like an ita bag from Luts. lutsdoll co.,ltd. I had a lot of fun tricking it out to suit my doll’s personality.:)

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    5. doll!!! ita bags!!! so cool!!!!
    6. I actually made a carrying bag our of a yoga mat bag. I padded it with white fleece and added straps to tie in my dolls. It has a front pocket bit enough for extra clothing and wigs. The inside fits my two SD sized dolls, although one has to be upside down lol. Although I can usually fit a tiny in there with them too. I love being able to toss them over my shoulder hiking just in case I find the perfect photo opportunity. I thought about making the sides hard so that they would be extra safe, but the padding from all the fleece makes it so bulky nothing moves!
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    7. I hadn't considered how to carry my dolls for a con.

      I suppose if you're feeling silly, you can have a backpack with an SD doll sticking out to stare at people behind you :)
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    8. When just walking around AT a con, I often just have my arm bent at the elbow in front of my body with one of my SD sized dolls sitting on my forearm. Since I generally stop to chat to people fairly frequently, my arm gets to rest by taking the doll off an putting them down on the table or chair or on con bag at my feet while I catch up with whoever I've stopped to talk to.

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    9. I have a 80cm boy and he actually takes up much less space when travelling than I expected!

      I actually bring my vinyl doll with me most places :) my resin will likely come with me some places too once her head is back!
      #749 FenTreefern, Jun 15, 2021
      Last edited by a moderator: Jun 25, 2021
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    10. I have a violin case that fits up to a 63cm doll, that I picked up for cheap from a local craft store, to travel with. It was pretty easy to remove the foam inserts for the instrument and add a bit of padding.
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    11. that sounds so fun!!!
      I don't think I can trust myself to bring a doll with me everywhere without it breaking lol!

      that's such a creative idea! super stylish too :o
    12. I've got an ita bag I'll be putting a little padding in, and if I can rig up a padded insert with ribbon ties, I think I can get a couple of 45cm dolls to sit and share leg space... but I can also pull the padded insert out and use it as a regular bag. But I've also got a big padded carry-bag and Marigold's carrier that she came in.
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    13. Usually just a padded fabric pouch nothing fancy.
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    14. sometimes simple is best uvu! im currently using a pouch with a hankerchief for my nendoroid dolls lol
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    15. I… just stick my boy (a tiny delf) in my purse… he sits in the main pocket, padded by tiny cat plushies and everything else gets organized into side pockets.

      I have a Volks character yosd that I want to bring to cons that’s probably gonna need a bit more sophistication in his means of transport though…
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    16. aww pocket baby :cheer
      once my girl comes in I definitelyneed to find something before cons are a thing again and for a trip coming up! *_*
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    17. Picked up this cool carrying case last week. Might have to pad it out a tad, but also extra space for accessories and such.
      Can't wait to test it out at an event.
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    18. For larger dolls I found telescope carrier to be perfect for the use. It has padding, holding straps, and price advantage!