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Doll carriers? What do you use?

Sep 26, 2004

    1. I carry mine in one of my bookbags (I have several messenger bags I use to carry school stuff, and which one I use depends on the day and what I'm carrying), usually wrapped in a pillowcase but sometimes not. They're not padded at all, but I carried things like my laptop and gameboy things in it long before I had dolls, and my doll is no more breakable than my laptop is -- she's actually probably a good bit sturdier. Laptop and doll are both doing fine thus far. They even rode in the bag TOGETHER on a few occasions.

      If I take my customize figure anywhere I usually dump her INSIDE the pillowcase or in some small bag because otherwise I have to upend whatever bag I'm using to find all the parts that fell off in transit. At least the only part of my big doll that can fall off is her wig.
    2. I carry Ciel in the Dollshe bag he came in, but I'd like to buy a different bag that isn't made specifically for doll-carrying purposes. Like a backpack or messenger bag.
    3. The typical practice is to put Alister in the front seat with the seat belt on and sitting on his shoebox of clothing and accessories. When Rosiel (CP Yder) and Alexial (his 'handler') is in the car, they sit in the back seat with each other, On Alexial's lap, or in the middle part of the seat for a third person. It really depends on which car I am driving. I would like a case since I will be getting a female 60 and a 45 boy here soon. ^_^;;
    4. In my arms :{
      Heavy buttface that he is... Sometimes I shove him in my shoulder bag, but it's usually clunking around like crazy. I hate putting him away from sight. I'm crazy like that.
    5. I'm my arms. He's fat and heavy as all hell but I still cary him. Because I love him.
    6. In my arms~

      But i just bought a Dollmore bag :)
      Hope it works good!
    7. I usually carry her either in my big slingbag (with cloths wrapped around her) or in her luts carrier bag ^^
    8. Ahahaha. I use a padded ukelale case >////<
    9. Chiaki is so small that I can carry her in any bag I can find (well... almost). Kazuo is bigger so he doesn't suit in those bags. So I carry him in my old violin case, one I don't use anymore. It's just good for him though I hope that he doesn't grow any bigger somehow .__.
    10. Hard eyeglass case for just one doll, put her chair in my pocket.

      They're little!

    11. My purse. >3<
    12. So far I don't have a bag for any of girls. They don't leave the house too often and if they do, I've just carried them in my hands.
    13. if its to school, I stick 'em in my backpack, if its around town, my Mamimi messenger bag, if its to a meet-up I stuff as many as I can in the black DOD bag! XD
    14. Human travel bag...because when it came down to choosing between boots and wigs or those beautifully perfect carrying cases for dolls...I ended up with the accessories. ^_^; My priorities are screwed up~
    15. When carrying en masse (for instance, to a doll meet or recently when we moved home), I can fit 5 or 6 of the larger dolls and all three minis in a large wheeled suitcase with layers of fleece fabric between layers of dolls; Marius (Hound) and one other SD-sized doll can fit in his white DollShe carrier, disembodied heads are wrapped in bubble wrap in small plastic crates and anyone left over hitches a ride in my tote bag.

      I used to have a Volks SD carrier that could take up to 3 SD-sized dolls easily, but I lent it to a friend to carry her new Lishe home from our last London meet and haven't gotten around to replacing it yet. It's actually pretty unusual for me to need to transport more than 3 or 4 dolls anywhere together (house moves aside :lol:), so normally the wheeled suitcase does fine.

      If I'm just taking the one doll with me, they usually get carried in my arms.

      I don't use instrument cases for my dolls simply because I have a lot of instruments and a lot of dolls - and it would get embarassing if I grabbed the wrong case by mistake! (BJDs aren't much use when you're supposed to be playing mandolin for morris dancing! :lol:)
    16. i want a carring bag but i dont want it shape like a coffin i want it to be shapped like astrawberry that i can care if there is anyone that can do that PM me please ^_^
    17. violin case here
    18. Yoga mat bag. It's the perfect length, I can fit two SDs in it and I just use the pillows they were shipped in for padding. :)
    19. Color coordinated huge shoulder bags! XD

      I have em in blue, red and green. I'm notorious for em now!

      And a new one! I have a cooler bag with some portable radio at the front. It's really neat because all these bags are actually just free. XD

      My mom shops much and she gets em free then she give em to me since she's like "I know your doll's going to fit in there."

      *is touched*
    20. ...I should probably go about getting a carrier for my boy. XD
      Because when he is not being carried in my arm, I shove him in my monk bag. :'D