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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. DOD Bag - It saves lifes! XD
    2. At first I used a big duffle bag, but it was a tight fit for Idris even curled up. And it was a pain to get her in and out. Now I have a Dollmore carrier and it's just right!

    3. I use a wine bottle carrying bag. It's got straps inside to hold my doll securely and a divider to keep clothes and accessories on other side. Not a bad buy for $2, although it's not quite long enough so he has to bend his legs a bit.
    4. usually if I'm just walking around town I just carry them! ^__^ but if for some reason I don't want to carry them, I have a bag that fits my minis well (while sitting) and I also have another one that fits Shoji well while sitting (unfortunately Ash has to contort a bit to fit in there)
    5. Well, I have two doll bags - a Volks, and a Dollmore. They both fit 2 dolls, plus some accessories. When I go away, I'm not taking more then two anyway, so I use one of the pages - when I went to Singapore, I carried Hale in the Volks bag. When I go to doll meets at other people's places and I'm taking all the boys, four of them go into the bag, and I'll have to carry both the others - and since I'm one of the designated drivers in our band of BJD people (There's only TWO of us that drive!), it's okay if they're out. Plus, I usually get extra hands to help me carry things since I give people lifts.

      Going to doll shows/cons etc, I'm only taking one doll with me, so I use this nice large beach bag that fits all my junk plus the boy who gets wrapped in a jumper until I get to the venue and meet up with everyone else who's carrying a doll. I feel stupid doing it by myself. XD When I go to up to Queensland at christmas, two of them get shoved into my backpack. It's only an hours flight...
    6. For on the last plane ride they got to do in a rolling carryon suitcase, tall enough for all three minis to stand side by side. When in the car or just carrying them around all three can fit in my DoD bag. If I'm just taking one walking around I usually just carry them ^^
    7. I carry mine in a dog bag with lots of padding..
    8. Remodeled violin case from when I was 8. ^^;
    9. In a Dream of Doll black carrying bag I bought for him. It has a great carrying strap. It has a nice straps to hold him in and also a cool zip pocket to carry extra stuff he might need. It is great for going to photo shoots. And also to keep him safe so no one would steal him out the backseat of the car if I have to leave him in there. :oops: If he is just around the house and outside at home I just grab him by the waist and carry him like that. :grin:
    10. I'm currently using a slightly modified Wilson badminton racket bag. It's shaped like a violin case but made from soft padded vinyl. looks a little like this but it's black

      I've cut open the lining and put in some carboard inserts to support as well as protect my doll. It's a pretty snug fit, but very practical.

      Also it was a find for $3.99 at a thrift shop! :wink:
    11. my arms..or poking out of my over the shoulder bag....

      my girls live dangerously! :wiggle
    12. I am a bad owner... I stick her in the laptop part of my backpack. It's safe, but kind of smooshy so her wig gets messed up...

      :oops: I'm going to buy a carrier soon, I promise. :lol:
    13. they all just get carried in my arms.. occasionally Sofia, my Nari-pon, will sneak into a pocket or my glasses-case.. And I once carried my two DOCs, my El, and an extra head all in an MSD carrier.. needless to say they all sulked for days.. XD;;
    14. I use the padded Volks bag and I'm not happy about it. Didn't mind it so much when it was just one doll, even though Jeremie's ridiculously heavy, but with two dolls it's terrible. Somebody ought to make a carrier with wheels and a pull-out handle. In fact, next time I have a chance I'm going to check Tokyu Hands to see if they've got suitcase wheel parts I can put on the carrier myself.

      If that doesn't work, I'm going to loosen Jeremie's string so he can be tied into pretzel shapes to fit in my rolling suitcase. I have had it with carrying these heavy dolls on my shoulder all over the city for photoshoots.
    15. wow...too much work...

      I know someone who just bought a wheeled carry on suitcase when they noticed some on clearance...
    16. I will have my kid soon. :D
      I know I'll want to take her with me to places outside of the house, nowhere unbelievably exotic, just to friends houses. This will mean getting a bus or two :sweat
      I'll get a bag to carry her in. What I want to know is how good are these bags? They seem to look a little like they are carrying a camera in them or video equipment. I wouldn't want to attracted attention to it.

      What kind of bag do you use? If you use say a dollmore one, how good are they? For comfort and general discreteness.
      Which is the best method in your opinion?
    17. For me, I use a backpack. It doesn't look out of the ordinary (it's got a bit of a slope to it, so I can lay him in there and not have to scrunch him all up) and you can carry it easily. Plus there's pockets in the front for any of his things I want to take along, or a camera if the purpose is to take pictures somewhere :) Can't seem to find the brand name, though, sorry.
    18. When I carry one of the crew with me (And that's most of the time, these days... *_* ) I use a plain old blue Columbia courier bag. You know, the sort people carry laptops and textbooks and paperwork around in.

      I can fit two of my Delf guys in there, but usually only carry one. I just sit them in there sitting or kneeling, and the bag is the perfect height to accomodate them. It has a shoulder strap, so it's easy to carry, and no one gives me a second look. Courier bags are pretty common since so many business people and students carry them... No one's any the wiser that I've got one of the guys in there. ^_^
    19. Hmm, thanks guys. I did concider a record bag but they aren't very padded. If I'm staying at a friends I'll most likely have a ruck sack filled with my clothes and games so I don't think I could carry two.
      Thank you for the responces.
    20. I use a Dream of Doll carry case when I bother with a case at all, and it works fine. I do use the cushions, of course. I've heard mixed reviews of the Dollmore carry case, but I've never owned or used one myself, so I honestly couldn't tell you.
      I know some people just use suitcases, if you want to bring them and all of their goodies (also a good place to keep their stuff when you aren't playing.)