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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. Thank you, I'll take a look at that case.
    2. I have an old violin case I got off ebay. It's kind of junky looking and I need to reline it with more attractive fabric, but TK fits snugly into it and it's an improvement over being stuffed into my backpack. ^__^ I used to not like violin cases as doll carriers because I thought their resemblances to coffins were creepy, but now I find them convienient. ^^
    3. ....This has given me the horrible idea to carry a doll in my violin case. XD
    4. I have a Volks carrying case for my boys - fits both of them in quite snugly, along with a cushion as well. The shoulder strap is pretty decent, though it does place all the weight in a pretty small area and I have gotten bruises after I've carried them around in it for too long (then again, I do bruise rather easily so I don't think that would be a problem for everyone ^^; ) I recommend it, though, it's a good carrier.

      Now to find another one for when my new boy gets here...
    5. If they go with me, I carry them in my arms. But when I get more, I suppose I'll need to find a carrying case. :sweat
    6. She needs something better, but she got through last week's train trip in my carry-on (with her head sticking out and glaring at me), and visited Denver Doll Emporium sitting on my shoulder.
    7. a tennis racket bag that has 3 pockets.
      at least can carry 2 dolls in different pockets & one pocket for my other stuffs.:sweat
      but total in all i have carried all 5 of my resins in that same bag.
      d*rn... it's super heavy.
    8. It held 3 60 cm dolls and 3 45 cm dolls very comfortably. It has fingerfoam on both sides and snugged the dolls perfectly! And..it had rollers on the case..wheeee! Besides where else can you take a guncase in an irport and not be gawked at but in Austin TX. LOL
    9. My arms, buckled or secured in my car, or with their faces wrapped in bubble wrap, inside a semi-padded backpack.
    10. Recently I made a huge bag to carry my boys and their accessories in... It's like 30" long, 6.5" wide, and 7" deep. Pretty roomy inside with 8 separate pockets outside and inside :)

      If I'm only bringing one of the boys out though I just carry him in my arms ^^
    11. At this point, it's a bookbag where he's surrounded by his blanket and gets to sleep while we run around ^-^
    12. There's a thread in the pic request section about cases too. People can put pictures of how their dolls fits. :)
    13. I would feel very nervous about taking my boys out in the daylight without protection from the sun, or out in general without protection from bumps.

      When I got each doll I also bought a case for him. Margam Wu (Elfdoll Wu) has a Custom House carry case. It is unpadded inside but works very well with his futons. It is lightweight and easy to carry.

      Riff Coventry (CP Dreaming El) has an Angel Region bag. This is the Limousine, whereas the CH bag is known as the Beemer. Angel Region bags are like hard luggage and offer a world of protection, which Riff requires for his extremely fragile fingers. It is heavier, but very classy looking both inside and out.

      The nice thing about real doll carry bags is that doll people recognize you and smile when you are out and about...and non doll people are just silently intrigued.
    14. I don't have a doll yet but I would want to carry them in a violin case.
    15. I am a weird one. Right now I am carrying my doll is a carrying on bag. She can fit in it if she sits up but she moves around a lot. Also, you get odd looks and asked if you going on a trip a lot.

      If I am driving she buckled up in the fornt seat.

      I am going to make a violin carrying case. Right now I am looking for a used music shop in my area. I know there has be one. I'd looked online for a used violin case and the prices were reasonable but the shipping was outlandish.

      Off topic question, wasn't there a tutorial that showed how to convert a normal violin case into a doll case?
    16. Today I experimented and took Aedon out on his first proper trip - we went to Newport in Wales on a whim (well - how often am I going to be in England with a free weekend and enough money for whim trips?), and I just wrapped him in a hand towel and put him in a plastic shopping bag, and we were fine the entire trip. <3 (Though I had to comb his wig a hundred times, honestly - but I do that normally. XD)
    17. I used to carry my 2 girls in a beach bag due to lack of something better but then at work I found a rolling case of sorts with hard sides, tons of storage and room for 4 SDs sitting hip to hip in the bottom with a little rearranging of legs...it apparently is some sort of carrier for video equipment.......damn lucky find though since I dont think I could find a better carrier that spares the shoulder from 2 SD girls and can fit the boys too
    18. I used an empty box that had 12 bottles of wine before to take mine to Chicago. Let me tell you, that attracted a lot of attention.
    19. both my boys have their own carrier bag
      but the idea of a violin case is very appealing >D
    20. I carry mine in a bowling team bag. It works great because the sides are stiff and it's big enough to fit two SDs sitting down, and two MSDs sitting on the SDs lap. And what makes it even better is that it only cost a few bucks. My mom picked it up at a thrift store! :D