1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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Doll Family H Discussion

Apr 7, 2010

    1. Does someone have the 68cm and 65cm boy body and can share how it poses?
      And how are DFH wait times?
      And does someone have Yaoguang?
      #161 Rurimas, Nov 2, 2020
      Last edited: Nov 5, 2020
    2. Does anyone have a photo of the normal yellow resin? Is it very yellow?
    3. weibo search of Yao guang

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    4. I have DF-A yellow and it's VERY yellow. I know DF-H has similar colors even if they have different resins, so I expect it to be pretty yellow too.
      Here a DFH comparison picture I found
      [​IMG]DFH resin by Ruri Mad, su Flickr

      Thank you! Oh man he's so pretty. He's my second smiling doll, I think I really have a thing for them :chibi in the end I blindly ordered him yesterday, in the 68cm body. Can't wait aahhh
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    5. @Rurimas - Thank you for the photo. It doesnt look that bad here, I think I would pick it over normal pink. I heard their normal pink was very very pink. Is this their 2020 resin colour photo? I hope so, as I have a body on order in grey and I would really like it to be this dark grey colour.
    6. I am not sure if it's the 2020 color, but I found another picture from 2018 from my dealer website
      [​IMG]Dfh resin by Ruri Mad, su Flickr

      But yeah, their pink should be pretty pink. My DFA pink doll is a very pale but very pink color, which I personally like, and my dealer told me when I asked about resin matching that DF-H resin colors are pretty similar to DFA (even if not a perfect match) so they should have the same yellow that's very yellow, and pink that's very pink, just tad different.
      I hope your grey body comes as you wished!
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    7. I have a DF-H head in normal pink and it isn't all that pink. At least, not nearly as pink as that photograph. It's actually so down the middle I've had to check which it was I'd ordered a few times out of paranoia that I'd accidentally bought a yellow one.
    8. Here's a picture of it. It's one of their practice heads, I had ordered it in stock back in July.
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    9. @AceofPancakes - Thank you for the photo. Maybe they changed the colour recently. I think I might still pick normal yellow though just in case. Your head looks like the first photo, so the normal yellow shouldnt be too yellow in that case. Im really hoping your head means the first photo is correct.
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    10. No problem! Fingers crossed that it does, and that you'll be happy with the color you get. :)
    11. It's really not that pink as it looks in the picture! It looks more like the first pic I found than the second. That's not too bad actually, even if I liked the very pink one.
      I guess I'll discover it when I get my doll too! Then I'll make a comparison
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    12. Has anyone ordered a body? How many months do you wait?
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    13. My DF-H body took almost exactly 5 months, ordered in the beginning of January and arrived in early June (via Alice's Collections) ^-^
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    14. I placed an other through Alice's Collections for a 65 cm body back in late April. I'm still waiting for it to ship, so it's been about 6 months so far.
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    15. I ordered a body early June and I'm still waiting for it.
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    16. Please, how much does the head circumference measure DF-H boys? I'm thinking of a hybrid with a 65cm 3-part-torso (or 2-part torso) body with Soul-double head.
      I'm not sure which of these two bodies is better in poses.
      #177 Arengil, Nov 18, 2020
      Last edited: Nov 21, 2020
    17. Sorry for a late reply. My doll arrived on Oct 27 when I was on vacation. Casting & delivery took 207 days (12 days for mail). I think there was a delay because of pandemic that influenced many firms.

      He came safely, and I love the quality and how the body is polished (there are no seams at all). Normal pink skin is very light, close to pure-fresh Dollshe/Dollstown or Souldoll new white. I'm afraid it will become a cream-white with time, so tan would be better for my idea. :sweat
      The 75 body works very good, and no suede needed for posing. But I didn't make a full height photo yet((
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    18. Does anyone know if Doll Family-H tan skin matches with Switch mocha brown skin? I'm not talking about the color matching service DF-H offer. There's a head that is in DF-H tan and I want to put it on a Switch mocha brown body but I don't know how it would look on it ><
    19. Just popping in here to add another photo of the pink resin. It's very pale indeed, as pale as LoongSoul's Imported Normal Yellow (the hand). However, DF-H pink is still noticeably pinker irl. The head is a modded Takumi Kazama, and the 23cm head girth mentioned on ACBJD is pretty accurate for this guy. With regards to wait times, I actually ordered him first week of January, and got him first week of September. His CoA did mention he's just about ready to go since March, but the pandemic messed up the postal system pretty bad.

      DF-H and LoongSoul
      by Yela Gatchalian-David, on Flickr
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