1. It has come to the attention of forum staff that Dollshe Craft has ceased communications with dealers and customers, has failed to provide promised refunds for the excessive waits, and now has wait times surpassing 5 years in some cases. Forum staff are also concerned as there are claims being put forth that Dollshe plans to close down their doll making company. Due to the instability of the company, the lack of communication, the lack of promised refunds, and the wait times now surpassing 5 years, we strongly urge members to research the current state of this company very carefully and thoroughly before deciding to place an order. For more information please see the Dollshe waiting room. Do not assume this cannot happen to you or that your order will be different.
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DOLL LEAVES 1/3 girls Discussion thread

Oct 21, 2011

    1. To be fair to Doll Leaves, this doll does look much better dressed. I emailed them about the incorrect bust size and they will send me the correct size bust. Their answer was prompt and helpful - also apologetic (much better than some of the more popular/established BJD companies I have had to deal with). Here are some photos of her dressed:

    2. I am inlove with Bailey! But my only worry is that the body seems like unproportion.

      Do you guys know what body(hybrid) will fit on Bailey? I'm planning to order a head.
    3. I think the head would look better on a 62cm body. I will try to put it on that size body and take a photo for you. The head is large so will need wider shoulders to make it look in right proportions. Will try to get to that today but have dentist appointment so...maybe.
    4. I think I like Bailey, but I wish there were more owner pictures of her.

      I didn't understand... is the doll pictured above a Bailey or a Noir? It doesn't look the same as the Bailey in the company pictures to me.
    5. Here are some photos of Bailey in blond hair..maybe a little more like Doll Leaves photo and yes the photos are of Bailey.

    6. Thank you. She is still a lovely doll, but the shape of her face looks different from what I expected.
      This is very helpful. :)
    7. More photos in different wigs:
    8. I really love Bailey's head sculpt, so I'm hoping to see your match up with a 62cm body!
    9. Bailey is such a beautiful girl ! I'm mostly interested in Noir but I'm seriously thinking about ordering her :D
    10. Thanks for showing your pics of Bailey. What do you think of the body and how poseable is it? I've ordered a Noir head on a female body. I hope that it works ok. I showed everyone Noir and they all thought he made a better girl than a boy, so we shall see when 'she' arrives.
    11. I lean toward toward Noir as well. I believe he is prettier as a girl.
      Thanks for sharing Bailey with us.:chocoberry
    12. I was thinking about Noir as a boy but it can be interesting to have him in girl too :3nodding:

      Ishtar -> I hope to see pictures of your Noir female version ^^
    13. I just made my second layaway payment, so hopefully not much longer to wait. I just hope that the face up is as good as the ones on the Doll Leaves website. I have nothing ready for this one, as I want to have a fairy like doll, and need to see it in the flesh before I start to think of costumes etc
    14. Ishtar -> it's good news to hear you're going to have her soon ! also, Doll Leaves faceup seems really gorgeous on the website. I hope it will be the same in real ^^
    15. I'm really interested in seeing Bailey on a different body, resin color comparisons would help too. I'm thinking about getting her but the head-body proportion looks a little weird to me.
    16. I'm a little dissapointed with the face up so far. I've seen two different owner pictures and they are not quite the same. I didn't see any glitter in either as well. I know each face up varies, I do face ups myself. I fell in love with their promo face up but I hope I'm not dissapointed when my girl comes in. I would have done it myself, otherwise.

      I'm a little nervous of how big her head is in proportion but I beleive once she is dressed and has a wig it won't look so big. I will have to hide the collar bone cause it looks so odd next to her face exposed but I really loved her sculpt so I got her awhile back on layaway. Hopefully noir will look good as a girl cause I plan making him a female sculpt.

      I'm still really excited about her coming in. I really hope I'm not dissapointed. This was my first time deviating from my normal doll companies and buying a doll with little to no previous owner pics!
    17. Does anyone own Vanessa? :> Even as a dealer I haven't actually seen one of her in person yet! :D I'd love some photos of her. She seems very cute.
    18. say hello to my new girl Kurau she is a doll leaves Bailey, i have just finished her face up to day, it is ashame you can't see her teeth in these shots x she is my fifth face up so she is not amazing but i am quite happy with her. i might paint afew more feathers on her left cheek but i have not made my mind up yet?



      also here is a side view ;)

      oh RavenLunaloo Kurau originally came with offical face up but for some reason i was not in love with it like the one in the offical photos ^~^ i am not sure why? yet my other two dolls and noir's head was way better the the offical photos.. i soo need to take some photos of noir head i think i might buy a doll love's body for him because the resin in a good match.
    19. Ooh~ She's very pretty :D The addition of horns suit that sculpt I think. :>
    20. Goldendiamonds I already said in your BO thread I love what you've done, she is stunning. I'd love to see your Noir. What body is your Bailey on as her head doesn't look as disproportionate as it looks on other owner pics?