1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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  2. Dollshe Craft and all dolls created by Dollshe, including any dolls created under his new or future companies, including Club Coco BJD are now banned from Den of Angels. Dollshe and the sculptor may not advertise his products on this forum. Sales may not be discussed, no news threads may be posted regarding new releases. This ban does not impact any dolls by Dollshe ordered by November 8, 2023. Any dolls ordered after November 8, 2023, regardless of the date the sculpt was released, are banned from this forum as are any dolls released under his new or future companies including but not limited to Club Coco BJD. This ban does not apply to other company dolls cast by Dollshe as part of a casting agreement between him and the actual sculpt or company and those dolls may still be discussed on the forum. Please come to Ask the Moderators if you have any questions.
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Doll Faux Pas

Nov 27, 2004

    1. I thought the Elf Lishe on the Luts website was a boy the first time I saw her xD which will teach me to read things more carefully...

      I also unstrung Lucien, my Shiwoo when I first got him, just to see how it worked. I was very proud of myself as I looked down at all the parts, then I was like.. oh holy crap, how do I put him together again!? xD I'm so stupid.. I came up with all sorts of amazing ideas, until Lucien himself pointed out that a cheap piece of string would do the trick x3;
    2. I had known about Volks for a few years, so I was aware of the price range, but only recently have I been determined to buy a BJD. Out of being out of "the loop" for so long, I realized that there were many things I did not know, and many n00b mistakes to be made.

      1. I didn't realize there was anything outside of Volks. At all.
      2. I kept spelling Lishe "L-E-S-H-E" for a while there.
      3. I had no idea what "BW" stood for.
      4. I was also shocked to see that a lot of people came over to the BJD world from anime.
      5. You mean Ttory really is a boy?!

      I read as much as I could before I finally joined the forum, but I know I'm bound to make more mistakes as I go along.
    3. I had no idea whether Lishe and El were girls or boys :oops: , and it took me forever to realise that there were actually OTHER companies that made dolls outside of Volks, and that people actually bought from them. I also thought, at first, that SDs were 11 1/2 inches tall, like DPs are, and I still have NO IDEA how to tell which Volks heads are which!!!!
    4. I have a horendous memory and I just can't keep any of their names straight, except the CP dolls because they're my favorites. Especially the Volks dolls. My friends will say "oh I want ____" and I'll be like, who? oO I can't even remember if I want Kohya or Tohya...I think it's Tohya. >>
    5. You and me both, my memory is like a fly's. I'd start a semi-serious wishlist if I could start seriously remembering names. I tend to remember names before faces.

      Besides the lovely Cyndy, Tsukasa, Jeong, and Cyn of course. ...Now that I think about it, biting off more than I can chew with my wishlist becoming long isn't a good idea either. Limited earnings..
    6. Yeah, I am so poor right now XD And my current employment is umm at the low end of the wage spectrum lol. The "doll line" is way too long already...Shiwoo, Hound, Paris, Tohya...it's a good thing I know next to nothing about the Volks dolls. :oops:
    7. i don't feel so bad. I'm a big noob to the BJD community (I think i discovered them around july this year, digested the price and dove in headfirst). but i know all the dolls, their differences, read every faq at every place i could find, decided different brands i liked/disliked, different hands i liked. I know what the F01-f28 heads are, but i haven't extensively looked at them.

      and for mistakes
      i call everything a dollfie. >< trying to stop.
      i hae an acute fear and mingled excitement to try face ups.
      i'm obsessing to the point of driving my mom crazy (sewing clothes looking up this and that etc)
      the first time i saw the prices i dropped my laptop. :oops:
    8. lol thats why im starting out small with dollfie plus's. 200 is alot of money to drop for me now and I really like the Dollfie plus's. and im probly gonna get flamed for that.
    9. :oops: Sometimes I still refer to ABJDs as 'dollfies'... and I still read OOAK as 'oak' or 'oo-ack'. I also have difficulties telling apart some Volks headmolds. I can pick out an Isao or a F-29, but the earlier ones tend to confuse me... I'll have to work on that.
    10. Things done wrong (or rather, those funny things I did that shame me now and make me blush but readily accept that they were a part of my past.):

      This feels like confession, oddly. ...Where's a BJD priest when you need one?

      Side note: If any of this doesn't make readable sense, please forgive me. I'm a little ill right now and on medication.

      1) Whining about price -here- after I was well aware of the costs (Before I came here, I had invesitaged for about 2 years. I have doll fetishes.). (Mostly because I first fell in love about three years ago, but "everyday life" hit me repeatedly and caused me budgeting problems that went into whining.)

      2) Settling for something smaller, less expensive, but ultimately not what I wanted, and then having a small huffing fit with my mother when she said that all BJDs were, in essence, were expensive pieces of trash. (However, I came to my senses, didn't buy anything... And that was good, because not long afterward, my transmission blew in my old car, followed by the issues of college books/board.)

      3) Though I generally understand facial sculpts, body moulds, and various forms of BJD... At the very beginning of my BJD obsession, I thought Volks was the only one that really existed. (And I'm prejudiced as they remain my favorite thanks to some of the mind-washing, er... persuasion from some of the most charming sites around that I first came into contact with.)

      4) Ranting entirely too much on everything BJD related that came to mind. ...*blinks up at everything she previously typed.* ... Oops. *sheepish*

      So yes...three hail marys and a dose of medication?
    11. **chuckles** Um...let's see...nope. I don't think I can top Jade's. :wink:
    12. I still can't tell which heads are which. :oops: and from years ago when Volks was basically it to today, I can't keep track of all the doll types anymore. :? *confused* so even the newbies don't have to worry...you'll always have airheaded me to laugh at :oops:
    13. ........................
    14. At first, I didn't think there was much difference in the sizes. I thought, you know, a SD would be a few inches taller than an MSD, so I was like, "why pay a couple hundred dollars more for boobs?" My first doll was MSD. ^

      I went to my first doll meet and freaked the heck out.
    15. ^^ Ah...I'll forever be a n00b in this hobby:

      * I only focus on dolls from companies that I own dolls from and don't know much about ones from other companies, but I'll work on it!
      * I have a knack of breaking off my dolls' limbs. :doh Yesterday my El's arm fell off while I was trying to change his hand and the string snapped back. Today I also disconnected my Ryung's feet from her socket before finding out the hard way that my El is a better ballet dancer. ^^ Never flex Rainy feet!! *goes to find superglue*
    16. I tend to be a lurker for the most part so didn't make too many errors (cough). I was actually getting fairly confident that I was finding my way around this hobby now then I went to my first BJD meet......

      Yep, if there's a doll you haven't come across or a site you haven't been keeping up with, they will be at that meet. I hadn't had much to do with D.O.D. for a while so hadn't come across Elf Ducan. Naturally he was there along with numerous other dolls, all customised so they looked NOTHING like they do on their websites. Nothing like being a n00b in person!
    17. I think my biggest n00b problem wasn't really an ABJD doll thing but a DoA thing. I STILL wanna just toss all conversation in General Chat. I ALWAYS forget I am supposed to go size-specific if I can....
    18. I don't know where the hell I got the idea from but I remember thinking that the difference between a dollfie and a super dollfie was removable eyes :sweat
    19. I made some really dumb comments in my first post...basically things like I didn't know there was an english version of Dollmore, didn't really know the average cost of faceups, clothes or dolls. I even said I was gonna look around for something a little bit cheaper although I figured DM Ray was the one I was gonna go for.

      Also, before I knew who CP and Dollshe were, I had seen a few Hounds around and heard the name "Cerberus Project" and somehow associated it with the hounds, so I was greatly confused when I finally got to Luts and the Hounds were under the Dollshe section. Heheh.
    20. when restringing kayden I took forever trying to get his feet on one of his legs...seriously, I had to enlist help from my mother, and it still was a struggle.

      Of course. When we're done...I realize that his legs look wierd.

      OMg I put the wrong leg on the wrong side!!! X_X;;;
      my mom looked ready to strangle me lol ^^;;;